A. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

A recent government report (1) ………………….. (HIGH) the (2) ………………….. (EXTEND) to which credit card debt is spiralling. Blame is (3) ………………….. (PORTION) solely to the credit card companies, who, the report claims, will go to any (4) ………………….. (LONG) to attract new customers. (5) ………………….. (ADD), according to the report, they are responsible for encouraging existing customers to borrow more by raising their monthly limit. Certainly a recent advertising campaign by a major credit card company – which has since been (6) ………………….. (DRAW) – seems to bear these findings out.

However, while the responsibility of the credit card companies is not (7) ………………….. (CONSIDER), it is, in my opinion, unfair to lay all the blame on their shoulders. The (8) ………………….. (MAJOR) of credit card users are able to make their (9) ………………….. (PAY) on time without difficulty. There will always be a (10) ………………….. (MINOR) of people in our society who are financially irresponsible. If they run up huge debts, is it really the credit card company’s fault?


1 highlights/highlighted   2 extent   3 apportioned

4 lengths   5 Additionally   6 withdrawn

7 inconsiderable   8 majority

9 (re)payments   10 minority

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

11   You’re asking for trouble by arguing with the boss so aggressively like that. ice

        You’re ……………………………….. by arguing with the boss so aggressively like that.

12   Are you saying Dan gets angry easily, Fiona? short

        Are you saying Dan ……………………………….., Fiona?

13   There’s no doubt shopping around is a good idea. pays

        There’s no doubt ……………………………….. around.

14   I’d prefer to get value for money by staying at the theme park all day. worth

        I’d rather I ……………………………….. by staying at the theme park all day.

15   I think Dad’s worried about a lot of things at the moment. mind

        I think Dad ……………………………….. at the moment.

16   Why didn’t you search everywhere for your wallet? Then you might have found it. low

        If ……………………………….. for your wallet, you might have found it.

17   I can’t cope at all with my new job, and that bothers me. depth

        I wish ……………………………….. my new job.

18   Jane was the unlucky one so she had to tell Ed he was losing his company car. straw

        If Jane ……………………………….., she wouldn’t have had to tell Ed he was losing his company car.


11   skating on thin ice

12   has (got) a short temper/has (got) a short fuse

13   it pays to shop

14   got my money’s worth

15   has (got) a lot (of things) on his mind

16   you had searched high and low

17   I wasn’t out of my depth in /with/weren’t out of my depth in /with

18   hadn’t drawn the short straw

C. Write a word from the box in each gap. There is one word you will not use.

compensation • debit • deposit • dividend • mortgage • overdraft • payment • pension • sum

19   It’ll take me 25 years to pay off the …………………….. . Then the house will be mine!

20   We pay all our bills by direct …………………….., so we don’t have to spend hours in long queues.

21   We’re paying for the car in instalments. In fact, we made the first down …………………….. yesterday.

22   When the insurance policy matures, you can either have a one-off lump …………………….. payment, or receive a certain amount per month for ten years.

23   My grandfather used to be in the army, so he gets a small serviceman’s …………………….. every month.

24   I never seem to have any money left in the last week of the month. Maybe I should arrange a/an …………………….. with the bank.

25   We ask that you pay a 10% …………………….. now, and the balance on receipt of the goods.

26   The judge awarded Mrs Thompson £300,000 …………………….. for unfair dismissal.


19 mortgage   20 debit   21 payment   22 sum

23 pension   24 overdraft   25 deposit   26 compensation

D. Circle the correct word.

27   If we all collect / club / group together, we should be able to afford something special.

28   You’ll need to drum / beat / bang up a lot more support before the council listens to you.

29   Reggie’s watched / timed / clocked up over 3,000 hours’ flying time already.

30   My debts are mounting / climbing / getting up and I’m not bringing enough money in. It’s worrying!

31   Let’s shape / size / lengthen the situation up very carefully before making any important decisions.

32   that I know much. it sounds a lot, but if you break / knock / hit it down into an amount per month, it’s actually not

33   I will lend you the money, but you have to give / pay / hand me back by the end of the week.

34   Hundreds of British people have been buying / spending / purchasing up land all over western Crete.


27 club   28 drum   29 clocked   30 mounting

31 size   32 break   33 pay   34 buying

E. Choose the correct answer.

35   It’s high time ………………….. up to your responsibilities as a parent.

        A to face     

        B you face

        C you faced

        D you have faced

36   I’d rather you ………………….. anything for tonight, but I suppose it’s too late to change things now.

        A not arrange

        B don’t arrange

        C didn’t arrange

        D hadn’t arranged

37   Do you wish ………………….. a formal complaint?

        A to make   

        B making

        C you made

        D you to make

38   If only people in our grandparents’ generation ………………….. the opportunities that we take for granted nowadays.

        A could have

        B could have had

        C would have had

        D have had

39   Joan definitely wishes she ………………….. to do all the housework.

        A doesn’t have

        B didn’t have

        C wouldn’t have

        D hadn’t

40   ………………….. any heavier, we’d never have made it on time.

        A Were the traffic

        B Had the traffic been

        C Should the traffic be

        D Be the traffic

41   I’d never kill an animal unless it ………………….. me first.

        A has attacked

        B will attack

        C attacks

        D attacked

42 Imagine the Internet ………………….. created. Our lives would be so different, don’t you think?

        A wasn’t       B hadn’t been

        C to not be  D to not have been


35 C   36 D   37 A   38 B   39 B   40 B   41 D   42 B

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