A. Complete the sentences with compound nouns made from the underlined words.

 I swim in this pool. It’s a …………………………… .

 We play pool on this table. It’s a …………………………… .

 This is the top part o f a table. It’s a …………………………… .

 You can buy hats in this shop. It’s a …………………………… .

 There are two assistants in the shop. They’re both …………………………… .

 He is a manager who is the main manager’s assistant. He’s the …………………………… .

 This is a small hill made by a mole. It’s a …………………………… .

 I love walking in the hills. My hobby is …………………………… .

 In this race, you have to walk fast. It’s a …………………………… .

10   This horse takes part in races. It’s a …………………………… .


1   swimming pool   2 pool table    3 table top

4 hat shop   5 shop assistants   6 assistant manager

7 molehill   8 hill walking   9 walking race

10 race horse

B. Make compound nouns and adjectives from the underlined words. Be careful with plurals.

1   This shop sells toys.   a …………………

2   This hotel has five stars.   a ………………… hotel

3   We were on holiday for two weeks.   a ………………… holiday

4   This hall is used for sports.   a …………………

5   This is a place where cars park.   a …………………

6   This person is an expert in art.   an …………………

7   This person is manager of the sales department.   a …………………

8   This man is 20 years old.   a ………………… man

9   You wear these bands on your arms when you’re learning to swim.   …………………

10   We’ll go there for two days.   a ………………… visit


1 toyshop   2 five-star   3 two-week   4 sports hall

5 car park   6 art expert   7 sales manager

8 20-year-old   9 arm bands   10 two-day

C. Match the sentence beginnings to the correct endings.

 The film has a heart-

 She sits next to a blond-

 He only made a half-

 You have to be very thick-

 An octagon is an eight-

 They’re a very well-

 He’s rather shy and quietly-

 They had a long-

 We all sat down together and had a round-

10   I can’t believe he got angry. He’s normally so mild

a   skinned if you want to be a politician.

b   matched couple.

c   spoken.

d   hearted effort to help.

e   table discussion.

f   breaking story.

g   mannered.

h   sided shape.

i   standing agreement to help each other.

j   haired boy.


1 f   2 j   3 d   4 a   5 h   6 b   7 c   8 i   9 e   10 g

D. Circle the correct option. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1   You shouldn’t wake someone up when they’re ……..walking.

      a sleep     b night     c dream

2   It used to be an ……..day experience to go to the post office, but these days people do it much less often.

      a each     b every     c all

3   I often sit and day…….. instead of concentrating on what people are saying,

      a nap     b sleep     c dream

4   She told me she comes from a hard-…….. family, but they’re actually very well-off.

      a up     b off     c away

5   After a half-hour workout in the gym, I always have a ……..-earned break.

      a good     b nicely     c well

6   He’s such a know-…….. . He thinks he’s an expert on everything!

      a it     b all     c everything

7   He did a lot of pains…….. research for this book, but it was worth the effort.

      a giving     b making     c taking

8   Don’t pay any attention to her – there’s nothing wrong with her, she’s just …….. -acting.

      a play     b game     c drama

9   We stopped at a drive-…….. restaurant on the way, but we didn’t go inside – we wanted to keep driving.

      a by     b away     c through

10   She played her guitar in the street, and soon there was a large group of by-…….. watching her.

      a watchers     b standers     c lookers


1 a   2 b   3 c   4 a   5 c   6 b   7 c   8 a   9 c   10 b

E. Complete the sentences, using compound nouns made from the words in the box.

air     bee     bottle     clean     climb     design     fabric

freshen     keep     mountain     open     pencil      play

sharpen     soften     tennis     time     vacuum     waste     web

1   I can’t write with this – it’s too blunt. Have you got a …………………… that I can borrow?

2   Phew – it smells terrible in here! Have we got any ……………………?

3   Mmm! My brother gave me this home-made honey – he’s an amateur …………………… .

4   Before turning the washing machine on, remember to add some …………………… as well as detergent.

5   My new multi-tool has got everything: a knife, scissors, a screwdriver, and even a ……………………!

6   I can’t believe how dirty your carpet is! Haven’t you got a ……………………?

7   My little brother loves the Internet and he’s very artistic, so he wants to be a …………………… .

8   My sister is a …………………… in her free time; last year she went on an expedition to Mount Everest, but unfortunately she didn’t get all the way to the top.

9   You seem to spend hours lying on the sofa and you never seem to do anything! I don’t understand how you can be such a ……………………!

10   Julie’s a really keen …………………… . Ever since she first picked up a racket when she was about five, it’s as if she’s always been holding one!


1 pencil sharpener   2 air freshener   3 beekeeper

4 fabric softener   5 bottle-opener

6 vacuum cleaner   7 web designer

8 mountain climber   9 time waster

10 tennis player

F. Circle the correct option.

1   He works in a ………. . They make the screens for computers.

      a screen computer factory

      b factory screen computer

      c computer screen factory

2   Eating too many sweets can give you really bad ………. .

      a toothache

      b teethache

      c tooth-pain

3   His hobby is ………. .

      a climbing mountain

      b mountains climbing

      c mountain climbing

4   They’ve got an ………. baby.

      a eight-week-old

      b eight weeks old

      c eight-weeks-old

 I used to love ice cream but I got fed with getting headaches!

      a off     b up     c out


1 c   2 a   3 c   4 a   5 b

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