A. Circle the correct word.

1   The operation can only go ahead if the child’s parents consent / submit to it.

2   In Britain, prisoners are not entitled / exempt to vote in elections, but I think they should be allowed to.

3   Colonel Wilson commands / intimidates over 5,000 men.

4   We need to plan carefully to eliminate / prohibit all risk of failure.

5   Queen Victoria saw many changes during her time as dictator / monarch.

6   It’s one thing having this law, but unless the police enforce / reinforce it, it’s useless.

7   I don’t think I’ll ever master / reign surfing.

8   Our manager at work just tries to bully / conquer us all into doing what she wants.

9   But surely the council don’t have the aggression / authority to change the law, do they?

10   Didn’t the government foresee that there would be a lot of controversy / unrest in the papers about this latest proposal?


1 consent   2 entitled   3 commands   4 eliminate   5 monarch

6 enforce   7 master   8 bully   9 authority   10 controversy

B. Complete using the words in the box.

benign • former • inferior • mainstream • minister • reluctant

• society • subjective • superior • vulnerable

1   Bill Clinton, ………………….. President of the United States, arrived in Beijing today.

2   After years in small political parties, I gradually became more interested in ………………….. politics.

3   My boss doesn’t know what he’s doing, but I can’t tell him that because he’s ………………….. to me.

4   I was ………………….. to help her, but I had no choice.

5   You might think people want this law, but that’s just your ………………….. opinion and you don’t have any facts to back it up.

6   A dictator might appear ………………….., but you never know when they might start to abuse their power.

 We must do all we can to help those who are in a ………………….. position.

 Each department is controlled by a ………………….., who is part of the government.

 Don’t think I’m ………………….. to you. I’m just as good as you are.

10   I’m sick of worrying about what ………………….. thinks and I’m just going to do what I want.


1 former   2 mainstream   3 superior   4 reluctant   5 subjective

6 benign   7 vulnerable   8 minister   9 inferior   10 society

C. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

dominate • impose • label • liberate • resist • restrict • subject • summon • undermine • victimise


We are (1) ………………….. to many different forms of power. There are those forms of power that exist by law: the right of the government to (2) ………………….. laws on a country and to (3) ………………….. what we are allowed to do. There is also the right of courts to (4) ………………….. people to appear to stand trial or to give evidence. There is also, of course, power on a more personal level.

People are constantly struggling for power and social status. This might take the form of attempting to (5) ………………….. a conversation, something that is relatively easy to (6) ………………….. since it is so obvious. It is more difficult to (7) ………………….. ourselves from other forms of social power. When we are (8) ………………….. as ‘this’ or ‘that’ by other people and put into a category, that too is a form of power. Bosses at work might (9) ………………….. their employees by making them work long hours. A parent might (10) ………………….. their child’s self-confidence with constant criticism. Power is everywhere and the more you understand it, the more you may be able to control it.


1 subject/subjected   2 impose   3 restrict   4 summon

5 dominate   6 resist   7 liberate   8 labelled   9 victimise

10 undermine

D. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

bureaucracy • community • convict • corruption • deterrent • institution

legislation • prejudice • reform • state

Crime and punishment

The demand for prison (1) ………………….. has steadily increased as more and more people have come to see that locking people up in (2) ………………….. simply doesn’t reduce crime. Not only does it fail to act as a (3) ………………….., but it does very little to help (4) ………………….. readjust to life back in the (5) ………………….. after they have served their time. Prisons are isolated places, where prisoners learn from other criminals, and where bullying, bribery and other forms of (6) ………………….. spread. Once outside prison, offenders face (7) ………………….., which tends to force them back into a life of crime. Even once the (8) ………………….. recognises the need for change, it is notoriously slow. It usually demands new (9) ………………….. to change the system, and while the slow processes of (10) ………………….. go on, more and more lives are affected.


1 reform   2 institutions   3 deterrent   4 convicts

5 community   6 corruption   7 prejudice   8 state

9 legislation   10 bureaucracy

E. If the word in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, replace it with one of the words in bold from the other sentences.

1   It’s ridiculous to think that we should advocate passports and just let everyone go where they like. …………………

2   What I don’t understand is why the government aren’t doing the work that this heritage is doing. …………………

 Don’t you think that our library system is an important part of our national action? …………………

 Unions are threatening industrial class unless the pay offer is increased. …………………

 Do you alleviate capital punishment for very serious offences? …………………

 Derren came from a working immigration background but eventually became a lord. …………………

 Warning: We will abolish anyone caught shoplifting. …………………

 I suppose I was privileged to go to private school, but I don’t think about it much. …………………

 More must be done to prosecute the suffering of the poorest in society. …………………

10   High levels of charity to Australia from Europe in the nineteenth century meant there was a rapid increase in its population. …………………


1 abolish   2 charity   3 heritage   4 action   5 advocate

6 class   7 prosecute   8 ✓   9 alleviate   10 immigration

F. Match to make sentences.

 No matter what I said, Chris refused to back

 Hardly had they locked the shop

 Only radical action will bring

 What annoys me is that the man got

 The Prime Minister hit

 Things have certainly improved since you took

 The authorities shouldn’t give

 I don’t care who gets

 in to this kind of blackmail from the workers.

 off with just 100 hours’ community service.

 in at this election because it doesn’t make any difference.

 down from her position on abortion.

E   over the business and rearranged things.

F   up when the alarm went off.

 about the changes that we so desperately need.

 back at her critics and claimed she had done nothing wrong.


1 D   2 F   3 G   4 B   5 H   6 E   7 A   8 C

G. Write a word in each gap so that each second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1   They’re gradually getting rid of the old-style passports.

      They’re ……………………….. out the old-style passports.

2   Did you know that you can choose not to pay into the state pension scheme?

      Did you know that you can ………………………… out of the state pension scheme?

3   The police are making a special effort to deal with illegal parking around here.

      The police are ……………………….. down on illegal parking around here.

4   Police officers in plain clothes tried to join the crowd and not be noticed.

      Police officers in plain clothes tried to ……………………….. in with the crowd.

5   You shouldn’t let Stephanie bully you.

      You should ……………………….. up to Stephanie.

6   The press directed most of their criticism at the Deputy Prime Minister.

      The Deputy Prime Minister was ……………………….. out for criticism by the press.

7   I wish you wouldn’t speak to me as if you were superior.

      I wish you wouldn’t ……………………….. down to me.

8   Kyle got in trouble for bullying kids in the playground.

      Kyle got in trouble for ……………………….. kids around in the playground.


1 phasing   2 opt   3 cracking   4 blend

5 stand   6 singled   7 talk   8 pushing

H. Some phrasal verbs with up, such as lock up, have meanings connected to ‘fastening or restricting’. Tick the sentences where the phrasal verb has a meaning connected to ‘fastening or restricting’.

 I heard on the news that terrorists have blown a train up in India. ………………..

 I think it’s cruel to leave a dog chained up like that all day. ………………..

 It’s freezing outside. Do up your coat before you go out. ………………..

 Sorry! I didn’t mean to mess your room up, but I was looking for something. ………………..

 Why don’t you sew up that hole in your jeans before you go out? ………………..

 The parcel was taped up so I had to use scissors to open it. ………………..

 I found a rope to tie the burglar up with and then I called the police. ………………..

 Can you help me? I can’t zip up my top. ………………..


2 ✓   3 ✓   5 ✓   6 ✓   7 ✓   8 ✓

I. Write one word in each gap.

The Hoody

The hooded top, or ‘hoody’, has become something of a symbol of youth crime in Britain. It seems to get a mention whenever the newspapers get (1) ………………. the subject. Those wearing them are often classed (2) ………………. yobs or hooligans, even when they have done nothing (3) ………………. the law. The problem is that hoodies can easily hide their identity from CCTV cameras. Those (4) ………………. authority in some places such as shopping centres have even gone so far as to ban people wearing hoodies. They claim that the threat of crime (5) ………………. them the right to do it, but there is a danger that young people will actually be provoked (6) ………………. behaving in antisocial ways through rules like this. They may feel that those (7) ………………. power are discriminating against them, and that they refuse to listen when they deny (8) ………………. done anything wrong. It seems to be a classic example (9) ………………. older people feeling threatened by the fashions of the young. At the end of the day, what the members of their peer (10) ………………. think will always be more important to the young than what people running shopping centres think they should or shouldn’t wear.


1 onto   2 as   3 against   4 in   5 gives

6 into   7 in   8 having   9 of   10 group

J. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences.

1   We don’t go out during the week as a ………………………, but we’ll make an exception tonight.

      People must be made to respect the ……………………… of law, or we’ll have anarchy.

      A good ……………………… of thumb is that you should allow 15 minutes per exercise in the exam.

2   Did you hear that the guy who lives in the flat upstairs has been ……………………… with burglary?

      I couldn’t believe they ……………………… me three euros for a bottle of water!

      The children ran out of the school gate and ……………………… down the hill.

3   We have it on good ……………………… that they’re thinking of closing the local office.

      The professor spoke with ……………………… on the subject of young people and crime.

      Responsibility for running the prison has been taken out of the hands of the local ……………………… .

4   The headteacher punished Aaron severely in order to make an ……………………… of him.

      Why can’t you follow your brother’s ……………………… and go to university?

      Give me one ……………………… of a place round here where young people can go in the evenings.

5   The politician ……………………… all responsibility for the prison escape.

      The authorities ……………………… the couple’s request to be allowed to stay in Britain.

      I didn’t believe Abigail when she ……………………… knowing who had stolen the money.

6   My parents have decided to lay down the ……………………… so I can’t come out this weekend.

      This government’s top priority is ……………………… and order.

      Have things improved since the Freedom of Information Act became ………………………?


1 rule   2 charged   3 authority   4 example   5 denied   6 law

K. Choose the correct answer.

1   We all have to follow the rules, and none of us is …………….. the law.

      A beyond      B over

      C above         D onto

2   Apparently, before the fight some of the youths had …………….. themselves with knives.

      A fitted          B installed

      C armed         D readied

3   The woman was convicted and sentenced …………….. six months in prison.

      A for               B on

      C with             D to

4   Since it was a minor offence, Derek was sent to …………….. prison.

      A an open     B an easy

      C a soft          D a weak

5   A middle-aged man was seen running away from the …………….. of the crime.

      A place           B scene

      C location      D point

6   I work such long hours that I don’t really have time for much of a …………….. life.

      A friendly      B outgoing

      C social          D free

7   Don’t worry – the documents are safely …………….. lock and key at my place.

      A under         B in

      C on                D within

8   The most powerful force in a teenager’s life is probably …………….. pressure.

      A friend         B peer

      C company    D crowd

9   We are pleased to inform you that we have decided to …………….. your request for British citizenship.

      A give             B grant

      C permit        D donate

10   We finally managed to …………….. our way through the crowd and reach the exit.

      A create         B insist

      C move          D force


1 C   2 C   3 D   4 A   5 B   6 C   7 A   8 B   9 B   10 D

L. Complete using the words in the box.

book • hand • head • law • live • powers • strings • tape • thumb • way

1   You can’t just bury your ……………………. in the sand and hope that this problem goes away, you know.

2   My dad pulled a few ……………………. and got me the job.

3   You can’t just take the ……………………. into your own hands and attack someone like that.

4   Ian’s really under his boss’s ……………………. and isn’t allowed to make any decisions himself.

5   It was a difficult game, but I eventually managed to gain the upper ……………………. .

6   Our neighbour’s a bit strange, but ……………………. and let live, I always say.

7   The ……………………. that be have decided to ban skateboarding in the park.

8   I had to get through a lot of red ……………………., but I finally got the documents I needed.

9   If you let Vanessa have her own ……………………. all the time, you’ll spoil her.

10   This is the third time Heather’s been caught – they’re really going to throw the ……………………. at her this time.


1 head   2 strings   3 law   4 thumb   5 hand

6 live   7 powers   8 tape   9 way   10 book

M. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

A Reader Writes …

We have all had the experience, I am sure, of feeling (1) ……………….. (POWER) in the face of civil servants. All nations need bureaucrats, but too many have become (2) ……………….. (INSTITUTE) and inflexible. While some carry out their jobs (3) ……………….. (DUTY), others apply the letter of the law but not the spirit, and behave in an (4) ……………….. (OFFICE) manner, relying on computers and rules to tell them what is (5) ……………….. (PERMIT) and what is not. The number of civil servants has increased (6) ……………….. (SIGNIFY) under this current government, which I believe is a good (7) ……………….. (INDICATE) of where their priorities lie. I agree with Jack Turner (Letters, 16th May) that it is a (8) ……………….. (CRIME) waste of taxpayers’ money and I find his argument that we only need one third of them very (9) ……………….. (PERSUADE) indeed. We in this country have (10) ……………….. (ARGUE) the biggest civil service in this part of the world and it is time something was done about it.

Yours sincerely,

  1. P. Kennedy (Mrs)

1 powerless   2 institutionalised   3 dutifully   4 officious

5 permissible   6 significantly   7 indicator/indication

8 criminal   9 persuasive   10 arguably

N. Each of the words in bold is in an incorrect form. Rewrite them correctly.

1   The domineering view is that it’s time this Prime Minister went. …………………..

2   Since the factory closed, many people in the area have been living in hardly. …………………..

3   I find a lot of what is on TV these days offensive and moralise. …………………..

4   Did you know that you can claim charity donations against tax? …………………..

5   Peter gave the ball a mightily kick and sent it over the wall. …………………..

6   From what she said, I think Katie is prejudicial against black people. …………………..

7   Calm down! There’s no need to get so aggression about the situation! …………………..

8   Verity won a prize at school for her example behaviour. …………………..

9   It’s not often you see such agreement between the opposition and the governor party. …………………..

10   I’m sure Scott wouldn’t have hit the other boy if he hadn’t had some kind of provocative. …………………..

11   Lois can be so arguable sometimes and never seems to listen to the other person’s point of view. …………………..

12   I know I’m successful, but I only got where I am today by working hardly. …………………..

13   I’m only telling you this officialdom, but it looks like you are going to be promoted. …………………..

14   This problem may seem significance to you, but I can assure you that the council takes it very seriously. …………………..

15   After the recent civil war, the country is almost government and crime rates have soared. …………………..

16   I managed to persuasive Mike from sacking you, but just be more careful next time. …………………..


1 predominant   2 hardship   3 immoral   4 charitable

5 mighty   6 prejudiced   7 aggressive   8 exemplary

9 governing   10 provocation   11 argumentative   12 hard

13 unofficially   14 insignificant   15 ungovernable   16 dissuade

O. The prefix mis-, as in misgovern, can be used with some nouns and verbs to mean ‘bad/badly’ or ‘wrong/wrongly’. Tick the words below which can form words using mis-.

1   apply

2   behave

3   calculate

4   conduct

5   direct

6   fire

7   fortune

8   hear

9   inform

10   judge

11   lead

12   listen

13   manage

14   organise

15   place

16   print

17   read

18   satisfy

19   spell

20   trust

21   understand

22   use


1 ✓   2 ✓   3 ✓   4 ✓   5 ✓   6 ✓   7 ✓   8

9 ✓   10 ✓   11 ✓   13 ✓   15 ✓   16 ✓   17

19 ✓   20 ✓   21 ✓   22

P. Complete the sentences using words formed in exercise O in the correct form.

1   Oh, I thought you said Saturday. I must have …………………… you.

2   I hope I never have the …………………… to meet that horrible man ever again!

3   The secretary was arrested for …………………… the club’s money.

4   When I looked at the bill, I realised that they had …………………… it by nearly five per cent.

5   Now, be good. I don’t want you to …………………… while Mrs Charlton is here.

6   I always …………………… ‘potato’ because I always think there’s an ‘e’ on the end.

7   I used to think Molly was unfriendly, but I think I …………………… her and she’s actually quite nice.

8   The gun …………………… and injured the soldier.


1 misheard/misunderstood   2 misfortune

3 misusing/mismanaging   4 miscalculated

5 misbehave   6 misspell   7 misjudged   8 misfired

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