A. Choose the correct answer.

1   When you get to your ………………., you have to show your ticket to leave the station.

      A destination     B harbour

      C souvenir           D passport

2   Brazil ………………. coffee all over the world.

      A invests             B demands

      C exports             D affords

3   How do you ………………. ‘csar’?

      A interrupt         B swear

      C guess                D pronounce

4   Dogs make very ………………. pets. They’ll always stay by your side.

      A mental             B private

      C loyal                  D digital

5   Let’s go for a swim as soon as we ………………. the hotel!

      A arrive               B get

      C reach                D meet

6   You have to ………………. or you won’t understand the explanation.

      A concentrate    B contact

      C consider           D involve

7   There’s a train coming. Don’t stand at the edge of the ………………. .

      A property          B link

      C platform          D resort

8   I ………………. a lot of money on my credit cards and I don’t know if I can pay it back.

      A own                  B obtain

      C cost                   D owe


1 A   2 C   3 D   4 C   5 C   6 A   7 C   8 D

B. Write one word in each gap.

Lucky accidents

Sometimes, scientists know what they (9) ………………. looking for and they find it. At other times, things (10) ………………. discovered by accident. Two famous examples of this are gravity and penicillin.

Isaac Newton, (11) ………………. first used maths to describe gravity, was sitting (12) ………………. his garden when he saw (13) ………………. apple fall – some say it fell on his head! This made him think about why, and he realised he (14) ………………. explain it using maths.

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, (15) ………………. was the first antibiotic. It completely changed medicine. He was working (16) ………………. his laboratory when he saw that something (17) ………………. started growing on one of his experiments. He analysed it and realised that it (18) ………………. be very useful in fighting disease. Sometimes luck can be a big help!


9 are   10 are   11 who   12 in   13 an   14 could

15 which   16 in   17 had   18 would/could

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

19   My computer doesn’t work, so I can’t e-mail you. wrong

        There’s ………………………….. my computer, so I can’t e-mail you.

20   When we started our journey towards the mountains, the sun was shining. off

        When we ………………………….. towards the mountains, the sun was shining.

21   Did you mention the plans for this weekend to Matt? talk

        Did you ………………………….. the plans for this weekend?

22   I think we should build a new theatre in town. favour

        I’m ………………………….. building a new theatre in town.

23   You lost Jill’s camera and I think you should say sorry. apologise

        I think you should ………………………….. losing her camera.

24   Have you ever participated in a swimming race? part

        Have you ever ………………………….. in a swimming race.?

25   Remove any mistakes you make using a rubber. rub

        If you make any mistakes, ………………………….. with a rubber.

26   Please play your electric guitar more quietly! down

        Please ………………………….. your electric guitar!

27   How long has Alice been Tony’s girlfriend? out

        How long has Alice been ………………………….. Tony?

28   When was the last time you heard from Nigel? contact

        When was the last time you were ………………………….. Nigel?


19 something wrong with   20 set off

21 talk to Matt about   22 in favour of

23 apologise to Jill for   24 taken part

25 rub them out   26 turn down

27 going out with   28 in contact with

D. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

Top tips for writers

None of us find writing easy. When you can’t see the person who you’re talking to, (29) …………………… (COMMUNICATE) is much more difficult. You have to be (30) …………………… (CARE) to communicate your message clearly, but how do you do that? The first thing you must think about is who you’re writing to.

Then you can make a (31) …………………… (DECIDE) about how formal it should be. A letter to a friend is more like (32) …………………… (SPEAK) English, so your (33) …………………… (PERSON) should be in your writing, while a letter to a hotel manager is formal. You also need to think about what kind of thing you’re writing. The language in a story, for example, should be (34) …………………… (EXPRESS), but the language in a report or an article should be much more (35) …………………… (INFORM). When you’re writing a formal essay giving your opinion, make sure the (36) …………………… (INTRODUCE) gives a general idea of the subject. Later, in the (37) …………………… (CONCLUDE), you should summarise your opinion. Each time you write, you have to make (38) …………………… (CHOOSE) about what you’re going to do. If you do that right, then there’s nothing to stop you becoming a good writer!


29 communicate   30 careful   31 decision

32 spoken   33 personality   34 expressive

35 informative   36 introduction   37 conclusion

38 choices

E. Write one word in each gap.

39   Why don’t you borrow a pencil …………………. someone else?

40   I don’t think I can cope …………………. studying and having a job at the same time.

41   I finally succeeded …………………. jumping over the box on my skateboard.

42   My uncle asked me to help him translate a menu …………………. English.

43   Ed glanced …………………. the message on his mobile phone and then carried on talking.

44   Did you know that our head teacher is married …………………. an actress? I had no idea.

45   This area is famous …………………. its cheese and its bread.

46   I don’t know very much …………………. cooking, but I can make an omelette!

47   I’ve always been interested …………………. insects and spiders. I don’t know why!

48   Jessie seemed to be getting a bit bored …………………. the game, so I suggested watching TV.


39 from   40 with   41 in   42 into   43 at

44 to   45 for   46 about   47 in   48 with

F. Match to make sentences.

49   I think I’m going to take

50   As our plane took

51   Mr and Mrs Davies have split

52   I hope we manage to find

53   I often had to look

54   You should turn

55   I’ve fallen

56   My grandmother brought

 off, I held my dad’s hand tightly.

 after my younger sister when she was small.

 out where the concert is going to happen.

 off the TV and find something else to do.

E   up me and my brother because my parents worked.

F   up a musical instrument, maybe the violin.

 out with Kelly because she hurt my feelings.

 up after more than twenty years together.


49 F   50 A   51 H   52 C   53 B   54 D   55 G   56 E

G. One word in each sentence is in the wrong form. Write the correct form.

57   It’s true! Don’t call me a lie.

58   I need a new chair for my bedroom – this one is so comfort!

59   After not speaking to her for a week, I finally forgive Gemma for not inviting me.

60   It’s important to get a good educate if you want a good job.

61   The book is €10 and you have to pay €2 for deliver.

62   Losing your keys while playing football was really care!

63   I would love to be a music, but I don’t play any instruments.

64   Mum can speak four languages and she works as a translate.

65   I spent my child on a farm, so I know a lot about animals.

66   Do we have to memory all these words?


57 liar   58 uncomfortable   59 forgave   60 education

61 deliver   62 careless   63 musician   64 translator

65 childhood   66 memorise

H. Complete using the words in the box.

chance • common • foot • fun • heart • instance • purpose • schedule

67   Did you break the window on …………………… or was it an accident?

68   The weather was really bad, but our boat still left on …………………… .

69   Our car broke down, so we had to go the rest of the way on …………………… .

70   I loved the poem so much that I learnt it by …………………… .

71   I knew I had a lot in …………………… with Yiota the first time I met her.

72   We use lasers in all kinds of things these days – DVD players, for …………………… .

73   I sing for …………………… – I don’t want to do it as a job.

74   I hadn’t planned to meet Wendy in London. It happened completely by …………………… .


67 purpose   68 schedule   69 foot   70 heart

71 common   72 instance   73 fun   74 chance

I. Write one word in each gap.

75   Why won’t this dog just go ………………… and leave me alone?

76   When does the new Movie Magazine come …………………?

77   If you’re not sure how to spell a word, look it ………………… in a dictionary.

78   I was trying to open the door when I pulled the handle ………………… . Oops!

79   Could you please read ………………… what you’ve written so that everyone can hear?

80   I was looking for something when I came ………………… a very old picture of my dad.

81   What do you want to be when you grow …………………?

82   Did you really see an alien, or are you making it …………………?


75 away   76 out   77 up   78 off   79 out

80 across   81 up   82 up

J. Choose the correct answer.

83   ‘What ……………….. when you saw the man?’ the police officer asked.

        A have you done

        B were you doing

        C are you doing

        D do you do

84   Thomas Edison, ……………….. was American, invented many things, including the light bulb.

        A which    B who

        C that        D what

85   I hope we’re staying ……………….. a good hotel this time!

        A at           B to

        C with       D on

86   I know London quite well because I ……………….. there.

        A used live

        B used to living

        C was used to live

        D used to live

87   My bike ………………..! Call the police!

        A was being stolen

        B has been stolen

        C stole

        D was stealing

88   I’m tired because I ……………….. since eight this morning.

        A have been working

        B work

        C am working

        D had worked

89   Do you think I could have ……………….. water, please?

        A a few     B much

        C few        D a little

90   Is that Paul? He must ……………….. from Australia.

        A return

        B had returned

        C have returned

        D returning


83 B   84 B   85 A   86 D   87 B   88 A   89 D   90 C

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