1. Choose the correct compound future tense in these sentences.

1   At the end of this month, I’ll be / have been looking for a job for exactly one year.

2   By the time my brother leaves school, I’ll have finished / have been finishing university.

3   In fifty years, nobody will be using / have been using cash any longer.

4   If Chelsea win the final, how many times will they have won / be winning the FA Cup?

5   You can take my bike in the morning. I won’t be using / have used it tomorrow.

6   Sam’s train will be arriving / have been arriving at 4 p.m.; let’s meet him at the station.

7   There won’t be any food left if you arrive at 9 p.m. – we’ll be eating / have eaten it all by then.

8   I’ll be tired when I reach the hotel, as I’ll have been travelling / be travelling since 5 a.m.


1 have been   2 have finished

3 be using   4 have won

5 be using   6 be arriving   7 have eaten  

8 have been travelling

2. Read about the ‘eco village’. Then use the prompts to write sentences in the future perfect simple or continuous or the future continuous.


• 2028   Designs finalised

• 2030   Building work starts

• 2035   Half the homes finished

• 2036   First residents arrive

• 2040   All homes finished

1   (2029 / start building work)

      In 2029, they won’t have started the building work.

2   (2023 / build / three years)


3   (2036 / half the homes / be finished)


4   (2036 / first residents / arrive)


5   (2038 / the whole village / be built / yet)


6   (2042 / the project / be complete)



2   In 2033, they will have been building for three years.

3   In 2036, half the homes will be / will have been finished.

4   In 2036, the first residents will have arrived.

5   In 2038, the whole village won’t have been built yet.

6   In 2042, the project will be complete / will have been completed.

3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Include a compound future tense.

 I expect my brother has arrived in Spain by now.

     My brother …………………………… in Spain by now.

 I don’t imagine Luke is enjoying the camping trip.

     Luke …………………………… the camping trip.

 I doubt they’ve been able to find the thieves.

     They …………………………… the thieves.

 I expect all the students have been sent home.

     All the students …………………………… home.

 I imagine she’s studying hard for her exams.

     She …………………………… her exams.

 I don’t expect this bike has been used much.

     This bike …………………………… much.


1   will have arrived

2   won’t be enjoying

3   won’t have been able to find

4   will have been sent

5   will be studying hard for

6   won’t have been used

4. Complete the dialogue. Use the future continuous, future perfect simple or future perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets. Include the adverbs, where given.

Sarah:   I can’t believe Owen missed the train. Now we (1) …………………… (spend) the night here in Milan while he’s still stuck in Bergamo.

Ted:   It doesn’t matter. He can get a train in the morning. We (2) …………………… (definitely / not leave) for the airport until the afternoon.

Sarah:   He was in the café next to the station. What happened? Did he forget the time?

Ted:   I guess so. He (3) …………………… (most likely / read) his book. You know what he’s like …

Sarah:   Now he’s all alone.

Ted:   I’m sure he’s fine. He (4) …………………… (no doubt / find) a hostel in Bergamo by now.

Sarah:   But why isn’t he replying to my messages?

Ted:   Oh, he (5) …………………… (turn off) his phone by now. He always turns it off when he goes to bed.

Sarah:   That’s so annoying. Now I (6) …………………… (probably / worry) about him all night.

Ted:   Relax! Owen (7) …………………… (not worry); he (8) …………………… (sleep) peacefully!


1   will be spending

2   definitely won’t be leaving

3   will most likely have been reading

4   will no doubt have found

5   will have turned off

6   ’ll probably be worrying

7   won’t be worrying

8   ’ll be sleeping

5. Choose the correct words to complete the text.

Two hundred years from now, humans will (1) have lived / be living in a very different world. By the year 2220 we will (2) be using / have been using computers for over 250 years, and they will (3) have developed / be developing beyond recognition. Self-aware computers will probably (4) be doing / have done many of the jobs that people do today. We’ll no doubt have (5) found / been finding cures to many diseases too, and I imagine that someone will (6) be discovering / have discovered a way to copy the trillions of connections in a human brain. This procedure will allow people to live on after the death of their physical bodies. However, only rich people will probably be able to afford to have their brains copied. It’s unlikely that human nature will (7) have changed / be changing much, so there will still be huge inequality – and we will still (8) have fought / be fighting wars. I expect that in the future many people will (9) be / have been struggling to survive, while the lucky few enjoy huge wealth.


1 be living   2 have been using

3 have developed   4 be doing

5 found   6 have discovered

7 have changed   8 be fighting

9 be

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