A. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

Egypt and South America

There is still no adequate (1) …………………. (EXPLAIN) why, several thousand years ago, cultures in both Egypt and South America saw the (2) …………………. (INTRODUCE) of pyramids. Was it coincidence? Many (3) …………………. (SCIENCE) believe that it was, and state that there is no (4) …………………. (POSSIBLE) at all that people from two distant continents traded information on (5) …………………. (BUILD) techniques. However, some (6) …………………. (REVOLUTION) theories in recent years, based on the (7) …………………. (DISCOVER) that the two cultures also share key myths, legends and beliefs, suggest that the (8) …………………. (APPEAR) of pyramids on opposite sides of the world was no coincidence at all. One (9) …………………. (RESEARCH) working on this, Crystal Davis, said: ‘The (10) …………………. (IMPORTANT) of finding out the truth here cannot be exaggerated. It could change our whole understanding of the history of the world.’


1 explanation   2 introduction   3 scientists

4 possibility   5 building   6 revolutionary

7 discovery   8 appearance   9 researcher

10 importance

B. Match to make sentences.

11   The fax machine has broken

12   A number of experiments have been carried

13   Whoever came

14   The electricity was cut

15   I’d like to find

16   This chemical gives

17   Cancer treatments have come

18   I wonder if you could put me

A   out by physicists which prove that time can speed up and slow down.

B   on enormously in recent years.

C   off for over three hours yesterday.

D   down, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

 off a very nasty smell when it’s heated.

 up with that idea should have won the Nobel Prize.

G   through to the Radiology Department, please.

H   out much more about technology in the Bronze Age.


11 D   12 A   13 F   14 C   15 H   16 E   17 B   18 G

C. Complete the second sentences using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

19   I can’t wait until we do some experiments in the science lab.   forward

        I’m really ………………………………… some experiments in the science lab.

20   Communication changed completely when the telephone was introduced.   with

        Communication changed completely ………………………………… the telephone.

21   Dr Frankenstein was finally successful in bringing the monster to life.   managed

        Dr Frankenstein ………………………………… the monster to life.

22   I can’t understand how they built the Pyramids.   impossible

        I ………………………………… how they built the Pyramids.

23   Fleming discovered penicillin as a result of a little luck.   resulted

        A little luck ………………………………… penicillin.

24   People sometimes call nurses ‘angels’.   known

        Nurses ………………………………… ‘angels’.

25   Einstein eventually realised that he was wrong.   conclusion

        Einstein eventually ………………………………… that he was wrong.

26   Our physics teacher tried to explain the Theory of Relativity.   attempt

        Our physics teacher ………………………………… explaining the Theory of Relativity.

27   We’ll save enough money and then we’ll buy a computer.   soon

        We’ll buy a computer ………………………………… saved enough money.


19 looking forward to doing

20 with the introduction of

21 finally managed to bring

22 I find it impossible to understand

23 resulted in Fleming’s discovery of/ Fleming discovering

24 are sometimes known as

25 came to/reached the conclusion

26 made an attempt to

27 as soon as we have

D. Choose the correct answer.

28   This time next week, we ………… the chemistry exam.

        A have finished

        B have been finishing

        C will have finished

        D will have been finishing

29   When I grow up, ………… an inventor.

        A I’m being

        B I’m going to be

        C I will have been

        D I will be being

30   Shirley will ………… her research for the next few weeks.

        A have done

        B be doing

        C have been doing

        D have been done

31   Next year, Sam will ………… patients at this hospital for twenty-five years.

        A have been treating

        B treat

        C be treating

        D be going to treat

32   ‘What is it?’

        ‘We won’t know until ………… at it under a microscope.’

        A we’re going to look

        B we’ll have looked

        C we’ll be looking

        D we’ve looked

33   You won’t get any radio reception while ………… through the tunnel.

        A you’ve driven

        B you’ll drive

        C you’re driving

        D you’ll be driving

34   ‘I’m going to set up the equipment in a minute.’

        ‘………… give you a hand?’

        A Shall I        B Will I

        C Would I     D Do I


28 C   29 B   30 B   31 A   32 D   33 C   34 A

E. Choose the correct answer.

35   Do you know who ………… the fact that sound travels in waves?

        A invented  

        B developed

        C discovered

        D found

36   I’m thinking of getting a fax ………… .

        A machine   B engine

        C motor        D instrument

37   The ………… of the outbreak of the disease is still unknown.

        A aim            B reason

        C cause         D motive

38   Ten million text messages are sent on ………… every minute.

        A normal      B common

        C general     D average

39   Once they’ve finished the extension to the …………, there’ll be room for them to take on a lot more workers.

        A manufacturing

        B trade

        C industry

        D factory

40   Shannen doesn’t dye her hair; it’s ………… blonde.

        A physically

        B naturally

        C logically

        D organically

41   I’ve ………… it in at the mains but it still doesn’t seem to work.

        A worked     B turned

        C narrowed D plugged


35 C   36 A   37 C   38 D   39 D   40 B   41 D

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