A. Match the beginnings to the correct endings.

1   Humans have

2   The brain is

3   The left and right sides of the brain have

4   Scientists think

5   The brain needs

6   With the right side of the brain, you see

7   With the left side of the brain, you recognise

a   the brain has two halves.

b   colours.

c   oxygen to survive.

d   75% water.

e   words and numbers.

 different ways of working.

g   a very complex brain.


1 g   2 d   3 f   4 a   5 c   6 b   7 e

B. Underline the correct option.

 I promise / am promising I won’t tell anyone.

 I don’t know this word. What does it mean / is it meaning?

 I saw your daughter yesterday. She’s growing / grows up fast.

 I disagree / am disagreeing completely with what you are saying.

 Don’t talk to Dad. He watches / is watching TV!

 My parents don’t understand / are not understanding why I want to stop piano lessons.

 Do you remember / Are you remembering that day we spent in Capri?

 Do computers become / Are computers becoming more difficult to use?

 It seems / It’s seeming a shame not to go.

10   I don’t doubt / am not doubting that you are right.

11   Are you OK? You don’t listen / are not listening to me.

12   He believes / is believing everything she says.


2 does it mean   3 ‘s growing   4 disagree

5 is watching   6 don’t understand

7 Do you remember

8 Are computers becoming   9 It seems

10 don’t doubt   11 are not listening

12 believes

C. Do these sentences describe states or activities? Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1   We ……don’t have…… very much money. (have)

2   A: Hi, Stan. You look worried!

     B: I …………………. about tomorrow’s meeting – that’s all. (think)

3   Where is Carlo? He …………………. a shower. (have)

4   That food …………………. Great. (look)

5   They …………………. a baby. He is six months old. (have)

6   My dad …………………. the party is a good idea. (not think)

7   What …………………. you …………………. at? (look)


2 am (‘m) thinking   3 is having   4 looks

5 have   6 does not (doesn’t) think

7 are … looking

D. Use your imagination to answer t e questions with full sentences in your notebook. Use your own ideas or words from the box.

alone     birds     bitter     dry sand     excited

flowers     frightened     hard     the horizon

insects     nothing     smooth     soft

sweet     the wind

You are in the jungle.

1   How do you feel?   ……I feel excited. ……

2   What can you smell?

3   What can you hear?

You pick an exotic fruit.

 What does it feel like?

 How does it taste?

You are in the desert.

 What can you smell?

 What can you hear?

 What can you see?

 How do you feel?


Possible answers

2   I can smell flowers.

3   I can hear birds / insects.

4   It feels smooth / soft.

5   It tastes bitter / sweet.

6   I can smell dry sand.

7   I can hear nothing / the wind.

8   I can see dry sand / the horizon.

9   I feel alone / frightened / excited.

E. Circle the correct option.

1   This song …………… really beautiful. Who is the singer?

      a is sounding

      b sounding

      c sounds

2   A: You’re using the wrong side of your brain.   B: Sorry. …………… .

      a I don’t understand

      b I’m not understand

      c I’m not understanding

3   A: You’re very quiet, Tom.   B: Yes, sorry. …………… about my holiday.

      a I think

      b I’m thinking

      c I’m think

4   It’s very noisy here, and …………… you.

      a I’m not hearing

      b I don’t hear

      c I can’t hear

5   You’re very good with colours and stories. …………… you’re probably using the right side of your brain.

      a That’s mean

      b That means

      c That’s meaning


1 c   2 a   3 b   4 c   5 b

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