A. Listen to David being interviewed by a researcher. Is he a morning or evening person?

B. Listen again and write down David’s answers.

1   What do you do?

2   When do you work?

3   What time do you get up in the morning?

4   If you have an exam, do you study best in the morning, afternoon, or at night?

5   If you do exercise, when do you prefer to do it?

6   Do you like your working hours? (school/university timetable)?

7   Why (not)?

8   Would you like to change them (it)? How?



He’s a morning person.


1   magazine editor

2   Monday to Friday 8 till 4

3   5.45

4   morning

5   morning

6   He doesn’t mind them.

7   Because he finishes work early, so he can be with daughter in the afternoon.

8   Yes, he’d like to work four days a week.


I = interviewer, D = David

   Hello. Could I ask you a few questions? We’re doing some research.

D   Sure. What’s it about?

   Well, we want to find out if you are a morning or an evening person.

D   OK, fine.

   OK and what’s your name?

D   David Cope.

   And what do you do, David?

D   I’m a magazine editor.

   OK, and when do you work?

D   Monday to Friday, eight till four.

   What time do you get up in the morning?

D   5.45. I have to get up early because I start work at 8 and it takes me an hour to get to work.

   And what time do you go to bed?

D   Probably around 10 o’clock.

   If you have an exam, do you study best in the morning, afternoon, or at night?

D   Let me think. I haven’t done an exam for a long time, but when I was a student I used to study better in the morning.

   And if you do exercise, when do you prefer to do it?

D   In the morning, definitely. I love going for a long walk or cycling. It’s great early in the morning because you feel that you’re the only person in the world who’s awake at that time.

   Do you like your working hours?

D   I don’t mind them. Finishing work early means I can pick up my daughter from school, and look after her in the afternoons. It’s true that I can’t really have a social life during the week, because I go to bed at ten, but that’s OK.

   Right, and the last question. Would you like to change your working hours?

D   Yes, I would. I’d like to work four days a week, maybe working more hours in the day and have a three-day weekend. Then I could spend three full days a week with my family.

   That’s great. Thank you very much for your time.

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