Exercise 1
1. Masha is going to Costa Rica to work on an environmental project. Listen to her talking about it. How much does she know about the project?
2. Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 The government in Costa Rica wants to save the rainforests.
2 Masha will find out more about her project soon.
3 She knows exactly who she’s going to work with.
4 She promises to send Phil regular emails.
Masha doesn’t know much about the project, only that it’s something to do with looking after turtles.
1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F
PHIL Are they environmentally friendly in Costa Rica? Do they protect their rainforests and animals?
MASHA Well, yes they do. The government is doing a lot, but it takes quite a long time for forests to recover if they’ve already been cut down. They’ll probably grow back, but not immediately.
P Are you going to work in the rainforests?
M No, no I’m not. I’ll be by the sea. I’m going to work on a project that looks after turtles.
P Turtles? That’s very cool. But how do you look after turtles? I mean, what do you do?
M Well, to be honest – I don’t really know! Tomorrow I’m meeting someone who worked on the project, and she’s going to tell me about the kinds of things I’m going to do.
P So, who else works on the project? Just people from overseas or local people too?
M I’m not sure about that either. Perhaps I’ll work with local people as well.
P So, you’re off to save the world. I think that’s great.
M Don’t know about saving the world. But I’ll definitely be able to save some turtles! And I’m going to make the most of my time in Costa Rica and learn some Spanish too.
P Let me know how things go.
M Sure. Actually, I’m going to keep a blog, so I’ll write regular updates on the blog and you can follow that.
P Good idea. I’m sure you’ll have a great time.
M Yeah, so am I.
Exercise 2
1. Listen to part of the TV programme. Match the things from the natural world (1-3) with the related objects (a-c).

2. Listen again and complete the summary with one word in each gap.
● One reptile, the thorny dragon lizard, can pull up water through ‘pipes’ in its 1__________. It has inspired a device which can 2__________ water. This will help people who live in very 3__________ environments.
● Most spiders can move 4__________ and make themselves very small. This has inspired the invention of a 5__________ robot which will help people who are trapped in 6__________ spaces.
● Seashells are very 7__________ and light. This has inspired the production of material for safety 8__________ such as gloves and helmets.
1 c 2 a 3 b
1 skin 2 collect 3 dry
7 strong 8 equipment
4 quickly 5 rescue 6 small
PRESENTER I visited biologist Andrew Parker to find out more about how the natural world has inspired everyday objects. Andrew, hello! What’s this little animal you’ve got here?
ANDREW It’s a thorny dragon lizard from the Australian desert. As you can see, it’s quite small, about 20cm long. But it’s an amazing animal. You see, what I’m really interested in is what this little creature can teach us about collecting water.
A So, as I said, this lizard lives in the desert in Australia. And, as you know, it’s an incredibly dry place. But this lizard manages to live there very successfully. And we’ve discovered one of the reasons for this. If the lizard puts a foot somewhere wet – even just a tiny, tiny bit wet – its skin pulls the water up and over its whole body. When the water reaches the lizard’s mouth, it drinks it.
P That’s very clever!
A Yes. On the lizard’s skin, well, in fact, in the skin, we discovered there’s like a system of very, very small pipes. So the skin collects the water and these pipes pull it towards the lizard’s mouth.
P That sounds really efficient. a Well, right, yeah. So, you see, we want to copy that system and use it in a device that collects water. If we are successful, the device will provide water for people who live in very dry environments.
P That’s fantastic. And what other ideas have we taken from nature?
A Engineers are doing a lot with robots these days. For example, there’s the rescue robot. It’s just like a spider because it moves on eight legs. And so it can move very quickly and make itself very small. So these rescue robots will be able to help people who are stuck in small spaces, or who are trapped in buildings, for example, if there’s an earthquake.
P So they’ll be able to help save lives.
A Exactly. And then we’re looking at seashells, which are very strong, but, at the same time, they’re very light – they don’t weigh much at all. Scientists have discovered that seashells are made of lots of tiny blocks that fit together, but this makes them really hard to break. The plan is to copy this material to make safety equipment such as gloves and helmets.
P So this material will protect people like a shell protects a turtle.
A That’s right. And again, this could help save lives.
Exercise 3
1. Listen to Part 1. Complete each sentence with one or two words.
1 Tina spent the morning ___________.
2 Tina ___________ to be in the photos.
3 Becky thinks that being a florist is good because you can be your own ___________.
4 Becky doesn’t like dealing with other people’s ___________.
5 Rachel suggests that Becky could be a ___________.
1 cleaning up
2 doesn’t want
3 boss
4 problems
5 professional photographer
Part 1
RACHEL Oh hi, Becky.
В How are you?
R I’m fine, thanks.
В So, are you ready for your photoshoot?
R Ha! I guess so.
B The shop looks great!
R Oh, that’s because of Tina. She spent the morning cleaning up!
В Well, she did a great job. So Tina, are you going to be in the photos too?
TINA No. I hate having my photo taken!
В I see! Anyway, if you’re ready.
R Make sure you get my good side!
В You look great!
R Thank you! So, how do you want to do this?
В Let me see. I think it would be best if I just take some natural shots of you looking busy with the flowers.
В Hmm! That’s really good!
R Oh, shall I carry on?
В Yes, that’s great. So, why did you become a florist?
R That’s a good question. I’ve always loved flowers, ever since I was a little girl, so it seemed a natural thing for me to do. I think it’s really important that you do something that you enjoy.
В Fantastic! Yeah, it must be nice to have a job like yours, the freedom you have, and you can be creative, and you’re your own boss.
R You sound like you don’t enjoy your job.
В No, not at the moment. Not for a while, actually.
R Really? What’s wrong with it?
В Oh, lots of things. For instance, all I seem to do is deal with other people’s problems, like issues with their pay or holidays. And I hate being stuck inside an office all day, staring at the clock.
R Oh dear!
В I wish I had a job where I could travel the world, spread my wings, be free!
R Such as?
В I don’t know, that’s the problem. … Lovely!
R Can I see?
В Sure. Here you go.
R Hmm! That’s great.
В Thank you.
R Well, how about becoming a professional photographer? You’re really good!
В I don’t know. Tina, how about a quick shot of you and Rachel together?
T Do I have to?
В Oh, go on! Just stand by Rachel for a moment.
3. Listen to Part 2. Which photo does Rachel suggest using first? Does Becky agree?

Rachel suggests using photo c first. Becky doesn’t agree.
RACHEL So, look at this. There are loads of photography courses you can do. Photojournalism, for example, or portrait photography.
BECKY Thanks, that’s great, but we’re meant to be choosing which photos you want for your website.
R OK, but I just think it’s something that you should consider.
В Well, maybe. Let’s look at the photos for now.
MARK Hey, Becky. These are great!
В Thank you!
R I think this is the best one.
В Rachel, we can’t see you in that one!
R OK, let me see, I think this one.
Exercise 4
1. Liz Kerr is an environmental journalist who is helping whales that have come ashore. Listen to her audio diary and answer the questions.
1 How many whales is Liz looking after?
2 Is she working alone or in a group?
3 What happened in the end?
2. Listen again and complete the suggestions for saving whales that have come ashore. Write one word in each gap.
1 Don’t try and do things on your own – talk to the Marine _____ Service.
2 Put on a wetsuit – it can get quite _____.
3 Cover the whale with _____ towels.
4 Pour buckets of water over the whale to keep her _____.
5 Make sure you don’t _____ the whale’s blowhole.
6 Make a _____ in the sand around the whale to fill with water.
7 When the tide comes in, _____ the whale out to sea again.
1 Up to 30 whales have come ashore, but Liz is looking after one whale.
2 In a group of four people.
3 The whale floated when the tide came in and swam back out to sea
1 Life 2 cold 3 wet 4 cool 5 cover 6 hole 7 push
LIZ I’m on my way to Lane Cove where between 20 and 30 whales have come ashore and can’t get back out to sea again. When I get to Lane Cove, I’m meeting Sam Collins from the Marine Life Service. I’m going to help Sam and a team of local people to try and save these whales. OK, I’ve just arrived and talked to Sam. It’s quite cold, so I think I’ll change into my wetsuit before going down onto the beach to work with other people who’ve come here to help these whales. So far about 50 people have turned up and more are coming. If more people come, we’ll have a chance of succeeding.
So, I’m in a team of four people and we’re looking after just one poor whale. Sam says it’s female, and what we’ve done is we’ve covered her with wet towels and we’re pouring buckets of water over her to keep her cool. We have to be careful where we put the towels. If we cover her blowhole, she won’t be able to breathe. Sam says our whale’s in good condition and he thinks she’ll survive. The tide’s coming in soon.
I’m going to help dig up sand around the whale to make a hole. When the water comes in, it’ll fill up the hole. Better get going …
Yes! Success! The tide came in, our whale floated again. There were about five of us. We pushed and pushed and she fought back a bit, then she took off. What a great feeling! She’s swimming back out to sea. I think she’s going to be OK.
Exercise 5
1. Listen to the introduction of a lecture. Then put these parts of the introduction in the correct order.
___ He describes a result of not looking after the environment.
___ He explains how the talk will be organised.
___ He explains why local problems are important.
___ He gives the little of his talk.
___ He uses a story to explain a main idea of the lecture.
2. Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?
1 The writer Theodore Dalrymple sees many different kinds of rubbish in the streets.
2 The lecturer says that people need to understand that the environment includes towns and cities.
3 The lecturer says people must save the environment before they make their streets clean and tidy.
4 The lecturer explains that we need to invent more environmentally friendly methods of clearing up rubbish.
5 The talk will include a description of how we can change people’s ideas.
6 The lecturer believes that people must make small changes before they can make bigger ones.
3, 5, 2, 4, 1
True: 2, 5, 6; False: 1, 3, 4
Thank you, thank you. So, I’d like to begin today with something that the British writer, Theodore Dalrymple, once said.
Walking through the streets of the city where he lives, he starts to notice piles of rubbish everywhere he looks. And not just any rubbish, but the rubbish left behind by people who have bought food. And not just any food, but fast food, junk food.
Seeing all this, he asks himself: What did it mean? All this litter? At the very least, it suggested that an Englishman’s street is his dining room … as well as his dustbin.
I wanted to share this with you because- well, partly because it is true, of course. Anyone who lives or has lived in a modern British city will recognise that description. But I have another reason for sharing that story with you and that is that I want you to understand that pollution is not just something that happens to the natural environment or even to the wildlife that lives in it. It happens here, where we live. As I will explain during this talk, we cannot expect to Improve the natural world if we do not first improve the condition of our own streets and cities. How can we expect to protect the environment from pollution when our own streets are full of rubbish?
In other words, we need to clean our own streets before we can even dream about preventing pollution in the rainforests of the Amazon, or the seas and oceans.
And it is important to understand that the damage that we do to the world is not just ‘out there’. It is here, and with us, all of the time. And we also need to remember that when we do damage to our environment we are actually doing damage to ourselves.
So my talk today is called ‘Save yourself!’ and my message is simple: we have to help ourselves before we can hope to help wildlife or the environment.
My talk is going to be in three parts. First of all, I will say some more about the problem of rubbish in the local areas where we live. It is now possible for us to manage our rubbish in a way that is environmentally friendly – but we don’t. So in this part of my talk, I’m going to be asking ‘Why not? Why, when it is possible to be more environmentally friendly, do most people seem not to care?’.
Next, I will discuss the problem of people. There are currently seven billion of us in the world and that is almost twice the number of people living in the world 50 years ago. For this reason, I will suggest that we need to change people’s mind sand I will also describe some ways of doing this. Ways that I think, I hope, will be successful in the future.
Finally, I will show how protecting your local area is the first step to protecting the planet for future generations of children.
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