1. Listen to the radio commercials. Which is the odd one out (1, 2, 3 or 4)? Why?
2. Match the commercials (1 -4) with these pictures.

3. Listen again. Answer these questions.
a 500 what? ………………………………………
b We’re here to help you with what? ………………………………………
c 400 what for what? ………………………………………
d 350 what for what? ………………………………………
e One in three what? ………………………………………
f Don’t kid who? ………………………………………
g Kill what? ………………………………………
h Hate what? ………………………………………
i Book your holidays from where? ………………………………………
4. Which is the best commercial? Why?
5. Complete the following phrases from the radio commercials.
a Help is …………………. …………………. .
b Just one of the …………………. …………………. we’ve got for you.
c …………………. …………………. at any branch …
d Announcing the great Furniture Fanfare …………………. …………………. …………………. .
c We’ve got everything …………………. …………………. …………………. at prices …………………. …………………. …………………. .
f …………………. …………………. …………………. is the click of a mouse.
g The place everyone …………………. …………………. …………………. .
Commercial 3 is the odd one out because it is not selling a product or a service. It is asking people to drive more slowly.
a 3 b 4 c 1 d 2
a 500 free minutes
b all those numbers
c £400 for a sofa and two chairs (three-piece suite)
d £350 for a beautiful dining room table
e one in three of all deaths
f your self
g your speed
h all that noise and fuss
i www.getawaybreak.com
a at hand b great deals c Call in
d super summer sale
c you might want … you won’t believe
f All it takes g wants to visit
VOICE 1: One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred
VOICE 2: Numbers. Numbers. That’s all we hear these days. What do they mean?
VOICE 3: Do you want a new mobile phone?
VOICE 2: That’s just what I mean. Numbers. Numbers. I just don’t understand them. Which phone shall I choose?
VOICE 3: Relax. Help is at hand. At Phone Mo bile our experts will help you through all those numbers and give you the only ones you need to know about
VOICE 1: One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred …
VOICE 3: Like the new Applephone 500.
VOICE 3: Yes, you heard it. Five hundred FREE minutes when you sign up with Applephone, just one of the great deals we’ve got for you. And all you have to do is call in at any branch of Phone Mobile, and we’ll make those numbers disappear.
VOICE 4: Phone Mobile. We’re here to help you with all those numbers.
WOMAN: Announcing the great Furniture Fanfare super summer sale.
MAN: We’ve got everything you might want at prices you won’t believe.
WOMAN: How about a beautiful three-piece suite for only £400 in white, lilac, green or wine red?
MAN: Or a beautiful dining room table – seats up to eight people. Only £350.
WOMAN: And when you’re tired what could be better than a beautiful king-sized bed by Slumber, the best bed builders in the country. It’s so comfortable you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow.
MAN: Furniture Fanfare. Everything you need for the perfect home. At affordable prices. Come and visit us at Junction 26 on the M44.
MAN: Kid yourself it’s OK to do a bit more than the speed limit.
Everyone does it.
Kid yourself, speeding is OK if you don’t get caught.
Kid yourself, you’ll never lose control. You’re cool.
Well don’t kid yourself. Driving too fast for the conditions causes one in three of all deaths.
So, how fast are you going now? What’s the speed limit?
Think about it. How would you feel if you killed a kid?
WOMAN: Think about it.
Good driving is no accident. It’s right under your right foot.
Don’t kill a child. Kill your speed.
MAN: A message from the CCC road safety campaign.
WOMAN: Don’t you just hate all that noise and fuss, standing in queues, and then when you get to talk to the assistant she doesn’t know the answer to your question – that’s if her computer is working. But that’s what it’s like when you go to most high-street travel agents to book your annual holiday.
MAN: Well, now you can avoid all that inconvenience and book your holidays direct from your home. All it takes is the click of a mouse.
WOMAN: Yes. Visit us at Cetawaybreak.com and you can find exactly what you want right there.
MAN: Gerawaybreak.com. The place everyone wants to visit. And you won’t have to wait to be served!
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