Exercise 1

You will hear short telephone conversations. What was each person doing when the phone rang? Number six of the pictures below from 1 – 6.


1 g   2 e   3 h   4 f   5 a   6 c



A   Hello Sandy. It’s Karen here.

B   Oh, hello.

A   What are you doing?

B   I’m still studying for next week’s exam. I think it’s going to be a difficult one.


A   Hello Betty. Everything nearly ready for the party?

B   Not quite. I’ve still got some cakes to make and I haven’t started on the vegetables yet.


A   Is that you John? This is Ted.

B   Oh hello. Listen, can I call you back later? I want to watch the last few minutes of the game. Aren’t you watching it?


A   Hi, Mark. How’s everything?

B   I’m a bit busy right now. We’ve got guests coming for the weekend and the house is so untidy. I hate housework!


A   Oh, hello Fran. Are you busy at the moment?

B   Not really. I was just reading about that awful fire last night at the Palace Hotel.

A   Oh yes, that was pretty bad.


A   Jane, this is Margaret. Are you busy?

B   Well yes. Actually I’m just painting the ceiling.

Exercise 2

You will hear people talking about the things they like and don’t like doing in their spare time. Listen and tick how much they like each activity.


likes it a lot

likes it a little

doesn’t like it at all

1 playing cards



2 playing sports




3 going to parties




4 eating out




5 dancing




6 watching TV




7 listening to music




8 cooking






likes it a lot

likes it a little

doesn’t like it at all

1 playing cards



2 playing sports



3 going to parties



4 eating out



5 dancing



6 watching TV



7 listening to music



8 cooking




1   Well, I don’t mind playing cards sometimes. But I prefer playing snooker myself. It’s a little more exciting.

2   Everybody else in my family really loves sports. My brother’s a very good tennis player and my sister’s an excellent swimmer. I just find all sports boring and a waste of time.

3   I enjoy them from to time but not too often. I don’t like meeting people all that much. When I know everybody there, then I enjoy it.

4   I wish I could eat out every night. It’s so nice not to have to cook and wash up.

5   Yes, Tim and I go dancing about twice a week, and more often sometimes. It’s a great way to relax and meet people.

6   I used to watch TV every night. Last year the programmes were really good. But I don’t like this year’s programmes as much. There are only a few I really like watching.

7   Oh yes, I have the radio on all the time. Mostly I prefer pop music but sometimes I also listen to classical music or jazz.

8   I never use my kitchen except to make coffee. It’s so much easier to eat out. Of course, it costs more but it’s much more fun.

Exercise 3

Listen to people getting ready to do something. Tick what you think they are going to do.

1    go swimming

      go for a drive

2    go to the cinema

      go to a restaurant

3    go to a concert

      go dancing

4    play tennis

      play basketball

5    watch TV

      listen to the radio

6    go to a party

      have friends round for dinner

7    go to a barbecue

      go to a restaurant


1    go swimming

2    go to a restaurant

3    go to a concert

4    play basketball

5    watch TV

6    have friends round for dinner

7    go to a barbecue


1   Well, it’s a nice day and it’s not very windy. I don’t think the water will be too rough. Don’t forget to bring the towels, will you?

 Hurry up, now. I asked for a table for eight o’clock, so we don’t want to be late.

 Have you got the tickets? Now what time does it start? Is it eight o’clock.

 There are three new players in our team this week. I hope they’re good.

 Well, there’s a film on Central at 7.30. It’s got Madonna in it. I hear it’s very good.

 Could you get the table ready? I want to tidy the bathroom before they get here.

 I’ll bring the ketchup. Have you got the meat and the potatoes?

Exercise 4

You will hear people talking about things they have done. Listen and tick how much they enjoyed them.


liked everything

liked some things

didn’t like anything





























1    liked some things

2    didn’t like anything

3    liked everything

4    liked some things

5    didn’t like anything

6    liked everything

7    liked everything



A   What did you think of the film?

B   Well, the music was good and the colour was beautiful, but the story was pretty boring. I fell asleep twice!


A   How was the party?

B   Huh. Do you like loud music, lots of cigarette smoke, a small crowded room, and not enough food?


A   Did you enjoy the concert?

B   It was the best concert I’ve been to in years. It was great music and it was beautifully played.


A   What did you think of the lecture?

B   She had some interesting things to say at first, then it got very difficult to understand.


A   How was the restaurant?

B   Well, my steak was overcooked, and the waitress was quite rude. I don’t think I’ll go there again.


A   What was Bill and Vicki’s party like?

B   So many interesting people and wonderful food.


A   Thanks for returning the book. How did you like it?

B   I couldn’t put it down. She writes to well and the story’s very exciting.

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