A. Match the statements with the verbs in the box.
complain • criticise • deny • encourage • gossip • insult • praise • refuse • warn |
1 ‘I didn’t take your jacket!’ ……………………..
2 Well done! You did that really well.’ ……………………..
3 ‘No, I’m not going to help you clean your room.’ ……………………..
4 ‘Be careful or you’ll cut yourself.’ ……………………..
5 ‘Mum that’s not fair!’ ……………………..
6 ‘I thought his singing was awful!’ ……………………..
7 ‘Did you hear what Becca told Lizzy about Robert?’ ……………………..
8 ‘Go on! You can do it! I know you can!’ ……………………..
9 ‘You stupid lazy idiot!’ ……………………..
1 deny 2 praise 3 refuse 4 warn 5 complain
6 criticise 7 gossip 8 encourage 9 insult
B. Circle the correct word.
1 Don pretend / claim to be asleep. I know you’re awake really!
2 I’ve been ting to doubt / convince Kathy that Jacob isn’t a liar, but she doesn’t believe me.
3 Police are investigating the cause / purpose of the accident.
4 I’ve just rad a thought / theory. Why don’t we have the party at your place?
5 There’s a discussion / rumour going round the school that Mrs Tibbs is leaving at the end of term. I wonder if it’s true.
6 I’m going to get / become rid of these shoes. They’re really old.
7 The result / accident of the experiment wasn’t what I’d expected at all.
8 The detective assumed / investigated that the burglar had got in through an open window.
1 pretend 2 convince 3 cause 4 thought
5 rumour 6 get 7 result 8 assumed
C. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.
1 I think we should all go in the same car and save petrol. That’s the most …………………… idea. B L E S S I N E
2 Angie has got a …………………… problem with her motorbike. It’s going to take at least a week to fix. RE S S I U O
3 I think this is the …………………… place to camp – it’s dry and flat and has a stream to get water from. L A D E I
4 Don’t be so ……………………! I’m sure everything will be fine. G E N T A V I E
5 I had the …………………… tyre on the car pumped up at the garage. R A S P E
6 Your teachers all said lots of …………………… things about you. Well done! S E PT I O I V
1 sensible 2 serious 3 ideal 4 negative
5 spare 6 positive
D. Match the pictures with the statements.
A Watch out!
B Let’s share this out.
C I’ll hang this up.
D I’d better pick this up.
E I can’t work this out.
F I think we’ve run out.
G I’ll just put this back.
H Thanks for sorting that out.

1 C 2 D 3 G 4 F 5 A 6 B 7 H 8 E
E. Write one word in each gap.
1 If Mum and Dad find out, you’ll be …………………. big trouble!
2 I bought the wrong CD …………………. mistake.
3 …………………. my view, nobody has really seen a ghost.
4 Sue is …………………. quite a lot of pressure at work at the moment.
5 You’re …………………. danger of making a terrible mistake!
6 Your room is …………………. a terrible mess. Go and tidy it at once!
1 in 2 by 3 In 4 under 5 in 6 in
F. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
Personal shoppers
Do you get (1) …………………… (CONFUSE) about what to buy when you go clothes shopping? Do you feel (2) …………………… (HELP) when you have to choose between two pairs of jeans? Are you fed up with rude and (3) …………………… (HELP) sales assistants? Has the (4) …………………… (REFUSE) of your credit card caused you embarrassment? Everyone, without (5) …………………… (EXCEPT), finds shopping stressful at times.
But you don’t need to worry any more! (6) …………………… (LUCK), now there’s a (7) …………………… (SOLVE). You can have your own personal shopper. Personal shoppers work in several different ways. If you want someone to come shopping with you, they’ll do that. They’ll (8) …………………… (ADVICE) you about the best bargains and make (9) …………………… (SUGGEST) and (10) …………………… (RECOMMEND) about what to buy. However, many people who have personal shoppers find it (11) …………………… (PREFER) not to go to the shops at all. They let their personal shopper do all the shopping for them. They trust their personal shopper to know their (12) …………………… (PREFER) and to make the right decisions.
1 confused 2 helpless 3 unhelpful 4 refusal 5 exception
6 Luckily 7 solution 8 advise 9 suggestions 10 recommendations
11 preferable 12 preferences
G. Match to make sentences.
1 Jim doesn’t believe
2 I completely agree
3 I’m not sure
4 Dominic doesn’t approve
5 I’ve got no idea what happened
6 You can always rely
A about that at all.
B on Craig.
C in ghosts.
D to Tara.
E of people smoking.
F with you.
1 C 2 F 3 A 4 E 5 D 6 B
H. Choose the correct answer.
1 What’s the best way to deal ……………….. a disobedient child?
A for B with C about
2 I’d definitely advise ……………….. getting a snake for a pet.
A against B from C without
3 I don’t know what the solution ……………….. this problem is.
A about B for C to
4 Our teacher insists ……………….. us waiting in silence outside the class before the lesson.
A for B on C about
5 The advantage ……………….. having brothers and sisters is that you get more birthday presents!
A of B from C for
6 You can’t hide the truth ……………….. me!
A across B against C from
1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C
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