A. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.


Frank Turner, the (1) …………………… (ACCUSE) in a trial that has attracted national attention, was today convicted of murder. The police (2) …………………… (INVESTIGATE) lasted for a year and during the trial over 100 hours of (3) …………………… (EVIDENT) were heard. Turner’s (4) …………………… (LAW) had all argued that he was not in the area at the time, but could not provide the necessary (5) …………………… (PROVE). Police described Turner as a well-known (6) …………………… (THEFT) who was responsible for many (7) …………………… (ROB) in the local region. This is not Turner’s first (8) …………………… (CONVICT). Seven years ago, he was found guilty of (9) …………………… (FORGE) and served three years in prison. The judge is expected to sentence Turner to a period of (10) …………………… (PRISON) later this week.


1 accused   2 investigation   3 evidence

4 lawyers   5 proof   6 thief   7 robberies

8 conviction   9 forgery   10 imprisonment

B. Match to make sentences.

11   I heard that they’re going to bring

12   Police are appealing for members of the public to come

13   Nobody was convinced when the man claimed the gun had gone

14   The policewoman started to take

15   Lots of old people have been taken

16   Peterson was found guilty of holding

17   Many people get

18   The policeman decided to let Shaun

A   off accidentally in his hand.

B   away with serious crimes every day.

C   in by this trick and have lost a lot of money.

 forward with any information they feel might be useful.

E   up the bank and was sentenced to five years in prison.

F   off this time, but told him that he wouldn’t be so lucky next time.

 in a law banning smoking in public places.

 down everything I was saying and I knew I was in serious trouble.


11 G   12 D   13 A   14 H   15 C   16 E   17 B   18 F

C. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

19   Police said there hadn’t been a crime as bad as this in over ten years.   the

        Police described it ………………………………………… over ten years.

20   Some people don’t respect the law.   have

        Some people ………………………………………… the law.

21   The laws in some countries are so strict that people have very little freedom.   such

        Some countries ………………………………………… people have very little freedom.

22   The girl was too young to go to prison.   old

        The girl ………………………………………… to go to prison.

23   The witness thought I was the thief, but realised that she was wrong.   for

        The witness …………………………………………, but realised that she was wrong.

24   Nobody in the country knows the law as well as Mr Parkhurst.   than

        Mr Parkhurst knows the law ………………………………………… in the country.

25   There have been so many robberies lately that people are afraid.   such

        There have been ………………………………………… robberies lately that people are afraid.

26   Even though we weren’t old enough, we managed to get into the night club.   too

        Even though we …………………………………………, we managed to get into the night club.

27   The judge told the jury to consider the man’s past life.   account

        The judge told the jury to ………………………………………… the man’s past life.


19 as the worst crime in

20 have no respect for

21 have such strict laws (that)

22 was not old enough

23 took/mistook me for the thief

24 better than anyone/anybody (else)

25 such a lot of

26 were too young

27 take into account

D. Choose the correct answer.

28   I had ………… a bad time in prison that I never want to go there again.

        A too            B so

        C such           D quite

29   One problem is that we don’t have ………… officers on the streets.

        A so a lot of

        B too many

        C enough

        D such many

30   I can’t get a car yet because I’m not ………… to drive.

        A enough old

        B quite old

        C so old

        D old enough

31   Some crimes seem to be ………… in this country than in others.

        A much less common

        B the least common

        C too little common

        D little common enough

32   Police blamed the robberies ………… a local gang.

        A with           B on

        C for              D to

33   My grandma says there was ………… a lot of crime when she was young that nobody trusted anybody else.

        A too            B so

        C such           D quite

34   It became ………… as I walked home and I began to get slightly nervous.

        A enough dark

        B such dark

        C quite dark

        D so dark enough


28 C   29 C   30 D   31 A   32 B   33 C   34 C

E. Choose the correct answer.

35   The prisoner knew he had ………… a mistake and would regret it forever.

        A got             B taken

        C done          D made

36   The boy ………… that he had had anything to do with the break-in.

        A refused     B denied

        C objected   D rejected

37   Suddenly, someone shouted, ‘Thief!’ and the man quickly ………… on a motorbike.

        A took in      B made off

        C came forward

        D handed in

38   Do you have ………… to take that bicycle?

        A allowance

        B exception

        C willingness

        D permission

39   He said it was an accident, but I know he did it on ………… .

        A purpose    B aim

        C goal           D reason

40   Things started to ………… wrong for the robbers when the alarm went off.

        A take           B have

        C go              D come

41   The sign says that all shoplifters will be ………… .

        A persecuted

        B disproved

        C prosecuted

        D prohibited


35 D   36 B   37 B   37 D   39 A   40 C   41 C

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