A. Journalist Maggie Alderson decided to try the website for herself. Listen to her talking. Did she find a “twin”? How did she feel about the experience?

B. Listen again and answer the questions.

 How does Maggie describe her appearance?

 What was her first reaction when she saw her ‘twins”?

 Who in Maggie’s family did one woman look like?

 What did her husband think of one of her “twins”? Did Maggie agree?

 How did she change her profile?

 What did Maggie’s brother think of the woman who she put on her Facebook page?

 In what ways does Maggie look like this woman?

 Have they been in contact with each other?



Yes, Maggie found someone who looked very like her. It was a strange feeling, but she’s happy she found her ‘twin’.


1   She says ‘I have an oval face, blue eyes and, unfortunately, thin lips.’

2   She thought they all looked totally different from her.

3   Her brother

4   Her husband thought one of the twins had the same mouth. Yes, she did.

5   She changed her age by making herself ten years younger.

6   He thought she looked like Maggie and their sister.

7   They both have blonde hair and thin lips.

8   No, they haven’t. Maggie sent her a message, but she hasn’t replied.


I went onto the Twin Strangers website. All you have to do is pay three dollars ninety-five, upload a photo of your face, and then describe it – your nose, mouth, and eyes. I looked in a mirror and decided that I have an oval face, blue eyes, and, unfortunately, thin lips.

Immediately, I got a lot of photos of possible matches. My first reaction was, ‘They all look totally different from me.’ Then something interesting began to happen. Some of the people started to look familiar, like people in my family. I found one woman who looked just like my brother. I started to wonder. Was there something there?

I called my husband to come and have a look at all these ‘twins’. His first reaction was the same as mine, but then he went a bit quiet. He pointed to one woman who, at first sight, looks completely different from me, but whose picture I had stopped at several times. He said, ‘She has the same mouth as you. In fact, she’s a bit like you.’ And he was right.

I decided to change my profile a bit. Many people tell me I look younger than I really am, so I put my age as ten years younger, and then searched again. The result was surprising. Suddenly, there seemed to be a number of women a bit like me. Especially one. I put her picture on my Facebook page and asked my friends what they thought. The first person to answer was my brother. ‘Yes,’ he wrote, ‘she looks like you and our sister.’

It’s a strange feeling. I keep looking at her picture. We’re very similar, but not identical – for example, she has brown eyes, but mine are blue. But there’s something there. Not just the blonde hair and the thin lips. There’s something in her eyes that I recognize. It’s a very strange feeling, but I’m really happy that I found her. I sent her a message through the website, but she hasn’t replied yet. I’m going to keep trying. I want to know who she is.

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