A. Write one word in each gap.


One of (1) …………….. websites that has been very successful in recent years is eBay. On eBay, people take things that belong (2) …………….. them and offer them for sale. Other people offer (3) …………….. amount of money, and (4) …………….. person who offers the most money wins the item. They then pay (5) …………….. the item (6) …………….. cheque or credit card. It’s (7) …………….. simple idea, but it’s become a very popular way of buying and selling. Even if you only have a (8) …………….. of money, you can often find something you want on eBay. Most of the items are (9) …………….. good condition, and eBay has a (10) …………….. of happy users.


1 the   2 to   3 an   4 the   5 for

6 by   7 a   8 bit   9 in   10 lot

B. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

11   I’ve made my ……………….. (DECIDE). I’m going to buy the blue one.

12   This dress is wonderful – but it’s a little too ……………….. (EXPENSE) for me.

13   I’ve broken my new CD player and now it’s ……………….. (USE)!

14   In the past, rich people often had ……………….. (SERVE) to do everything for them.

15   We offer top quality products at ……………….. (AFFORD) prices!

16   The advert was ……………….. (TRUE), so I complained to the manager.

17   Please be careful with that painting – it’s extremely ……………….. (VALUE).

18   When you ……………….. (COMPARE) our prices with other shops, we’re the cheapest!


11 decision   12 expensive   13 useless   14 servants

15 affordable   16 untrue   17 valuable   18 compare

C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words.

19   Could you lend some money to me until the weekend? from

        Could I …………………… you until the weekend?

20   I can’t decide which shoes I like most, the blue ones or the green ones. choose

        I can’t …………………… the blue shoes and the green shoes.

21   Why don’t you return the sweater to the shop you got it from? back

        Why don’t you …………………… to the shop you got it from?

22   It can be very worrying when you owe money to the bank. debt

        It can be very worrying when you …………………… to the bank.

23   We need to go quickly or the shops will be closed. up

        We need to …………………… or the shops will be closed.

24   I paid for the CD using notes and coins and then left the shop. cash

        I paid for the CD …………………… and then left the shop.

25   I don’t agree with your opinion of the new shopping centre. wrong

        I think you …………………… the new shopping centre.

26   Do they rent cars here? rent

        Do they have …………………… here?


19   borrow some money from

20   choose between

21   take the sweater back

22   are in debt

23   hurry up

24   in cash

25   are wrong about

26   cars for rent

D. Choose the correct answer.

27   I heard there’s ………………. new sports shop in town. Let’s see what they have.

        A   a              B   the

         an             one

28   I don’t have ………………. money, so I’ll have to wait to get a new coat.

        A   a piece of

        B   a few

        C   much        many

29   It’s going to be very expensive to send a person to ………………. .

         a Mars        one Mars

        C   the Mars    Mars

30   I don’t know much about computers, so I asked the assistant for ………………. advice.

         a lot         many

         a few        a little

31   In my experience, ………………. are very friendly.


         a Chinese

         the Chinese

        D   this Chinese

32   Dad has to go to ………………. early tomorrow to meet an important customer.

        A   work       B   the work

        C   a work    D   that work

33   Which is more important – money or ……………….?

        A   environment

        B   the environment

        C   an environment

        D   one environment

34   Apparently, it’s the largest computer store in ………………. .

         an Europe

         a Europe

         the Europe



27 A   28 C   29 D   30 D   31 C   32 A   33 B   34 D

E. Choose the correct answer.

35   Let me just add ………………. what I’m buying to see if I’ve got enough money.

        A   on            B   up

        C   over         D   in

36   Bob ………………. a lot of money in his brother’s business and made a profit.

        A   spent       B   invested

        C   saved       D   owed

37   I’m saving all my pocket money ………………. to buy a new PlayStation.

        A   out           down

        C   up             away

38   The old man took the book ………………. from the shelf and looked at the price.

        A   up             down

        C   out            back

39   I couldn’t sell my old magazines, so I gave them ………………. .

        A   over         off

        C   up             away

40   I gave the waiter a €50 note and waited for my ………………. .

        A   change    supply

        C   cash         cost

41   Home Lovers have got lots of ………………. in their sale this year.

        A   debts       B   fortunes

        C   bargains   fees


35 B   36 B   37 C   38 B   39 D   40 A   41 C

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