A. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

(1) ……………………… (WORK) at Shepparton Carpets Ltd voted today to continue with their industrial action. Union leader Elaine Watkins issued a statement saying: ‘Although we do not envisage an all-out strike at this stage, everyone at the plant will continue to refuse to work (2) ……………………… (TIME) until this dispute is settled. We urge (3) ……………………… (MANAGE) to reconsider their proposals.’ The industrial action, which began three weeks ago, has affected (4) ……………………… (PRODUCE) at the factory. Joe Turner, Managing Director of Shepparton Carpets, has, however, refused to bow to union demands. ‘If Shepparton Carpets wants to survive, it has to become more (5) ……………………… (COMPETE),’ he said. ‘It is my responsibility as an (6) ……………………… (EMPLOY) of over 500 (7) ……………………… (EMPLOY) to ensure this company continues to make a profit. (8) ……………………… (PERIOD), we have to make changes to improve efficiency. If we don’t, we’ll all be out of a job. It may not be pleasant, but it is essential. Some of the working practices at the factory are, frankly, (9) ……………………… (ANTIQUE) and totally (10) ……………………… (APPLY) to the modern world. I just wish the unions would work with me on this, rather than fighting me every step of the way.’


1 Workers   2 overtime

3 management/managers

4 productivity/production

5 competitive   6 employer

7 employees   8 Periodically

9 antiquated   10 inapplicable

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

11   That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. magic

        That medicine ……………………….. and I started to feel better immediately.

12   The day started really well when we heard that Bob had been given his own TV series. flying

        The day ……………………….. when we heard that Bob had been given his own T series.

13   I do like this job, but I sometimes wonder if I’ve chosen the right career path. again

        I do like this job, but ……………………….. I wonder if I’ve chosen the right career path.

14   The headmaster was determined to stop all bullying at the school. end

        The headmaster was determined to ……………………….. to all bullying at the school.

15   No one nowadays believes in witches, do they? age

        No one ……………………….. believes in witches, do they?

16   We were just about to leave for the airport when we heard all planes had been grounded. point

        We were ……………………….. for the airport when we heard all planes had been grounded.

17   I’ll just finish this e-mail and then I’ll be with you. second

        It ……………………….. finish this e-mail and then I’ll be with you.

18   Ralph would hand in his resignation immediately if he could find a better job. hat

        Ralph would hand in his resignation ……………………….. if he could find a better job.


11 worked like magic

12 got off to a flying start

13 (every) now and again

14 put an end/bring an end

15 in this day and age

16 (just) on the point of leaving

17 will (only/just) take me a second to

18 at the drop of a hat

C. Write one word in each gap.

19   Are you really snowed ………………. with work at the moment?

20   Could you lend me five euros to tide me ………………. until I get my pocket money?

21   Something’s cropped ………………. so I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone the meeting.

22   We’d better not take ………………. any more staff until sales increase.

23   I can easily while the whole afternoon ………………. reading a good book.

24   What time does Jenny usually knock ………………. from work?

25   The Prime Minister is determined to press ………………. with the changes despite concerns from his own MPs.

26   Over 3,000 workers were laid ………………. when the company moved its factory abroad.


19 under   20 over   21 up   22 on

23 away   24 off   25 ahead/on   26 off

D. If the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.

27   This time next week I’ll laze around at home. …………………….

28   Do you think you’ll have got the computer set up by the time I arrive? …………………….

29   Will I get something for dinner when I go to the shop, Angie? …………………….

30   Sandy won’t know which university she’s going to until she’ll get her exam results. …………………….

31   Watch out! That car’s reversing! …………………….

32   When I grow up, I’m being a pop star! …………………….

33   Once we get your blood test results, we decide on the best course of action. …………………….

34   We do change trains at Birmingham tomorrow, actually. …………………….


27 I’ll be lazing   28 ✓   29 Shall I/Should I

30 she gets/she’s got   31 ✓   32 I’m going to be

33 we’ll decide   34

E. Choose the correct answer.

35   At the end of the month, Sarah ……………….. in government for exactly 40 years.

        A is working

        B will work

        C will be working

        D will have been working

36   The film is ……………….. released at the end of next year.

        A on the verge of being

        B on the point of being

        C due to be

        D about to be

37   We’d just been informed that Nick ……………….. the new Managing Director.

        A was to be

        B was being

        C is going to be

        D will be

38   ‘Would you pick the kids up from school this afternoon?’

        ‘No, I’m afraid I ……………….. .’

        A wouldn’t B can’t

        C shan’t        D don’t

39   Toby’s extremely ………………..; he turns up every day at nine o’clock on the dot.

        A temporary

        B long-standing

        C punctual

        D subsequent

40   Have you considered applying for a job with the ……………….. service?

        A civil            B civic

        C national

        D governmental

41   Too many people work in the public ……………….. in this country, in my opinion.

        A division    B zone

        C area           D sector

42   Most teenagers go through a rebellious ……………….. for a few years but they soon grow out of it.

        A stint           B span

        C duration    D phase


35 D   36 C   37 A   38 B   39 C   40 A   41 D   42 D

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