A. Ivan is thinking about his future. He is very ambitious! First, match the years to the events, then write sentences about his future using the future perfect.

2015, 2018, 2020, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2041, 2050
become a millionaire


retire to the island

start my own business

buy a 10 million dollar house

finish school

sell this house for a big profit

move to an island

 By 2015, ……he will have finished school…… .

 By 2018, …………………………………… .

 By 2020, …………………………………… .

 By 2030, …………………………………… .

 By 2035, …………………………………… .

 By 2040, …………………………………… .

 By 2041, …………………………………… .

 By 2050, …………………………………… .

Now do the same for your own future.

 By next year, I will have learned to drive.





2018 – graduate

2020 – start my own business

2030 – become a millionaire

2035 – buy a 10 million dollar house

2040 – sell this house for a big profit

2041 – move to an island

2050 – retire to the island

2   he will have graduated.

3   he will have started his own business.

4   he will have become a millionaire.

5   he will have bought a 10 million dollar house.

6   he will have sold this / that house for a big profit.

7   he will have moved to an island.

8   he will have retired to the island.

Possible answers

 By next year, I will have learned to swim.

 By 2020, I will have got married.

 By 2030, I will have written my autobiography.

B. Read about Sarah’s week.

Sarah eats two eggs a day, but only one on Saturday and none on Sundays.

She studies Italian for three hours on Wednesday and two hours on Thursday.

Sarah watches TV for two hours every day except for Friday.

She runs 10 km every morning except Friday, her rest day, and Sunday, when she runs 15 km.

Sarah sleeps seven hours a night, three hours more than this on Friday and Saturday.

She drives for one hour to work and one hour back. She doesn’t work at the weekend.

Sarah gives £20 to ‘Save the Animals’ every week.

It is Monday. What will Sarah have done by the end of the week?

 She will have eaten 11 eggs.

2   …………………………………………

3   …………………………………………

4   …………………………………………

5   …………………………………………

6   …………………………………………

7   …………………………………………


2   She will have studied for five hours.

3   She will have watched TV for 12 hours.

4   She will have run 65 km.

5   She will have slept 55 hours.

6   She will have driven 10 hours.

7   She will have given £20 to ‘Save the Animals’.

C. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the box and the phrases in brackets.

burn     drink     fall     jump     sing     win

1   It’s on the verge of falling. (on the verge of)

2   ……………………………… . (on the point of)

3   ……………………………… . (about to)

4   ……………………………… . (on the verge of)

5   ……………………………… . (about to)

6   ……………………………… . (on the point of)


2   She is (‘s) on the point of winning.

3   He is (‘s) about to sing.

4   She is (‘s) on the verge of jumping.

5   They are (‘re) about to drink.

6   It is (‘s) on the point of burning.

D. Write a new sentence about each situation using was / were going to.

1    Tom wanted to buy a new bike last year, but he didn’t have enough money.

      He was going to buy a new bike.

2    I wanted to phone him last night but I forgot.


3    The sky got very dark and people opened their umbrellas.


4    He was hot and the window was closed. He went to the window, but it was locked.


5    My friends said, ‘We will meet you at 5.00.’ It’s now 5.30, so where are they?


6    Louise planned to move house, then her plans changed.



 I was going to phone him.

 It was going to rain.

 He was going to open the window.

 They were going to meet me.

 She was going to move (house).

E. The Queen and the Prime Minister of Atlantis are visiting Shangri-La tomorrow. Decide which activities each will do and which they will both do, then write sentences using be + to-infinitive.

9:00 – arrive at the airport

10:00 – visit the Atlantis museum; meet journalists

12:00 – speak at a conference; give prizes to school children

13:00 – have lunch

16:00 – see the King of Shangri-La; go to a business meeting

18:00 – give a talk to Economics students

18:30 – open a theatre

21:00 – return home

1   At 9:00, the Queen and the Prime Minster are to arrive at the airport.

2   At 10:00, the Queen is to visit the museum and the Prime Minister is to meet journalists.

3   …………………………………………………………….

4   …………………………………………………………….

5   …………………………………………………………….

6   …………………………………………………………….

7   …………………………………………………………….

8   …………………………………………………………….


3   At 12:00, the Prime Minister is to speak at a conference and the Queen is to give prizes to school children.

4   At 13:30, the Queen and the Prime Minister are to have lunch.

5   At 16:00, the Queen is to see the King of Shangri-La and the Prime Minister is to go to a business meeting.

 At 18:00, the Prime Minister is to give a talk to Economics students.

 At 18:30, the Queen is to open a theatre.

 At 21:00, the Queen and the Prime Minister are to return home.

F. Circle the correct option.

Siberian tigers used to live all round Asia and eastern Russia but now they only live in the north-east of Siberia. We asked Olga Alexandrovna, an expert on Siberian tigers, for some information on them. Olga 1…… go on a conference but she agreed to speak to us.

‘There are not many Siberian tigers left, but it is not true that we are on the verge of 2…… these beautiful animals. The 1990s was a very bad time for the tigers because of hunters. I thought the hunters 3…… kill all the tigers; it was terrible. It is important to tell people about these problems and this is why I do a lot of travelling; I 4…… to 28 different countries by the end of this year. I’m an optimist and I think the number of tigers 5…… by, say, 2030. In the future, people 6…… more sensible and they 7…… that we need the tigers. If we 8…… change the situation, we need everyone to help. Sadly, in the future, most Siberian tigers 9…… in zoos but we 10…… them from hunters.’ Olga 11…… meet the President of Russia very soon and discuss this problem with him.

1   a was on the verge of     b was on the point of     c was about to

2   a losing     b to lose     c lose

3   a were going to     b were going     c were to

4   a was going     b will have been     c am

5   a have increased     b are increasing     c will have increased

6   a will be     b are    c will have been

7   a understand     b are about to understand     c will have understood

8   a are to     b will have     c are

9   a have been     b will be     c will have been

10   a on the verge of saving     b about to save     c will have saved

11   a is     b is to     c was going


2 a   3 a   4 b   5 c   6 a   7 c   8 a   9 b   10 c   11 b

G. Complete these sentences using future forms from this unit.

1    I might phone my friend, when ……I’ve finished this exercise. ……

 Last night ……………………………………., but I changed my mind.

 I hope I ……………………………………… by the time I’m 25.

4    Maybe I ……………………………………… before the weekend.

5    Someone ……………………………………… by the year 2050.

6    When ………………………………………, ……………………………………… I will be very happy.

7    At the moment, ……………………………………… .


your own answers

H. Circle the correct option.

1   This time tomorrow we ………… on the plane to Venice.

      a be     b are     c will be

2   This time tomorrow we ………… in Venice.

      a have arrived

      b has arrived

      c will have arrived

3   The president ………… to Hiroshima next January.

      a came     b is to come     c come

4   The gorilla ………… run away.

      a is about to

      b is to

      c is on the verge of

5   They ………… a new road there but they didn’t have enough money.

      a built

      b will have built

      c were going to build


1 c   2 c   3 b   4 a   5 c

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