A. Underline the correct option.

The Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne, wrote some of the best-loved novels (1) for / by / in the English language. Charlotte, who wrote Jane Eyre, and Emily, the author of Wuthering Heights, in particular, are regarded as (2) between / among / in the world’s greatest novelists. (3) As well as / In terms of / In front of novels, they also wrote some outstanding poetry. Although the Brontes lived (4) above / beyond / over 150 years ago, their writing still seems fresh and exciting today. Jane Eyre, for example, is a powerful, romantic story with the main character being an independent, intelligent young woman. (5) In terms of / According to / Out of the themes it deals with, the novel is considered to be (6) apart from / against / ahead of its time. Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte’s only novel, is dark and tragic, and is (7) despite / unlike/ except anything else that was written at the time.  (8) Like / With / As most authors, the Bronte sisters used their own experiences, the landscapes and people (9) among / around / upon them as materials for their books. They lived together in their father’s house in a remote village in the north of England (10) until / to / by their deaths. (11) As / Like / From children, they were only able to attend school (12) throughout / over / for a few years but they read many books at home, and (13) over / during / among their childhood wrote stories for each other about an imaginary world. When they first published their novels, the three sisters used men’s names. This was (14) due to / next to / according to the fact that in those days writing books was not seen as a suitable thing for women to do. Things are very different today, of course.


1 in   2 among   3 As well as   4 over

5 In terms of   6 ahead of   7 unlike

8 Like   9 around   10 until   11 As

12 for   13 during   14 due to

B. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

1   Barry’s teacher is satisfied ……………. his progress in English, but he has plenty of room ……………. improvement in Maths.

2   I was ……………. the impression that the beach would be packed ……………. holidaymakers, but I was wrong.

3   The government is faced ……………. a large increase ……………. the number of people wanting to go to university.

4   The kitchen was ……………. a terrible mess – it wasn’t fair ……………. you to expect Jill to sort it all out.

5   I’m not aware ……………. any problems with taking food onto the plane, but perhaps we should check this ……………. advance with the airline.

6   People in this region are known ……………. their hospitality and their fondness ……………. good food.

7   Anisha takes great pride ……………. her work, which is why she got so upset ……………. the mistake she made.

8   This website should be safe ……………. any security threats, ……………. the time being at least.


1 with; for   2 under; with   3 with; in

4 in; of   5 of; in   6 for; for   7 in; about

8 from; for

C. Complete the questions by putting the words in the correct order. Then match the questions to the correct replies.

 for / charging / they / are / this / much

     How ……………………………………….?

 you / of / remind / she / does

     Who ……………………………………….?

 being / o f / accused / is / she

     What ……………………………………….?

 taste / that / like / does / sauce

     What ……………………………………….?

  as / did / you / surprise / to / a / it / come

      Why ……………………………………….?

 of / choice / approve / my / you / don’t / of / film

     Why ……………………………………….?

 we / this / put / can / to / stop / a

     How ……………………………………….?

 you / book / to / were / referring

     Which ……………………………………….?

a   It’s quite salty, actually.

b   I just hadn’t expected it.

c   I’ve seen it before and it’s awful.

d   Wuthering Heights.

e   Oh, it’s quite cheap.

f   By introducing stricter rules.

g   Stealing from her employers.

h   A company in Turkey.

i   Your sister.

j   Several weeks, I think.


1   How much are they charging for this? e

2   Who does she remind you of? i

3   What is she being accused of? g

4   What does that sauce taste like? a

5   Why did it come as a surprise to you? b

6   Why don’t you approve of my choice of film? c

7   How can we put a stop to this? f

8   Which book w ere you referring to? d

D. Circle the correct option.

I’m writing from the Iguazu Waterfalls, one of the most 1………. places I’ve ever been to. The waterfalls, which are right on the border between Argentina and Brazil, are 2………. Beautiful and absolutely 3………. . Apparently, they are 4………. similar in size to the Victoria Falls in Africa but what’s great about Iguazu is how close you can get to the water at the top of the falls and also at the 5………. bottom. Yesterday, I joined a boat trip to the foot of the falls and we actually went behind the falling water. It was quite 6………. and we got 7………. wet, of course, but I loved it. The day before, I was at the top of the falls, the place they call the Devil’s Throat, and I was utterly 8………. by the noise and the 9………. volume of water that pours down.

I’ve enjoyed myself the 10………. time I’ve been here actually. My hotel is 11………. fantastic. It’s cheap and has a restaurant which serves very 12………. local dishes. To get to the falls, I’ve been taking the 13………. modem bus which has a 14………. young guide on board who can answer any questions you might have. Unfortunately, I have to fly home tomorrow but it’s been a very enjoyable holiday.

1   a fascinated   b amazing   c incredibly

2   a too   b sheer   c extremely

3   a enormous   b big   c large

4   a utterly   b very   c completely

5   a very   b really   c quite

6   a afraid   b scary   c frightened

7   a freezing   b boiling   c soaking

8   a stunned   b interested   c excited

9   a mere   b sheer   c dead

10   a main   b all   c whole

11   a absolutely   b fairly   c virtually

12   a unique   b tasty   c delicious

13   a hotel   b comfortable   c tourist

14   a friendly   b Brazilian   c blond


1 b   2 c   3 a   4 b   5 a   6 b   7 c   8 a   9 b   10 c

11 a   12 b   13 b   14 a

E. Match the pairs.

1   We’re positive

2   We’re prepared to work hard

a   to find a solution.

b   that we can solve this problem.

3   It’s worth

4   It was nice of you

a   waiting a bit longer.

b   to wait for us.

 It would be great

 I’m hopeful

 that I’ll see her again soon.

 to see you again soon.

7   I’m ashamed

8   I feel awful

a   to say I can’t remember her name.

b   having to say that I don’t know.

9   They’re sure

10   They’re busy

a   looking for work.

b   to find jobs.

11   It’s obvious

12   It’s hard

 we need more help.

 to find anyone who’ll help.

13   I’m free

14   I felt uncomfortable

 to go and see him at the weekend.

 going at that time of the day.

15   Ali is willing

16   It’s no good

a   just doing what Monica says all the time.

b   to do what Charmaine has suggested.

17   I’m confident

18   We would be mad

a   that we’ll reach an agreement.

b   to agree to their proposal.

19   It was wrong of me

20   I was aware

a   that there was a problem.

b   to blame Lily for what happened.


1 b   2 a   3 a   4 b   5 b   6 a   7 a   8 9 b   10 a   11 a   12 b

13 a   14 b   15 b   16 a   17 a   18 b   19 b   20 a

F. Complete each sentence by adding TWO of the adverbs in brackets in the correct places.

1   ………………. that book is ………………. difficult to find. (though / extremely / apparently / tomorrow)

2   We ………………. saw the lake and it was ………………. wonderful. (however / eventually / hopefully / absolutely)

3   We were ………………. tired that we fell asleep almost ………………. . (so / quite / therefore / immediately)

 It’s ………………. not good ………………. . (enough / well / just / far)

 I can’t hear you ………………., ………………. . (never / unfortunately / properly / just)

 ………………. we should go out more ………………. . (often / absolutely / far / perhaps)

 The best thing to do, ………………., is to keep going ………………. . (hardly / enough / forward / basically)

 I don’t ………………. think it’s possible, ………………. . (very / really / possibly / probably)

 He wasn’t ………………. standing ………………. in front of you but I’m sure he wasn’t far away. (too / right / necessarily / though)


1 Apparently; extremely   2 eventually; absolutely

3 so; immediately   4 just; enough

5 properly; unfortunately   6 Perhaps; often

7 basically; forward   8 really; though

9 necessarily; right

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