A. Read these sentences from advertisements. Match the beginnings to the correct endings.

 Make counting more

 Better books for less

 Fish Oils Plus – for healthier

 Lunchtimes are more

 Learn to read more

 Kids are growing up

 It’s not as

 These fun cards will encourage your kids to spell

a   faster than ever. Remember each special day with this photo book.

b   fun with this family card game.

c   money!

d   better and better.

e   interesting with this cool lunchbox!

 and happier kids.

g   easily with this bright and happy book.

h   simple as it looks! Can you finish the game in just one minute?


1 b   2 c   3 f   4 e   5 g   6 a   7 h   8 d

B. Compare the two items using an adjective from the box. Use a different adjective each time.

clean     clever     far     heavy     pale     rich     relaxing     valuable

1    salt water / fresh water

      Salt water is heavier than fresh water.

2    mile / kilometre


3    sky blue / navy blue


4    a dolphin / a snake


5    gold / silver


6    yoga / football


7    wind energy / nuclear energy


8    a billionaire / a millionaire



2   A mile is further than a kilometre.

3   Sky blue is paler than navy blue.

4   A dolphin is cleverer than a snake.

5   Gold is more valuable than silver.

6   Yoga is more relaxing than football.

7   Wind energy is cleaner than nuclear energy.

8   A billionaire is richer than a millionaire.

C. Underline the correct option.

1   He’s taller as / than his brother.

2   There were as many as / than 10,000 people there.

3   Your bag is the same colour as / than mine.

4   We are here to help people as / like you.

5   You need to take your studies far / very more seriously.

6   It’s not as cold as / than it was yesterday.

7   The flower of the plant is similar of / to a rose.

8   My best friend is better-looking than / then I am.


2 as   3 as   4 like   5 far   6 as   7 to   8 than

D. Complete each sentence using the structure as … as possible and a word from the box.

clearly     comfortable     early     soon

far away     little     much     often

1    I had not been well and the doctor told me to rest ……as much as possible…… .

2    I was very frightened and I ran ……………………………………… .

3    I’ve got a long journey tomorrow, so I’m going to get up ……………………………………… .

4    The sofa was a bit hard for sleeping on but I make myself ……………………………………… .

5    You had a message from your mum. Can you ring her ………………………………………?

6    You will pass your driving test more easily if you practise. Go out driving with someone ……………………………………… .

7    She could not hear very well, so I spoke ……………………………………… .

8    I’m saving for a new computer, so I try to spend money ……………………………………… .


 as far away as possible

 as early as possible

 as comfortable as possible

 as soon as possible

 as often as possible

 as clearly as possible

 as little as possible

E. Everybody learns in different ways. Complete the text about different learning styles using the comparative forms of the words in the box.

aware     carefully     confident     easily     far

fast     hard     interested     logical     well


You learn 1better…… if you use pictures and colour to organise information. You communicate 2…………… with people if you use pictures to get your message across.


You listen 3…………… to the music in a film or TV show than other people do. The right kind of music can help you become 4…………… if you are feeling nervous.


You are very good with words, both in speaking and in writing. Remembering things is a lot 5…………… if you don’t write them down.


You are 6…………… of your environment than many people. Reading slows you down, you learn 7…………… if you can touch things. Learning to drive should not be a problem!


You may get frustrated with people who are not 8…………… you. You are 9…………… in learning facts than in finding out how something works.


You prefer working with others to working on your own. You like to get 10…………… information about something by telling someone your opinion and listening to what they say.


2 more easily / faster   3 more carefully

4 more confident   5 harder   6 more aware

7 faster / more easily   8 as logical as

9 less / more interested   10 further

F. Complete the sentences using the comparative forms of appropriate adjectives or adverbs.

1    A: This city is getting very dangerous.

      B: You should move to a ……safer…… place.

2    The waiter was very rude to me.

      I asked him to be …………………………… .

3    I stopped at a hotel for the night. I had been driving all day and it was late.

      I couldn’t drive any …………………………… .

4    I’ve seen the film and read the book.

      The book is a bit …………………………… the film.

5    My leg started hurting in the morning.

      It got …………………………… in the evening.

6    There are not many white tigers in the world.

      Orange tigers are …………………………… .

7    A: I have three books to read by the end of this week.

      B: You need to read …………………………… .

8    A: What happens when the cost of oil goes up?

      B: Petrol prices will get …………………………… .


Possible answers

2 more polite   3 further / longer

4 better than   5 worse / worse and worse

6 more common   7 more quickly

8 higher / higher and higher

G. Think of what you were like when you were at primary school. What has changed between then and now? Write sentences using these verbs and comparative adjectives or adverbs.

1    eat

      I don’t eat as healthily now. / I eat more healthy good.

      I eat more sweets now. / I don’t eat as many sweets.

2    wear


3    learn


4    play


5    am


6    have



your own answers

H. Circle the correct option.

1    I’d like it if you lived a bit ………… to us.

      a closer     b closier     c more close

2    I am more confident ………… I was when I was younger.

      a as     b than     c that

3    She’s not as ………… as her sister.

      a quieter     b quietly     c quiet

4    Her vocabulary is ………… better.

      a very     b much     c more

5    I remember a new word ………… when I have a picture of it.

      a more easily     b much easily

      c a bit easily


1 a   2 b   3 c   4 b   5 a

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