A. What do the underlined words in the blog refer to?

(1) They told me (2) it would be amazing, but I never imagined how amazing. I don’t normally go to art galleries, but my art-loving friends told me (3) this one was different from all (4) the others. (5) It showed the work of artists with disabilities. (6) This sounded interesting, so I decided to go. I wasn’t expecting (7) them to be especially good – perhaps better than I could do with my eyes closed or with my mouth – but in fact the paintings I saw there were incredible. (8) They were both beautiful and powerful. I ended up spending the whole afternoon (9) there, and I want to go back and see (10) the whole thing again tonight.

1   they = ………………………………

2   it = ………………………………

 this one = ………………………………

4   the others = ………………………………

 It = ………………………………

 This = ………………………………

 them = ………………………………

 they = ………………………………

 there = ………………………………

10   the whole thing = ………………………………


1   my art-loving friends

2   the art gallery / exhibition

3   this art gallery

4   other a rt galleries

5   this art gallery

6   the idea of work by disabled artists

7   the paintings

8   the paintings

9   in the gallery

10   the whole art gallery / exhibition

B. Look again at the underlined words in the email in Exercise A. Which refer forwards (→)? Which refer backwards (←)?

1   ………………….

2   ………………….

3   ………………….

4   ………………….

5   ………………….

6   ………………….

7   ………………….

8   ………………….

9   ………………….

10   ………………….


1      2     3     4     5

6     7     8     9     10

C. Match the sentences. The underlined words will help you.

 Some people are born with artistic talent.

 The painting was really expensive.

 Art includes not only paintings but also sculptures.

 The following artists have influenced her work.

 I really enjoyed the exhibition.

 He stared at the money in his hand.

 I don’t paint what I see with my eyes.

 She usually paints pictures of wildlife in her garden.

 The details of the exhibition are as follows.

10   For the first two hours. I was alone at the exhibition of my paintings.

a   It was one of the best shows I’ve seen this year.

b   She collects the former, but not the latter.

c   It runs from 4 April to 11 May and it costs £8 to get in.

d   He had sold his first painting.

e   I paint what I feel in mv heart.

 Others have to work much harder.

g   Firstly, Dali, whose paintings she first saw as a child.

h   Eventually, however, the first visitors arrived.

 On the other hand, it’ll probably be worth even more in a few years.

 She’s been fascinated by animals all her life.


1 f   2 i   3 b   4 g   5 a   6 d   7 e   8 j   9 c   10 h

D. Match the pairs.

1   I bought this painting for £5. It was

2   I bought this painting for £5. That was

a   over 20 years ago.

b   a real bargain.

 I haven’t listened to the radio for months. It’s

 I haven’t listened to the radio for months. That’s


 because it’s broken.

 These are my lucky shoes. They’ve brought me

 These are my lucky shoes. They’ve taken me

a   around the world.

 lots of luck.

 She didn’t get the job. It was

 She didn’t get the job. That was

 a job she really wanted,

 a real shame.

 He’s a very successful artist. He’s come

10   He’s a very talented artist. He’s gone

 much further than we ever expected.

 a long way since he started painting.


1 a   2 b   3 a   4 b   5 b   6 a   7 a   8 b   9 b   10 a

E. Replace the underlined words with pronouns.

(1) The theft happened at midnight. (2) The thief had hidden in a cupboard in the gallery earlier that afternoon. Eventually, after six hours sitting (3) in the cupboard in silence, (4) the thief opened the door and looked around. The gallery was empty. The guard was asleep in her chair. Next to (5) the guard was an empty bag of sweets, which the thief had given to (6) the guard earlier, to send her off to sleep. The guard had eaten the whole pack. The thief crept along the corridor, past valuable works of art. And then he saw (7) the masterpiece, the picture he had come to steal.

(8) The thief had planned this break-in very carefully. Many other criminals had tried to steal this painting. (9) The thief had tried to steal (10) the picture himself a few years ago – that robbery had been a disaster. But (11) this robbery would be different. (12) The thief was the first burglar to work out how to switch off the alarm and the cameras and send the guard to sleep. Very quietly, …

Find one or more synonyms in the story for the words below. Can you think of any more? Use a dictionary of synonyms or a thesaurus.

a   robbery, …………………………………….

b   thief, …………………………………….

c   bag, …………………………………….

d   picture, …………………………………….


1 It   2 He   3 there   4 he   5 her   6 her   7 it

8 He   9 He   10 it   11 this   12 He

a   theft, break-in, burglary

b   criminal, burglar, robber, crook, villain, etc

c   pack, packet.

d   work of art, masterpiece, painting, image, etc.

F. Write a short paragraph about a person who has done something amazing. It could be a true story or invented.

Use the following techniques to make it more interesting;

–  pronouns at the beginning of your story, which you explain later;

–  echoing;

–  tenses such as past perfect to relate the background events to the main events.


your own answers

G. Circle the correct option.

1   I didn’t really like the paintings. …………. because I couldn’t understand what they showed.

      a It is

      b They were

      c This was

2   Those chocolates were delicious, but I can’t eat any more. Do you want ………….?

      a one     b these     c it

3   When you …………. us a present.

      a come back, bring

      b go back, bring

      c go back, take

4   I love both running and painting. The former keeps me fit, while the …………. relaxes me.

      a following     b latter     c later

5   I would like to thank the people. First of all, my parents, who…

      a next     b previous     c following


1 c   2 a   3 a   4 b   5 c

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