A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in gap in the same line.

How are you?

People don’t always show their true (1) …………………… (FEEL). Somebody with a big smile on their face might actually be (2) …………………… (HAPPY). One of the reasons for this is that our (3) …………………… (EMOTION) life is very personal. Not everyone is (4) …………………… (SYMPATHY) to our problems, so we have to protect ourselves. Some people, particularly teenagers, appear (5) …………………… (BORE) by everything, even things that they actually find (6) …………………… (EXCITE). This may be because they think it’s not very cool to be (7) …………………… (EXCITE) about things, or to be too (8) …………………… (ENERGY) and enthusiastic.


1 feelings   2 unhappy   3 emotional   4 sympathetic

5 bored   6 exciting   7 excited   8 energetic

B. Write one word in each gap.

 Come …………………., or we’re going to be late!

10   Just hang …………………. one second while I find my mobile phone.

11   Peter is so noisy! I wish he would just shut ………………….!

12   It annoyed me that Jason just went …………………. talking when he could see I was crying.

13   Try to calm …………………. and tell us exactly what has happened.

14   You’ll have to speak …………………. because I can’t hear what you’re saying.

15   Did you know that Sarah ran …………………. from home when she was fourteen?

16   I was feeling sad, but seeing my cousins really cheered me …………………. .


9 on   10 on   11 up   12 on   13 down   14 up

15 away   16 up

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

17   I’m depressed because I don’t have enough money to buy a new pair of jeans. afford

        I’m depressed because I …………………………….. a new pair of jeans.

18   Pam looked like she was happy, but I knew she was sad. pretended

        Pam …………………………….. happy, but I knew she was sad.

19   Toby made me feel bad about what I’d done. made

        I …………………………….. bad by Toby about what I’d done.

20   I made up my mind to apologise to Mary. decided

        I …………………………….. to Mary.

21   We finally succeeded in cheering Michael up. managed

        We finally …………………………….. Michael up.

22   I don’t argue with friends if I can avoid it. avoid

        I …………………………….. with friends if I can.

23   I don’t care what other people think any more. stopped

        I’ve …………………………….. what other people think.

24   Claudia dislikes arguments and so do I. both

        Claudia …………………………….. dislike arguments.

25   Martha isn’t very kind and neither is Vicky. nor

        Neither Martha …………………………….. very kind.


17 can’t afford to buy   18 pretended to be

19 was made to feel   20 decided to apologise

21 managed to cheer   22 avoid arguing

23 stopped caring about   24 and I both

25 nor Vicky are

D. Choose the correct answer.

26   I want ……………….. me what’s wrong, but she won’t.

        A Lisa to tell

        B to tell Lisa

        C Lisa telling

        D Lisa to telling

27   Matt hates people who tell lies and ……………….. do I.

        A nor            B so

        C neither      D both

28   I feel like ……………….. out tonight. What about you?

        A to go         B going

        C we go        D to going

29   Jane and I listened to Guy’s explanation, but ……………….. of us believed him.

        A both          B either

        C none          D neither

30   Do you remember ……………….. excited the first time you went on a train?

        A to feel

        B you feel

        C to feeling

        D feeling

31   You need to either ask Neil to apologise ……………….. forget it.

        A or               B both

        C either        D nor

32   Be quiet and let me ……………….. you how I feel!

        A telling        B to tell

        C tell             D to telling

33   I’m really looking forward ……………….. you next week.

        A to see        B to seeing

        C seeing       D see


26 A   27 B   28 B   29 D   30 D   31 A

32 C   33 B

E. Choose the correct answer.

34   I was quite nervous ………………… starting at a new school, but it was okay.

        A on              B about

        C with           D in

35   The newspapers congratulated the writer ………………… producing a very funny show.

        A with          B for

        C on              D of

36   Oscar and Pauline met ………………… secret to discuss the surprise party.

        A in               B with

        C at               D on

37   Are you scared ………………… snakes?

        A with          B on

        C for              D of

38   Isaac ………………… us a really funny joke, but I can’t remember it!

        A said           B told

        C spoke        D mentioned

39   You should be ashamed ………………… yourself!

        A with          B on

        C of               D in

40   It’s important to have a sense of ………………… or it’s easy to get depressed.

        A laughter    B amusement

        C comedy     D humour

41   Marina was ………………… tears after the lesson, so I asked her what was wrong.

        A to               B on

        C at               D in


34 B   35 C   36 A   37 D   38 B   39 C

40 D   41 D

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