A. Make sentences by putting the words in the correct order. Which stories are the sentences from?

 too / lies / He / many / told

      He told too many lies. Pinocchio

 The / small / shoe / too / was


 were / mattresses / enough / There / not


 city / in / many / rats / were / There / too / the


 too / was / ugly / He


 He / too / much / slept



2   The shoe was too small. Cinderella

3   There were not enough mattresses. The Princess and the Pea

4   There were too many rats in the city. The Pied Piper of Hamelin

5   He was too ugly. The Ugly Duckling

6   He slept too much. Rip Van Winkle

B. Complete the sentences using too, too much or too many.

 I don’t like this weather – it’s ……too…… hot.

 Why don’t you sit down? You work ……………… hard!

 A: Did you buy the shirt?   B: No, it was ……………… expensive.

 There are ……………… people here.

 A: Can you come out tonight?   B: No, I’m ……………… busy.

 It costs ……………… .

 It’s ……………… late now.

 Don’t ask ……………… questions!

 I can’t watch television – I have ……………… homework.


2 too   3 too   4 too many   5 too

6 too much   7 too   8 too many   9 too much

C. Add enough in the correct places in these sentences.

 There’s not (enough) salt. Can you buy some more?

 There are not w o m e n police officers.

 He doesn’t work fast.

 I can’t reach it – I’m not tall.

 Do you have money?

 There’s never time for everything.

 This camera is small to fit in your pocket.


2   There are not enough women police officers.

3   He doesn’t work fast enough.

4   I can’t reach it – I’m not tall enough.

5   Do you have enough money?

6   There’s never enough time for everything.

7   This camera is small enough to fit in your pocket.

D. Complete the sentences using too, too much, too many or enough and the words in the box.

butter     hard     money     people     rain

sweet     sweets     traffic

1   I don’t feel very well.

      I’ve eaten ……too many sweets…… .

2   You need 100 g to make the cake. I only have 50 g.

      I don’t have …………………………… .

3   The young boy pushed his brother and he fell over.

      He pushed him …………………………… .

4   It hasn’t rained much this summer. The river is dry.

      There hasn’t been …………………………… .

5   There’s sugar in my coffee. I don’t like sugar in my coffee.

      The coffee …………………………… .

6   The tickets are 10 euros. I have 11 euros.

      I have …………………………… .

7   I like driving on empty roads. I don’t like driving in the city.

      In the city, there’s …………………………… .

8   This class is very full.

      There are …………………………… .


2 enough butter   3 too hard

4 enough rain   5 is fs) too sweet

6 enough money   7 too much traffic

8 too many people

E. Complete the questions with How much or How many. Then answer using too much, too many, not enough or enough.

 ……How much…… coffee do you drink?   Not enough!

 …………………… money have you saved?   ………………….

 …………………… football is there on TV?   ………………….

 …………………… exams do you have every month?   ………………….

 …………………… text messages do you receive?   ………………….

 …………………… sleep do you get?   ………………….

 …………………… weekends are there in a year?   ………………….

 …………………… music do you listen to?   ………………….


Possible answers

 How much money have you saved? Enough / Not enough!

 How much football is there on TV? Enough / Not enough! / Too much!

 How many exams do you have every month? Enough / Not enough! / Too many!

 How many text messages do you receive? Enough / Not enough! / Too many!

 How much sleep do you get? Enough / Not enough! / Too much!

 How many weekends are there in a year? Enough / Not enough! / Too many!

 How much music do you listen to? Enough / Not enough / Too much!

F. Circle the correct option.

1   My dad prefers his porridge to be …………. hot.

      a too     b very     c enough

2   He sat on his son’s chair, but it wasn’t …………. and it broke.

      a strong enough

      b too much strong

      c enough strong

3   She ate her porridge …………., and now she feels sick.

      a too quick

      b quick enough

      c too quickly

4   I didn’t have …………. for breakfast, so I just had tea.

      a too many time

      b too much time

      c enough time

5   A: How much porridge do you eat?   B: …………. . We have it every day and I hate it!

      a Much     b Too much     c Not enough


1 b   2 a   3 4 c   5 b

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