1. Listen. Tick the correct box.
a The people are from an office in the city. It is Saturday. They are all in the country for two days – for an ‘Activity Weekend’. Some of them don’t really want to do the activity, but they all do it. ◻
b The people are from an office in the city. It is Saturday. They are all in the country for two days – for an ‘Activity Weekend’. Some of them don’t really want to do the activity and one person doesn’t do it. ◻
c The people are from an office in the city. It is Saturday. They are all in the country for two days – for an ‘Activity Weekend’. Everyone wants to do the activity but one person doesn’t do it. ◻
2. Listen again. Put the pictures in the right order. Write 1 – 8 in the boxes.
1 wall ◻
2 rope ladder ◻
3 tunnel ◻
4 tree house ◻
5 barbed wire ◻
6 plank ◻
7 wire ◻
8 mud ◻

3. Listen again. Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. You can use some verbs more than once.
climb crawl drop hang jump make run walk |
a …………………… towards the wall.
b …………………… up the wall.
c …………………… down the other side.
d …………………… through the tunnel.
e …………………… the rope ladder.
f …………………… along the wooden plank.
g …………………… from the wire.
h …………………… your way along the wire.
i …………………… into the mud.
j …………………… under the barbed wire.
4. Look at the picture. Then complete the instructions. Listen again and check.

First, (a) ……………………………… towards the barbed wire.
(b) ……………………………… under it.
Then (c) ……………………………… the plank to the other side of the mud.
(d) ……………………………… the wall.
Now (e) ……………………………… from the rope ladder and (f) ……………………………… your way across it.
Finally, (g) ……………………………… off the end and try not to (h) ……………………………… into the river.
wall, tunnel, rope ladder, tower, plank, tree house, wire, mud, barbed wire
a run b climb c drop d crawl e climb
f walk g hang h make your way
i jump j crawl
a run b crawl c walk along d climb
e hang f work g jump h fall
MANAGER: OK everyone. Come here. Come on, over here. That’s right. Now listen. This morning’s activity is about team building, and –
MARK: Team building?
MANAGER: Yes, Mark, team building. We want to work as a group, don’t we, as a team. That’s why we are here.
SARAH: Why we’re here?
MANAGER: Yes, Sarah. I told you. We are here in the country because we want to learn to work as a team, a happy group of people. Then, when we get back to our office in the city, our office will be a better place. That’s why we are here. Agreed?
MANAGER: Thank you Mark. Now then, this is the plan: first you run towards the wall and when you get there you climb up the wall very quickly, and when you get over it, you’re going to drop down the other side, and then you’re going to crawl through the iron pipe –
SARAH: What ‘iron pipe’?
MANAGER: The tunnel. Look, there.
SARAH: Oh yeah. That looks fun. Not.
MANAGER: Come on Sarah. You’ll be OK. Now then, after you crawl through the tunnel, you climb the rope ladder to the tower, and then you walk along the wooden plank and then you get to the tree house.
MARK: You walk along the wooden plank, and then you – oops! Oh dear. You fall off. This is NOT a good idea.
MANAGER: So be careful, Mark. Walk slowly. Come on, it’s not that difficult.
SARAH: Not for you, perhaps.
MANAGER: Now come one. Listen. I need to finish. After you get to the tree house you hang from the wire – using your arms, of course – and make your way along the wire until you get to the end.
SARAH: The mud? You’re joking.
MANAGER: No I’m not. You jump into the mud and crawl under the barbed wire. And that’s your fun for this morning.
MARK: You’re doing this activity with us too, I imagine.
MANAGER: Oh no, Mark. You do the activity, I watch!
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