Today’s exchange rates

1 US dollar =

Euro 0.82

GB Pound 0.53

1 Euro =

US dollar 1.23

GB Pound 0.65

1 GB pound =

US dollar 1.90

Euro 1.54

A. Which is correct? (Choose one from each group)

1   a   There are 1.23 dollars to a Euro.

     b   There are 1.23 dollars for a Euro.

     c   There are 1.23 dollars to the Euro.

     d   There are 1.23 dollars to a Euro.

2   a   The euro is currently at 1.23 against the dollar.

     b   The euro is currently at 1.23 for the dollar.

3   a   No. 1 above is how ordinary people say it; no. 2 is how it’s reported in the news.

     b   No. 2 above is how ordinary people say it; no. 1 is how it’s reported in the news.

B. Look at the exchange rate chart, and write words or numbers into the spaces.

1   At the moment there are _________________ euros to the pound.

2   The pound is standing _________________ _________________ against the dollar.

3   You’ll get just _________________ two dollars to the pound.

4   A dollar is worth just _________________ fifty pence.

5   How many euros will I _________________ for £100?

6   How much is $39.95 _________________ pounds?

7   I’d like to change these pounds _________________ euros please.

8   I’d like to exchange these pounds _________________ euros please.

C. Look at the chart, and answer true or false.

 The dollar started the year just below sixty pence. TRUE / FALSE

 The dollar went into free fall in January and February. TRUE / FALSE

 The decline of the dollar levelled off in March. TRUE / FALSE

 The dollar hit a low of £0.50 at the beginning of March. TRUE / FALSE

 Since March, the dollar has made a full recovery. TRUE / FALSE

 The dollar has recovered very slightly since March. TRUE / FALSE

 Since March, the dollar has made a partial recovery, but remains weak. TRUE / FALSE

 The dollar halved in value in the first three months of the year. TRUE / FALSE

 The dollar lost nearly a fifth of its value in the first quarter. TRUE / FALSE

10   The dollar is currently trading at around 53p. TRUE / FALSE

D. Put the words into the correct columns. All could go into this sentences:

The dollar …………………. against the euro.

rose gently

gained slightly

levelled off

rose sharply


slid a little

dropped slightly

hit a new high

remained steady

remained level


shot up

fell sharply


gained strongly

hit a new low

bottomed out

slipped half cent

went up half a cent

went into free fall

gained some ground

went down several cents

fell very slightly



A: 1 c, 2 a, 3 a

B: 1 1.54, 2 at 1.90, 3 under / below, 4 over, 5 get; 6. in, 7 into / for, 8 for

C: 1 T, 2 T, 3 F (levelled off means it stayed at the same low level for a while), 4 T, 5 F (it’s made a partial recovery), 6 F (see 5), 7 T, 8 F (it went down by about 15%), 9 T, 10 T


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