Exercise 1

Listen. You will hear seven numbers. Circle the numbers you hear.

1     12           20           22

2     109        119        190

3     33           13           30

4     1001      1010      1100

5     70           7             17

6     150        115        151

7     1509      1559      1590


1 22   2 190   3 13   4 1010   5 70   6 151   7 1559


1   twenty-two

2   one hundred and ninety

3   thirteen

4   one thousand and ten

5   seventy

6   one hundred and fifty-one

7   one thousand five hundred and fifty nine

Exercise 2

Listen to the prizes in a lottery. What were the winning numbers? Circle the correct number for each prize.

Seventh prize     151        150        115

Sixth prize           1707      1770      1777

Fifth prize            91           19           90

Fourth prize        390        309        319

Third prize           55           53           59

Second prize       1990      1999      1099

First prize            14           40           44


7th prize   115

6th prize   1770

5th prize   19

4th prize   309

3rd prize   59

2nd prize   1990

1st prize   40


And here are the prizes in the lottery. Has everybody got their tickets? Good. Well, the seventh prize is ticket number one hundred and fifteen. A hundred and fifteen. The sixth prize is … number one thousand seven hundred and seventy. One thousand seven hundred and seventy. The fifth prize goes to ticket number nineteen, nineteen. Now, let’s see who’ll win the fourth prize.

Mmmm … it looks like, yes, number three hundred and nine. Three hundred and nine is the lucky number. Now, we have three more prizes. OK. The third prize goes to ticket number fifty-nine. Fifty-nine. Right, and second prize goes to ticket number one thousand nine hundred and ninety. Who has ticket number one thousand nine hundred and ninety in second place? Finally, the first prize. The lucky first prize winner is ticket number forty. Number forty wins the first prize!

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