A. Choose the correct answer.

1   You should ……………….. me you were going to be late!

      A tell           B have told

      C to tell      D to have told

2   The football match ……………….. have finished by now. It started over four hours ago!

      A must       B ought

      C can’t        D wouldn’t

3   I wonder if you know where ………………..

      A is the post office?

      B is the post office.

      C the post office is?

      D the post office is.

4   You don’t eat meat, ……………….. you?

      A are           B eat

      C have        D do

5   Let’s see what’s on at the cinema, ………………..?

      A do we     B shall us

      C shall we  D let us

6   She ……………….. have bought the tickets today, but I can’t be sure.

      A must        B might

      C can’t        D shouldn’t

7   Could you tell us ………………..

      A when you were born?

      B when you were born.

      C when were you born?

      D when were you born.

8   I’m sleeping in Jim’s room tonight, ……………….. I?

      A am not   B don’t

      C aren’t      D isn’t


1 B   2 A   3 D   4 D   5 C   6 B   7 A   8 C

B. Match to make sentences.

 Someone broke

10   I’ll just put

11   Mum always wakes me

12   If you wash these plates

13   The flat is empty, so you can move

14   If you don’t get

 up at half past seven.

 into our neighbour’s house yesterday.

 in whenever you like.

 up soon, you’ll be late for school.

E   these things away and then I’ll be ready.

F   up, I’ll start cooking dinner.


9 B   10 E   11 A   12 F   13 C   14 D

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

15   I’m almost certain I didn’t leave my wallet in the cafe. can’t

        I ………………………………. my wallet in the cafe.

16   They’ll find out that you’ve lied to them about your age. away

        You won’t ………………………………. lying to them about your age.

17   Todd lost my favourite CD, but I’ve forgiven him. for

        I’ve forgiven ………………………………. my favourite CD.

18   The woman said that my uncle was a thief! accused

        The woman ………………………………. a thief!

19   Why didn’t you check the time of the film? should

        You ………………………………. the time of the film!

20   It’ll be difficult to reach the others as they’re a long way ahead. up

        It’ll be difficult to ………………………………. the others as they’re a long way ahead.

21   Everyone said that I’d stolen the money! blamed

        Everyone ………………………………. stealing the money.

22   It’s possible that Jean saw Don in the town centre. may

        Jean ………………………………. Don in the town centre.

23   Our teacher thought that Trudy was responsible for the damage, but she wasn’t. blamed

        Our teacher ………………………………. Trudy, but she didn’t do it.

24   It was wrong of you to take that money. have

        You ………………………………. that money.


15   can’t have left

16   get away with

17   Todd for losing

18   accused my uncle of being

19   should have checked

20   catch up with

21   blamed me for

22   may have seen

23   blamed the damage on

24   ought not to have taken/ shouldn’t have taken

D. Complete using the words in the box.

age • card • club • law • public • response • teens • touch

25   I’ve got a passport, but I haven’t got an identity ……………………… .

26   That kind of behaviour is okay in private, but not in ………………………!

27   I learnt to ride a bike at the ……………………… of three.

28   It’s against the ……………………… to drive a car without a driving licence.

29   Could you put me in ……………………… with someone who knows about starting a website?

30   Shall we go to the youth ……………………… tonight?

31   When I was in my ………………………, I wanted to break all the rules!

32   I am writing in ……………………… to your letter of 15th November.


25 card   26 public   27 age   28 law

29 touch   30 club   31 teens   32 response

E. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

A politician speaks …

It’s my (33) …………………….. (BELIEVE) that we all have some very important questions to ask in this (34) …………………….. (ELECT). What kind of a country do we want to live in? How can we achieve (35) …………………….. (EQUAL) for everyone? How can we all live (36) …………………….. (PEACE) with each other? I think that everyone here who was (37) …………………….. (LIVE) 20 or 30 years ago will be in complete (38) …………………….. (AGREE) that life is better now than it was then. But there are still many local and (39) …………………….. (NATION) problems to solve. Who’s going to solve them? My political party, or the other parties? I want you, the voter, to be (40) …………………….. (COURAGE) and vote for the only person who can really make a difference. Me!


33 belief   34 election   35 equality   36 peacefully

37 alive/living   38 agreement   39 (inter)national  

40 courageous

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