A. Complete the table with the missing forms.

infinitive without to

past simple

past participle






































eaten; do, did; fall, fallen; feel, felt; get, got; have, had; looked, looked; live, lived; make, made; played, played; walked, walked; write, written

B. Rewrite these sentences with used to, but only if it’s possible.

 I had a red bike when I was little.

      I used to have a red bike when I was tittle.

 Did you play computer games when you were a child?


 I played tennis three times on holiday.


 The Romans ate a lot of fish.


 She played the violin at university.


 He didn’t go to the doctor yesterday.


 Didn’t they work hard at their old school?


 This morning we made a cake for Grandma’s visit.



2   Did you use to play computer games when you were a child?

3   –

4   The Romans used to eat a lot of fish.

5   She used to play the violin at university.

6   –

7   Didn’t they use to work hard at their old school?

8   –

C. Make present perfect questions from the words.

 your sister / live in Australia / how long?

      How long has your sister lived in Australia?

2   ever / you / make a pizza?


3   start / yet / the film?


4   you / how many times / ride a horse?


5   all seven Harry Potter books / you / read?


6   be married / how long / Henry and Gloria?


7   ever / you / have a party in your house?


 Tony / yet / say thank-you for the present?


9   study English / you / before?


10   clean her shoes / Maria / yet?



 Have you ever made a pizza?

 Has the film started yet?

 How many times have you ridden a horse?

 Have you read all seven Harry Potter books?

 How long have Henry and Gloria been married?

 Have you ever had a party in your house?

 Has Tony said thank-you for the present yet?

 Have you studied English before?

10   Has Maria cleaned her shoes yet?

D. Write present perfect or past simple answers to the questions in Exercise C, using the words given.

1   six months

      She’s lived in Australia for six months.

2   never


3   just


4   three times


5   four of them already / the other three not yet


6   two years


7   last year


8   already / four times


9   never


10   yesterday



 No, I’ve never made a pizza.

 Yes, it’s just started.

 I’ve ridden a horse three times.

 I’ve read four of them already, but I haven’t read the other three yet.

 They’ve been married for two years.

 Yes, I have. I had a party in my house last year.

 Yes, he’s already said thank-you four times.

 No, I’ve never studied English before.

10   Yes, she has. She cleaned them yesterday.

E. Complete these dialogues using the present perfect, past simple or used to.

1   come

      A: ……Has…… the taxi ……come…… yet?

      B: Yes, it ……came…… five minutes ago.

2   see

      A: …………… you ever …………… a UFO?

      B: Yes, I …………… one last year.

3   have

      A: How long …………… you …………… your cat?

      B: About a year. We …………… her since Christmas.

4   play

      A: …………… you …………… tennis every week?

      B: Yes, I ……………, but I hurt my leg.

5   write

      A: …………… you …………… a thank-you email to your aunt yet?

      B: Yes, I …………… to her this morning.

6   meet

      A: Lisa, …………… you …………… my cousin Alan before?

      B: Yes, we …………… at your birthday party last year.

7   decide

      A: …………… you …………… about your holiday yet?

      B: Well, we …………… to go skiing, but we …………… where yet.

8   want

      A: When you were young, …………… you …………… to be a train driver?

      B: Yes, when I was 12. Before that, I …………… to be a circus clown.

9   watch

      A: …………… you …………… Titanic on TV last night?

      B: No, I …………… already …………… it four times.


 Have … seen; saw

 have… had; have (‘ve) had

 Did / Didn’t… (use to) play; did / used to

 Have … written; wrote

 Have … met; met

 Have… decided; have (‘ve) decided; haven’t decided

 did … (use to) want; used to want / wanted

 Did … watch; have (‘ve) … watched

H. Underline the correct option.

Lee Gould is in the middle of a tour of Europe … on a bike. We spoke to him in Portugal.

Interviewer:   Hi Lee. Tell us about your tour of Europe.

Lee:   Well, I’ve (1) always / ever wanted to visit different countries, and (2) I was always / I’ve always been good at cycling. So about two years ago I (3) decided / have decided to cycle around Europe. My plan is to visit every country in the European Union.

Interviewer: And how many countries (4) did / have you visited so far?

Lee:   Only 11. I’ve (5) been / gone to all the countries in the south of Europe. I (6) started / have started in Cyprus last year, and then I (7) took / have taken a boat to Greece. Since then (8) I cycled / I’ve cycled about 5,000 km.

Interviewer:   Have you been to Ireland (9) still / yet?

Lee:   No, I (10) didn’t / haven’t. I haven’t been to any countries in the north of Europe (11) yet / already, but I’m going to take a boat from Spain to Ireland next week.

Interviewer:   Are you tired after cycling so far?

Lee:   Yes, I am. I (12) used / have to get really tired at the beginning but it has got easier (13) since / from I left Spain.

Interviewer:   (14) Did / Have you had any problems so far?

Lee:   Well, (15) I fell / I’ve fallen off my bike many times, but I (16) don’t / haven’t really hurt myself. I’ve also lost my bike three times, but I’ve (17) always / already found it again. It’s a very special bike for me – (18) I have / I’ve had it for six years, and it has been like a good friend for me.

Interviewer:   Have you (19) met / meet any interesting people?

Lee:   I (20) didn’t / haven’t had time to talk to people, but in every country the people have been very good to me. They have helped me a lot.

Interviewer:   One last question. Why are you doing this?

Lee:   I’m trying to collect money for a children’s hospital. So far (21) I collected / I’ve collected almost £5,000.


2 I’ve always been   3 decided   4 have

5 been   6 started   7 took   8 I’ve cycled

9 yet   10 haven’t   11 yet   12 used

13 since   14 Have   15 I’ve fallen

16 haven’t   17 always   18 I’ve had

19 met   20 haven’t   21 I’ve collected

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