A. The words and phrases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Write the correct word or phrase.

1   Does Debbie likes Greek food?   ……………

2   Did Anne and Carlo went to Spain last year?   ……………

3   Was Dawn and Jennifer with you?   ……………

4   Has Claudia a haircut every Thursday?   ……………

5   Have you buy the new Arctic Monkeys’ CD yet?   ……………

6   Does Tim going to be in the school play?   ……………

7   It would be the best thing to do?   ……………

8   Were you play basketball when it started snowing?   ……………


1 like   2 go   3 Were   4 Does Claudia have

5 bought   6 Is   7 Would it be   8 playing

B. Write one word in each gap.

Rachel:   Hi, Ben! (1) ………………… are you?

Ben:   I’m fine. (2) ………………… you hear about Mr Watkins, the maths teacher?

Rachel:   No. (3) ………………… happened to him?

Ben:   He fell out of the window of his classroom!

Rachel:   (4) ………………… pushed him?

Ben:   No one!

Rachel:   So how (5) ………………… it happen?

Ben:   He was sitting on the windowsill and he just fell backwards!

Rachel:   Oh dear! Poor Mr Watkins. (6) ………………… he hurt?

Ben:   No. Luckily his classroom is on the ground floor.

Rachel:   That’s lucky! (7) ………………… you there at the time?

Ben:   Yes! We were having a maths lesson.

Rachel:   So (8) ………………… did you all do?

Ben:   We ran outside to help him. We were all laughing, though!

Rachel:   (9) ………………… he think it was funny, too?

Ben:   Not at first, but he laughed about it afterwards.


1 How   2 Did   3 What   4 Who   5 how

6 Was   7 Were   8 what   9 Did

C. Match to make sentences.

 You live in a village, …………

 You’re not fifteen years old, …………

 Carol has a maths test tomorrow, …………

 They were having lunch at the time, …………

 You’ve been to France, …………

 I’m not the only one, …………

 They all passed the test, …………

 You haven’t seen Linda anywhere, …………

 She won’t tell anyone else, …………

10   This is the right DVD, …………

A   weren’t they?

B   have you?

C   don’t you?

D   didn’t they?

E   are you?

F   haven’t you?

G   will she?

H   doesn’t she?

  isn’t it?

 am I?


1 C   2 E   3 H   4 A   5 F

6 J   7 D   8 B   9 G   10 I

D. Complete the question tags.

1   Mark doesn’t eat meat, ………………. he?

2   We should phone Grandma, ………………. we?

3   I didn’t get you into trouble, ………………. I?

4   You weren’t waiting for me, ………………. you?

5   Jill has finished her homework, ………………. she?

6   You’ll call me later, ………………. you?

7   Let’s go out tonight, ………………. we?

8   I’m going to pass the exam, ………………. I?


1 does   2 shouldn’t   3 did   4 were

5 hasn’t   6 won’t   7 shall   8 aren’t

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   Excuse me. Could you tell me how much ………………., please?

      A are these jeans

      B these jeans are

2   Can you let me know what time ……………….?

      A does the train arrive

      B the train arrives

3   Do you know if ………………. at seven o’clock?

      A the show starts

      B does the show start

4   I wonder if you could tell me what ………………. .

      A is the difference

      B the difference is

5   I wonder if you know who ………………. ask.

      A I should

      B should I


1 B   2 B   3 A   4 B   5 A

F. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1   Where’s the post office?

     I wonder if you could tell me ……………………………………… .

2   Why did you do that?

     Could you tell us ………………………………………?

3   How much will the holiday cost?

     Can you let me know ………………………………………?

4   Are there any cafes near here?

     Could you tell me if ………………………………………?

5   Does Jim like jazz music?

     Do you know ………………………………………?


 where the post office is

2   why you did that

 how much the holiday will cost

 there are any cafes near here

 if Jim likes jazz music

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