A. Complete using the words in the boxes in the correct form.

behaviour • manners

 It’s not very good ……………………. to eat with your mouth open, Timothy.

 I expect very good ……………………. from all of you while I’m out of the classroom.

avoid • prevent

3   There’s no way you can ……………………. me from seeing my friends!

4   Let’s ……………………. the city centre as there’ll be loads of traffic.

chuckle • giggle

 The girls were ……………………. excitedly in their room – it was extremely irritating!

 He occasionally ……………………. quietly to himself as he read the letter.

grin • smirk

7   The boys were ……………………. after the film so I think they had a good time.

8   Stop ……………………. in such an unpleasant way. Just because you won the game doesn’t make you better than me, you know!

glance • glimpse

9   I ……………………. something through the window but I’ve got no idea what it was.

10   Terry ……………………. at the clock and realised he was late.

peep • peer

11   The window was so dirty we had to ……………………. through it to see inside.

12   Don’t …………………….! Keep your eyes closed or it’ll ruin the surprise.

cross • fed up

13   I’m ……………………. . It’s boring just sitting here. Let’s go out for a walk.

14   Mr Jenkins was so ……………………. when he heard the news he went red with anger.

manoeuvre • tactic

15   Reversing round a corner is a difficult ……………………. .

16   I’m going to have to use some underhand ……………………. to get Adam to agree.


1 manners   2 behaviour   3 prevent   4 avoid   5 giggling

6 chuckled   7 grinning   8 smirking   9 glimpsed   10 glanced

11 peer   12 peep   13 fed up   14 cross   15 manoeuvre   16 tactics

B. Each of the words in bold, except one, is in the wrong place. Write the correct words on the lines.

A young child’s emotions

Young children express their emotions much more openly than most adults. In the playground, they often (1) …………………… neglect and ridicule the ‘weaker’ children and ‘social misfits’. When they’re successful at something, they (2) …………………… grimace openly. When they’re taking horrible medicine, they (3) …………………… conduct in a way that adults rarely do. When they’re (4) …………………… impatient, you know about it immediately. The (5) …………………… gloat a young child can experience during a nightmare often seems far more extreme than the fear adults have. Children’s emotions are often very unpredictable too. When something angers them, they (6) …………………… mock instantly. A young child can go from peaceful (7) …………………… terror to extreme anger and back again in just a couple of minutes. If you give a small child a pet, they’ll love it for a day or two, but then they might completely (8) …………………… snap it. All of this is for many reasons. Firstly, humans have to learn how to (9) …………………… contentment and control their emotions. And that takes time. Secondly, humans have to learn how to (10) …………………… handle themselves within a society. That also takes many years. Indeed, many adults still have a lot to learn when it comes to that.


1 mock   2 gloat   3 grimace   4 ✓   5 terror

6 snap   7 contentment   8 neglect   9 handle

10 conduct

C. Complete using the words in the boxes in the correct form.

acknowledge • agonise • comfort • disgust • moan • rejoice • resent

1   I’ve been ……………………. over this decision for ages but I’ve definitely made my mind up now.

2   The whole country was out on the streets ……………………. when they won the World Cup.

3   Do you at least ……………………. that not everyone thinks about things the same way you do?

4   I was in such pain I just lay in bed ……………………. .

5   I’m ……………………. with the way this company’s dealt with this problem. I’m going to complain.

 I do ……………………. the fact that Josh was promoted and I wasn’t, yes.

 We all need to ……………………. Joyce at such a difficult time for her.

disillusioned • glum • resolute

8   Monica’s absolutely determined to get this law changed. I’ve never seen her so ……………………. about anything before.

9   You look a bit ……………………. today. Is anything the matter?

10   Joe said he’s so ……………………. with his job he’s thinking of quitting.

apathy • consequence • dignity • inertia

11   No one knows exactly what the ……………………………… of this action will be.

12   I thought the Prime Minister handled her resignation speech with great ……………………. .

13   The bureaucratic system in this country is suffering from extreme ……………………. . Nothing ever gets done!

14   There’s just so much ……………………. from young people these days when it comes to politics. They’re just not interested.


1 agonising   2 rejoicing   3 acknowledge   4 moaning

5 disgusted   6 resent   7 comfort   8 resolute   9 glum

10 disillusioned   11 consequences   12 dignity

13 inertia   14 apathy

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1   If he’s been bitten by a snake, we’ll have to get him to a hospital to get the vaccine / antidote immediately.

2   They give most children a number of vaccines / antidotes these days to stop them getting serious diseases.

3   Have you been inoculated / injected against tetanus?

4   The symptoms are small red spots and slight skin irritation / annoyance.

5   I’ve cut my finger. Have you got plaster / a plaster?

6   Richie’s broken his leg and it’s in plaster / a plaster.

7   My diagnosis / prognosis is that you’re suffering from stress.

8   If you carry on taking the tablets, then your diagnosis / prognosis is excellent.

9   Preventive / Protective medicine’s all about not getting diseases rather than curing them after you’ve got them, isn’t it?

10   My grandmother spent the last two years of her life in a nursing house / home.


1 antidote   2 vaccines   3 inoculated   4 irritation   5 a plaster

6 plaster   7 diagnosis   8 prognosis   9 Preventive   10 home

E. Complete using the words in the box in the correct form.

administer • admit • agony • consultant • diagnosis • leave

numb • paralysis • prescribe • side • syringe • ward

26th August I haven’t written anything for about two weeks, so it’s time to catch up on what’s been going on. So, the morning after my last entry. I woke up in (1) ………………… . I’ve never felt so bad in my life. In fact, it felt like I’d been shot in the stomach. I immediately arranged to go on sick (2) ………………… from work. Then I called the doctor, who came what morning and (3) ………………… some medicine for me. I took it for about two days but my stomach was still really bad, so I called the doctor again. He said I’d have to be (4) ………………… to hospital! Well, I’ve never been in hospital in my life. They took me in an ambulance and put me in a (5) ………………… with about 20 other people. In the afternoon, the (6) ………………… came to see me. Her (7) ………………… was that I’d got some kind of ulcer caused by bacteria. She said they’d have to (8) ………………… antibiotics via an intravenous drip. So, basically for the next six days I had a big (9) ………………… sticking into my arm pumping in antibiotics on a regular basis. It wasn’t much fun, but I did start to feel better pretty quickly. One problem, though, was that the drugs did produce one strange (10) ………………… effect. Apparently that sometimes happens. The whole of the left side of my face went (11) ………………… . It wasn’t exactly (12) ………………… because I could still move my cheek – I just couldn’t feel it. Very weird! Anyway, I’m home now, and feeling fine. And back to work tomorrow, thank goodness.


1 agon   2 leave   3 prescribed   4 admitted   5 ward

6 consultant   7 diagnosis   8 administer   9 syringe

10 side   11 numb   12 paralysis

F. Choose the correct word.

1   I don’t know how I’m going to summon up / back the courage to tell Dad.

2   It really got me out / down when the doctor said I’d have to be off work for eight weeks.

3   Grandpa says his leg’s playing up / around again so he’s not going to come for a walk with us.

4   Did it take June a long time to get over / by her glandular fever?

5   We all creased up / off when Nick walked in wearing a skirt.

6   Antony says he felt a little dizzy when he came round / back from the anaesthetic.

7   These carrots have shrivelled up / down a bit so I think I’ll throw them out.

8   Jerry’s come out / over in spots all over his face.


1 up   2 down   3 up   4 over   5 up   6 round

7 up   8 out

G. Write a phrasal verb from the box in the correct form in each gap.

black out • cotton on • follow up • go down • lash out • pass away • pull through • ward off

 Mr Deacon next door had a very serious operation. Apparently, it’s a miracle he ………………………. .

 The first comedian didn’t ………………………. well with the audience at all and he was booed off the stage.

3   It took Terry a while to ………………………. to the fact I was joking.

4   There’s no point ………………………. at Dr Barker. She’s not responsible for what’s happened.

5   I don’t know what happened. I was just sitting at my desk and I suddenly ………………………. for a few minutes.

6   In some cultures, they wear jewellery to ………………………. evil spirits.

7   The researchers ………………………. a number of patients who had taken the drug to determine what side effects they had experienced.

8   Susie, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. Your grandmother ………………………. peacefully during the night.


1 pulled through   2 go down   3 cotton on

4 lashing out   5 blacked out   6 ward off

7 followed up   8 passed away

H. Phrasal verbs with through, such as pull through, sometimes contain the idea of completing something successfully. Tick the phrasal verbs in these sentences which contain that idea.

1   It’s going to be tough but we’ll muddle through somehow, you’ll see. …………..

2   I was going through my wardrobe when I found these jeans. Would you like them? …………..

3   I’m determined to see this through to the bitter end. …………..

4   Eliot did well in physics, but he only just scraped through his chemistry exam. …………..

5   Truth and justice will win through in the end – they always do. …………..

6   The government’s totally committed to carrying through these reforms. …………..


1 ✓   3 ✓   4 ✓   5 ✓   6 ✓

I. Write one word in each gap.

 I want you kids to be …………………. your best behaviour tonight.

 My father’s been …………………. poor health for a while now.

 You shouldn’t have reacted …………………. getting so annoyed.

 We were always polite …………………. our teachers when I was at school.

 I don’t think I’ll ever be rich, but you live …………………. hope, don’t you?

 I hope I live to the grand old age …………………. 94!

 I am writing …………………. response to your letter of 15th July.

 So …………………. effect what you’re saying is that I’m being made redundant.

 Sue left and, …………………. a consequence, I was promoted to Senior Nurse!

10   I know I did the wrong thing, but I was acting …………………. good faith, you know.


1 on   2 in   3 by   4 to   5 in   6 of   7 in   8 in

9 as   10 in

J. Complete using the words in the box in the correct form.

adverse • aggressive • alternative • dire • health • polite • quality

 Do you know what time the …………………….. centre opens in the morning?

 What we do here is ensure that our terminally ill patients get the best …………………….. of life possible.

 Of course hitting someone’s an example of …………………….. behaviour!

 There shouldn’t be any …………………….. effects with these pills, but if there are, let me know.

 I hate the thought of standing there making …………………….. conversation to strangers.

 The consequences could be …………………….. if you don’t start eating properly and get some exercise.

 Some doctors think there’s a lot to be said for …………………….. medicine.


1 health   2 quality   3 aggressive   4 adverse

5 polite   6 dire   7 alternative

K. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences.

1   I used to be …………………… against plastic surgery but I’ve changed my mind now.

      There was …………………… silence throughout the room, and I realised my joke had offended people.

      If you do that again you’ll be in …………………… trouble!

2   If you treat people well, they usually respond in …………………… .

      I didn’t say anything of the ……………………!

      That was very …………………… of you to help Mrs Taylor carry her shopping.

3   The play really came to …………………… in the second act.

      Darren asked me to go with him to the prom; ‘Not on your ……………………!’, I told him.

      You know you’re putting your …………………… at risk by smoking, don’t you?

4   The way Hilary treats Carl just makes me …………………… .

      We were worried …………………… because we had no idea where Karen was and she hadn’t called.

      I’m not feeling well at all, so I think I’m going to call in …………………… this morning.

5   We only went there for a ……………………; we didn’t know it would cause so much trouble.

      You always have to have the last ……………………, don’t you?

      It’s a …………………… a minute when Daniel’s around.

6   She only said that for ……………………; she doesn’t really believe it.

      The new regulations will come into …………………… from midnight tonight.

      Caffeine has very little …………………… on me, so I can sleep at night however many cups of coffee I drink.


1 dead   2 kind   3 life   4 sick   5 laugh   6 effect

L. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

1   Spending two weeks in hospital was very different from lying on the beach! cry

      Spending two weeks in hospital was ……………………………………… lying on the beach!

 The medicine should start working soon. benefits

      You should ……………………………………… soon.

 I just did what the sergeant ordered me to do, sir. acting

      I ………………………………………, sir.

 I had no idea everyone would react so violently to my suggestion. cause

      I had no idea I ……………………………………… by suggesting that.

 Don’t you think you should be a bit more respectful to them, Edward? treat

      Don’t you think you should ………………………………………, Edward?

 Alan’s got food poisoning. taken

      Alan ……………………………………… food poisoning.


1   a far cry from

2   feel the benefits of the medicine/see the benefits of the medicine

3   was just acting on the sergeant’s orders

4   would cause such a violent reaction

5   treat them with a bit more respect

6   has been take ill with

M. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

1   Thanks for inviting me but I think I’ll give it a leave, if you don’t mind. …………………

2   I could have hit myself when I invited Claudia to the beach. I’d completely forgotten she’s got to stay indoors until she’s completely recovered. …………………

3   I’m going to be in plaster for six months so I’m just going to have to smile and bear it. …………………

 Hold your hair on! It’s nothing to get upset about, you know. …………………

 I know you were angry but there was no need to fly off the doorknob like that. …………………

 After working all day, I like to go out with some friends just to let off air. …………………

 The best way to deal with bullies is to give them a taste of their own tablets. …………………

 They’re closing the local hospital and everyone round here is up in guns about it. …………………

 Fiona’s offered to help you. Don’t ask why – never look a gift cow in the mouth. …………………

10   You could complain to her boss, but it’s probably better just to let sleeping cats lie. …………………

11   What’s done is done – there’s no point crying over spilt liquid. …………………

12   It was hard to keep a plain face when Jenny told me how Toby had broken his arm. …………………


1 miss   2 kicked   3 grin   4 Keep   5 handle   6 steam

7 medicine   8 arms   9 horse   10 dogs   11 milk   12 straight

N. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals.

1   Colin became a political ……………………. when he was at university. ACT

2   Do you know the ……………………. of the word ‘handsome’? DERIVE

3   I know it’s a bit annoying but there’s no need to ……………………. to such an extent. ACT

4   Have you got any ……………………. in your toes at all, Mr Babcock? SENSE

5   We stood there watching the ……………………. drama with shock on our faces. FOLD

6   In medicine, ……………………. is always better than cure. PREVENT

7   If one of our nurses has acted ……………………., you can be assured we will take the strongest possible action against him or her. NEGLECT

8   It’s ……………………. even trying. We’ll never get to the hospital in time. FRUIT

9   We were all jumping around ……………………. in the corridor, desperately waiting to hear if it was a boy or a girl. PATIENT

10   Do you really think your plans are going to come to …………………….? FRUIT

11   By the angry looks on people’s faces, I would say there was widespread ……………………. for the proposed changes to the health centre’s opening times. APPROVE

12   I used to think I could change the world, but then ……………………. set in when I reached my early thirties. ILLUSION

13   I can’t believe you forgot to get your wife a birthday present. You’re so ……………………. sometimes! NEGLECT

14   She told me she’s not ……………………. in the slightest for what she said. REGRET

15   The whole incident was extremely ……………………. . REGRET

16   There’s a lot of ……………………. with the government at the moment. I think they might well get kicked out at the next election. CONTENT

17   As I told Rose how I felt she was completely ……………………., so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. RESPOND


1 activist   2 derivation   3 overreact   4 sensation   5 unfolding

6 prevention   7 negligently   8 fruitless   9 impatiently

10 fruition   11 disapproval   12 disillusionment   13 neglectful

14 regretful   15 regrettable   16 discontent(ment)   17 unresponsive

O. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

Voluntary euthanasia

There are many moral issues which remain (1) …………………… (RESOLVE) to this day. One of these is voluntary euthanasia. Let’s say there is a patient who has a terminal disease. All possible treatments known to science are (2) …………………… (EFFECT). There’s no cure, and no hope. The patient’s death from this disease at some point in the future is (3) …………………… (AVOID). Most of us would say that, as long as the patient is fairly comfortable and pain-free, there’s no moral issue. But what if the patient is in extreme agony? They cannot live (4) …………………… (DEPEND) of machines and 24-hour care. What if the patient (5) …………………… (RESOLVE) and continually asks for their life to be brought to an end by doctors? Should the doctors refuse? At present, in most countries, there are laws against voluntary euthanasia. But from a moral point of view, we have to (6) …………………… (KNOW) that there is a problem. Do the doctors really have the right to be (7) …………………… (SENSE) to the patient’s wishes?

On the other hand, opponents of voluntary euthanasia argue that scientific (8) …………………… (KNOW) is increasing all the time. An incurable disease one day may be curable the next. They also argue that if the law was changed, the (9) …………………… (RESULT) situation would put doctors in a much worse position. They currently have no choice. Do we as a society have the right to expect doctors to (10) …………………… (HAND) such a difficult and complex issue?


1 unresolved   2 ineffective   3 unavoidable   4 independently

5 resolutely   6 acknowledge   7 insensitive   8 knowledge

9 resulting/resultant   10 handle

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