A. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1   We could ………………………. (take) the bus, but in the end we decided to walk.

2   Although I could ………………………. (buy) the DVD, I actually got the video.

3   Alan could ………………………. (go) to the concert with Sindy, but he stayed at home instead.

4   They could ………………………. (catch) an earlier plane, but they decided to get the later one.

5   Could you ………………………. (stay) longer or did you have to leave then?


1 have taken   2 have bought   3 have gone

4 have caught   5 have stayed

B. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn’t and the correct form of the verbs in the box.

eat • get • kick • take • tidy • wear

 Mr Appleby ………………………. an umbrella with him.

 Jenny ………………………. her room.

 Alex ………………………. the ball so hard.

 Tim ………………………. a fancy-dress costume.

 They ………………………. there earlier.

 They ………………………. so much!


1 should have taken

2 should have tidied

3 shouldn’t have kicked

4 should have worn

5 should have got

6 shouldn’t have eaten

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

1   I expect Adrian did a lot of revision. must

     Adrian ………………………………………. a lot of revision.

2   I don’t believe that Jim stole the money. can’t

     Jim ………………………………………. the money.

3   It’s possible that I have made a mistake. could

     I ………………………………………. a mistake.

4   There’s a chance that someone saw us. may

     Someone ………………………………………. us.

5   It’s possible that Tim hasn’t arrived yet. might

     Tim ………………………………………. yet.

6   I’m sure that Irene wasn’t at the party because she was ill. have

     Irene ………………………………………. at the party because she was ill.


1 must have done

2 can’t have stolen

3 could have made

4 may have seen

5 might not have arrived

6 can’t have been

D. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1   We were expecting Dave to call, but he hasn’t.

     Dave should ………………………………….. .

2   They said they were going to deliver the computer at lunchtime, but they didn’t.

     They should ………………………………….. .

3   I was expecting the film to come out at the cinema last week.

     The film ought ………………………………….. .

4   The shop wasn’t supposed to close so early.

     The shop shouldn’t ………………………………….. .

5   Was the programme supposed to start at eight o’clock?

     Should …………………………………..?


1   have called

2   have delivered the computer at lunchtime

3   to have come out at the cinema last week

4   shouldn’t have closed so early

5   the programme have started at eight o’clock

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   Ronny ………………… have gone to Switzerland, but I’m not totally sure.

      A must     B could

      C can’t     D should

2   You ………………… have lied to me! Why didn’t you tell me the truth?

      A mustn’t     B might not

      C shouldn’t     D couldn’t

3   Helen ………………… to have seen a doctor weeks ago. Why didn’t she?

      A ought     B should

      C must     D can’t

4   They ………………… have seen the play last night as they went to a football match instead.

      A could     B must

      C might     D can’t

5   Carl ………………… have been here by now. Maybe he got stuck in traffic.

      A might     B must

      C should     D can’t

6   You ………………… have been really excited when you heard you’d won the competition!

      A must     B should

      C might    D could


1 B   2 C   3 A    4 D    5 C    6 A

F. Write one word in each gap.

My cousin Tina

My cousin Tina is a professional dancer. Her mum – my aunt – says that Tina (1) ……………………… dance really well even before she was able to walk!

When Tina was ten, she could (2) ……………………… gone to a special school for dancers in New York, but she decided not to because she didn’t want to leave her friends. Even today, Tina’s mum thinks that Tina (3) ……………………… have gone to the school. I’m sure it (4) ……………………… have been a very difficult decision for Tina to make, but she says that she doesn’t regret not going. She carried on dancing in her spare time, often getting up at five o’clock in the morning for a dance lesson before school. That can’t have (5) ……………………… much fun!

Today, she’s really successful. She’s been in lots of shows and she’s even appeared on TV a few times. In fact, she (6) ……………………… have got the main part in a new show in London. She’s not sure yet. They (7) ……………………… to have contacted her yesterday about it, but they didn’t. Hopeful she’ll hear in the next few days. Whether she gets the part or not, I’m really proud of my cousin!


1 could   2 have   3 should   4 must   5 been

6 might/could/may    7 ought

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