1. Listen and number the pictures in the order in which they are talked about.

2. Which room:

a   … doesn’t have space for much furniture?


b   … is nice to look out of (and isn’t a bedroom)?


 … can always be made warm?


d   … do they both like a lot?


e   … has some interesting furniture?


 … could be either for sleeping or working?


g   … doesn’t get any light from outside?


3. Answer these questions.

a   How long has the house been empty?


b   Why did the last tenants leave the house?


 What is Pau l doing at the moment?


d   What does Hilary do normally?


e   What is she doing at the moment?


 What is the final decision about the house, and who makes it?




a 5   b 2   c 4   d 3   e 1


a   the second bedroom

b   the kitchen

c   the living room (it has a fireplace)

 the living room

e   the main bedroom

f   the second bedroom

g    the bathroom


a   Seven months.

b   They just said they didn’t like it any more.

c   He’s writing a novel.

d   She’s an actor.

c   She’s having a few months’ rest.

 They rake it. Paul decides.


AGENT:   Come on in and have a look around.

PAUL:   Thanks.

AGENT:   OK, so this is the kitchen.

HILLARY:   It’s a bit cramped, isn’t it?

AGENT:   Yes, but look at the view.

PAUL:   Yes. Hilary, that is pretty fantastic.

HILARY:   Yes, I suppose so.

AGENT:   OK, if you’ve seen enough here, let’s go through into the living room.

HILARY:   It’s very cold here. Is it always this cold?

AGENT:   Well, the house has been empty for the last seven months. The last tenants moved out in a hurry.

PAUL:   Why?

AGENT:   We don’t know. They just said they didn’t like it anymore. They left just like that. As if they were running away.

HILARY:   Perhaps it was because of the cold.

AGENT:   Oh no. The owners have had central heating put in – it’s not on at the moment. Look, here in the living room there’s a big fireplace.

PAUL:   Oh, this is great. So light, really spacious. Don’t you think so Hilary?

HILARY:   Yes, it’s lovely, What’s the upstairs like?

AGENT:   Come and see.

AGENT:   Here we are. Here’s the main bedroom.

PAUL:   Oh yes. That’s amazing. Just imagine waking up to that view. Every morning. I love this old cupboard.

AGENT:   And if you’d like to come along here, you can see the second bedroom.

PAUL:   Hilary! This is perfect. Small, just the right size. I can put a table in here. Yes, I can write in this room.

AGENT:   You’re a writer?

PAUL:   Yes, that’s why we want a house out here in the country. I’m finishing a novel.

AGENT:   Have you had anything published?

PAUL:   Well no, not yet, actually, But it’s only a matter of time.

AGENT:   And what do you do, madam?

HILARY:   Well, I’m an actor. But I’m having a few months’ rest at the moment.

AGENT:   Interesting. Have I seen you in anything?

HILARY:   Probably not. Most of my work is in radio.

AGENT:   OK, so this is the bathroom.

HILARY:   It doesn’t have any windows.

PAUL:   Yes, but that doesn’t matter, love. I mean this house is perfect. No television, no telephone. I’m really going to like it here.

AGENT:   So, you’ve decided?

PAUL:   Yes.

HILARY:   Can’t we talk about it first?

PAUL:   Nothing to talk about. We’ll take it. For six months.

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