A. Victoria is a contestant on the show. She has passed on six letters, and she has 90 seconds left. Listen to the last six definitions. When you hear a “ping,” write the word.
1 _________________
2 _________________
3 _________________
4 _________________
5 _________________
6 _________________
B. Listen and check.
1 bald 2 crowded 3 gloves 4 kitchen 5 lazy
6 television (TV)
P = presenter, V = Victoria
P OK. It begins with B. It’s an adjective for a man who has no hair on his head!
V (ping)
P Right. It begins with C. It’s an adjective. It describes a place where there are a lot of people, for example a restaurant, or a beach in the summer.
V (ping)
P Right. It begins with G. They’re things that people wear on their hands.
V (ping)
P Right. It begins with K. It’s the room where people cook.
V (ping)
P Right. It begins with L. It’s an adjective for someone who doesn’t like studying or working, for example. It’s the opposite of hardworking.
V (ping)
P Right. It begins with T. It’s a thing with a screen that you can watch shows and movies on…. Just three seconds left.
V (ping)
P OK. It begins with B. It’s an adjective for a man who has no hair on his head!
V Bald.
P Right. It begins with C. It’s an adjective. It describes a place where there are a lot of people, for example a restaurant, or a beach in the summer.
V Crowded.
P Right. It begins with G. They’re things that people wear on their hands.
V Gloves.
P Right. It begins with K. It’s the room where people cook.
V Kitchen.
P Right. It begins with L. It’s an adjective for someone who doesn’t like studying or working, for example. It’s the opposite of hardworking.
V Lazy.
P Right. It begins with T. It’s a thing with a screen that you can watch shows and movies on.…Just three seconds left.
V Television!
P Congratulations, Victoria! You did it!
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