A. Write one word in each gap.

Cultural differences at the dinner table

In some cultures, when you are invited to (1) ………………… a meal at someone’s house, you might be considered rude if you don’t say how nice the food is. In Britain, for example, it’s normal for someone to compliment the cook (2) ………………… the tastiness of the meal. You can say something like, ‘That was delicious. Do, please, write the recipe down (3) ………………… me!’

In other cultures, however, people tend not (4) ………………… be so full (5) ………………… enthusiasm for the meal. You might be regarded (6) ………………… being rude, as the cook might associate your praise (7) ………………… surprise. He or she might think, ‘So, they’re shocked I can cook well, are they?’

If you’re not sure how to react, the best advice is to wait and (8) ………………… how other people at the table react. If that doesn’t help, be very careful (9) ………………… what you say! I would suggest (10) ………………… one solution could be to say, ‘That was delicious, but then I knew it would be!’


1 have/eat   2 on   3 for   4 to   5 of

6 as   7 with   8 see   9 about   10 that

B. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

11   My dad never has sugar in coffee or tea but he does sometimes like to add artificial ………………… (SWEET).

12   I don’t know how anyone could eat eyeballs. That’s ………………… (DISGUST)!

13   Jenny stood ………………… (ANXIOUS) in the kitchen, hoping that her soufflé would rise.

14   Did you know that tomatoes ………………… (ORIGIN) from South America?

15   Donald is so ………………… (CREATE) in the kitchen. I think he should be a professional chef.

16   There are sandwiches for you in a plastic ………………… (CONTAIN) in the fridge.

17   It’s important to observe basic health and ………………… (SAFE) precautions when you’re handling uncooked meat.

18   That was ………………… (THOROUGH) delicious! Thank you!


11 sweetener(s)   12 disgusting   13 anxiously

14 originate(d)   15 creative   16 container

17 safety   18 thoroughly

C. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

19   You have to stir the soup every five minutes or so.   stirred

        The soup ………………………………… every five minutes or so.

20   A baker delivered the cake for us this morning.   had

        We ………………………………… a baker this morning.

21   Elaine tasted the curry for me to see how hot it was.   got

        I ………………………………… the curry for me to see how hot it was.

22   Many people say that olive oil is good for the heart.   said

        Olive oil ………………………………… good for the heart.

23   Some people have said that red wine is good for the heart too.   been

        It ………………………………… that red wine is good for the heart too.

24   They’ve been building that new supermarket for months.   construction

        That new supermarket ………………………………… for months.

25   These cucumbers came from our garden!   grown

        These cucumbers ………………………………… our garden!

26   Why don’t you ask an electrician to fit your cooker?   get

        Why don’t you ………………………………… an electrician?

27   I don’t think there’s enough salt in the sauce.   lacking

        I think ………………………………… salt.


19 has to be stirred

20 had the cake delivered by

21 got Elaine to taste

22 is said to be

23 has been said

24 has been under construction

25 were grown in

26 get your cooker fitted by

27 the sauce is lacking in

D. Match to make sentences.

28   I think this milk has gone

29   I ran

30   We’ve run out

31   Mum’s trying

32   It must be getting

33   We’d love you to come

34   This lasagne hasn’t turned

 out a new recipe tonight!

B   of bread so could you go and get some?

C   on for dinner time.

 off so let’s throw it away.

E   out quite how I expected.

F   into Bob in the supermarket yesterday.

 round for dinner sometime.


28 D   29 F   30 B   31 A   32 C   33 G   34 E

E. Choose the correct answer.

35   There’s a pack of ………… vegetables in the freezer, I think.

        A freezing    B frozen

        C iced            D icy

36   There are no vegetarian dishes on the …………!

        A leaflet       B brochure

        C catalogue D menu

37   ………… the onions in cooking oil until they’re golden brown.

        A Boil            B Bake

        C Fry              D Grill

38   Pre-heat the ………… to 200°.

        A oven          B kitchen

        C cuisine       D cook

39   I’ll ………… the washing-up tonight!

        A make         B take

        C do              D have

40   The problem with most fizzy drinks is that they’re ………… sugar.

        A full up       B filled up with

        C filled with D full of

41   Susie and Fran ………… in on us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.

        A turned       B dropped

        C came         D went


35 B   36 D   37 C   38 A   39 C   40 D   41 B

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