English Exercises
Practice English Listening A2 Exerciseswith Answers and Audioscripts
Listening to people talk about their past
Listening to a description of a transportation system
Understand descriptions of childhood
Listen to people talk about capsule hotels
Listening to descriptions of foods
Listening to travel advice
Listening to the results of a survey about family life
Summer plans
Listening to people give suggestions for using technology
Listening to a description of Carnaval in Brazil
Understand descriptions of customs
Listening to people talk about changes
Listening to people talk about their job preferences
Understand descriptions of abilities and personalities
Listening for information about a country
Listening to stories about unexpected experiences
Listening for opinions
Listening to people talk about the meaning of signs
Listening to people talk about predicaments
Listening for excuses
Life in the city
Making changes
Vacation and travel plans
Uses and purposes of technology
Holidays and special occasions
Life in different times
Job skills
Famous landmarks, monuments, and works of art
Tell stories
Rules and recognize common signs
Unusual laws around the world
Difficult situations
Communication: Radio report about babies and sign language
Communication: Lecture about gestures
Literature: Interview about Artists for Literacy
Literature: Informal conversation about books
Life Sciences: Tour at the Eden Project
Life Sciences: Classroom lecture on bees
Psychology: TV program about how to improve memory
Psychology: Radio call-in show
Anthropology: Interview with an anthropologist
Anthropology: News report on corporate anthropology
Money: Radio report about local currencies
Money: Informal lecture about the history of money
Health: Conversation about fidgeting and fitness
Health: Radio book review
Social Studies: Interview with a sociologist
Social Studies: on-the-street interviews about community involvement
Earth Science: News program about running in the rain
Earth Science: Lecture on water projects around the world
History: Conversation about the discovery of America
History: Student presentation on Ellis Island
Math and Technology: Radio program on the Fibonacci sequence
Math and Technology: Lecture on human computers
Law: Interview about restorative justice
Law: Radio call-in program about legal questions