A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

eat     keep     kill     make     melt     not     mix

 Ice cream melts unless you ……keep…… it in the fridge.

 If you put sulphur in water, it ………………… sulphuric acid.

 Ice ………………… quickly if you put salt on it.

 Chillies burn your mouth if you ………………… them.

 If you put chlorine in water, it ………………… bacteria.

 If you put water and oil together, they ………………… .


2 makes   3 melts   4 eat   5 kills

6 do not (don’t mix)

B. Match the two parts of each sentence and make them into one whole sentence using if. Decide whether to put if at the beginning or in the middle.

 I see Alice

 you’ll get cold

 we study hard

 the men do not leave

 What will you do

 I don’t work very well

 I might go to school tomorrow^

 I give you some money

 the army will attack

b   the shop is closed?

 I feel better

d   we will do well in our exams

 you don’t put your coat on

 the TV is on

 will you pay for the tickets?

h   I’ll tell her to ring you

 If I see Alice, I’ll tell her to ring you.









2 e   3 d   4 a   5 b   6 f   7 c   8 g

2   You’ll get cold if you don’t put your coat on.

3   If we study hard, we will do well in our exams.

4   If the men do not leave, the army will attack.

5   What will you do if the shop is closed?

6   I don’t work very well if the TV is on.

7   I might go to school tomorrow if I feel better.

8   If I give you some money, will you pay for the tickets?

C. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

 If you ……push…… this button, water ……comes…… out. (push / come)

2   If the weather ……………… bad this year, food prices ……………… . (be / go up)

3   I phone my mum every evening. If I ……………… her, she ……………… worried. (not phone / get)

4   If I ……………… to the airport, I ……………… there on time. (drive / get)

5   You can ……………… to bed if you ……………… tired. (go / feel)

6   If he ……………… he ……………… in the team. (not practise / not be)

7   Why don’t you leave now? If you ……………… there early, you ……………… more relaxed. (get / be)

8   You ……………… very tired tomorrow unless you ……………… working now. (be / stop)


2 is; will go up   3 do not (don’t) phone; gets

4 drive; will (‘ll) get   5 go; feel / are feeling

6 does not (doesn’t) practise; will not (won’t) be

7 get; will (‘ll) be   8 will (‘ll) be; stop

D. You are planning to go to the beach for the day with your cousin. Copy and complete the sentences in your notebook.

1   If I arrive late, ……he’ll be angry…… .

2   If the sun’s shining, ……………………… .

3   We’ll stay at home ……………………… .

4   If my cousin’s ill, ……………………… .

5   We’ll walk ……………………… .

6   If we’re tired, ……………………… .


Possible answers

 we’ll go early.

3   if it’s raining / if it rains.

4   I’ll go on my own.

5   if we don’t have enough money for the bus.

 we’ll come back in the afternoon.

E. Circle the correct option.

1   If you put lemon juice on a ………… go black.

      a banana it doesn’t

      b banana, it doesn’t

      c banana, it don’t

2   Water boils faster if you ………… salt in it.

      a doesn’t put

      b won’t put

      c don’t put

3   If I pass my exams, I ………… chemistry at university.

      a might study

      b might be study

      c might to study

4   The chemicals in cola will be bad for your teeth unless ………… them carefully,

      a you don’t clean

      b you won’t clean

      c you clean

5   Be careful! If ………… those sweets in your cola, the bottle might explode.

      a you put

      b you might put

      c you’ll put


1 b   2 c   3 a   4 c   5 a

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