1. Listen. What is the radio phone-in about?

2. Answer these questions.

 How many people call the radio programme?   ………………………..

 What activities are mentioned in the radio programme?   ………………………..

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

a   What is Keith’s hobby?   …………………………………………..

b   What is the basic equipment for Extreme Ironing?   …………………………………………..

c   What was Phil doing when he invented Extreme Ironing?   …………………………………………..

d   What was Phil’s favourite sport before Extreme Ironing?   …………………………………………..

e    What kind of people do Extreme Ironing?   …………………………………………..

4. Listen again. Complete the advertisement using information from the programme.

What is extreme ironing?

It’s (a) ……………………, using an ordinary (b) …………………… and (c) …………………… but instead of doing it in your living room or kitchen, you do it in (d) …………………… places! For example, at the top (e) ……………………, up a (f) …………………… or at the bottom of the (g) ……………………!

Who does it?

People from different (h) …………………… – but you have to be a little bit (i) ……………………!

Interested? Here’s how to find out more about this fascinating sport! Phone the (j) …………………… …………………… ……………………!

5. Listen again. Complete the chart with information from the radio phone-in and personal information.


Extreme ironing

My favourite leisure activity

(a) Where can you practise it?



(b) What do you need?



(c) What kind of people do it?





Leisure / hobbies / pastimes


a two

b extreme ironing, rock climbing, canopying


a extreme ironing

b an iron and an ironing board

c ironing

d rock climbing

e people who enjoy life and are a bit crazy


a sport   b iron   c an ironing board

d unusual   e a mountain    f tree

g sea   h countries    i crazy

j Extreme Ironing Offices


a anywhere

b an iron and an ironing board

c people who are a bit crazy


DJ:   Welcome back to ‘Talktime’, the morning show for you, the listeners. Today’s topic is leisure. What do you do in your spare time – when you’re not working or studying? Do you do anything unusual? Anything wacky? Give us a call. And we have a caller on the line. It’s Keith. Hello, Keith. What do you like doing?

KEITH:   Hi Jim! My hobby is Extreme Ironing.

DJ:   Wait a minute, what did you say? Extreme Ironing?

KEITH:   Yeah, that’s right. Ironing. You know, with an iron and an ironing board.

DJ:   Sorry, Keith, but do you mean ironing, the kind I do – like ironing clothes?

KEITH:   Well, yeah, but, with a difference. In Extreme Ironing you don’t do the ironing in the kitchen or the bedroom. You do it in strange, unusual places.

DJ:   Like what?

KEITH:   Well, like at the top of a mountain, or up a tree, or at the bottom of the sea … Anywhere! It’s up to you and your imagination!

DJ:   Are you serious?

KEITH:   Of course I am.

DJ:   But that’s just …, it’s just …

KEITH:   Just crazy! Yes it is, it’s great fun and you need a lot of skill.

DJ:   Er … yeah. Hey Keith, do other people do this Extreme Ironing or is it just you?

KEITH:   No, no! It’s not just me. People do Extreme Ironing all over the world. We even have World Championships.

DJ:   Wow! Fantastic. So how did this … um … sport start?

KEITH:   Well it all started with a guy called Phil. He was doing his ironing and he was bored. He started to think about his favourite sport.

DJ:   His favourite sport?

KEITH:   Yeah. Phil loves rock climbing, and he thought ‘rock climbing … ironing … ironing … rock climbing’ and that was it!

DJ:   Who does Extreme Ironing then?

KEITH:   Lots of people from lots of different countries. You have to enjoy life and be a bit crazy!

DJ:   So if any listeners are interested, how can they find out more about it?

KEITH:   You can find us on the Internet or phone the Extreme Ironing Offices. They’re in the phone book.

DJ:   You heard it here first! That was Keith the ironing man! Our next caller is Sue. Hello. Sue, what’s your favourite activity?

SUE:   Hello Jim! My favourite activity is canopying, like in the jungle. You know, flying through the tops of trees? I did this in Costa Rica last summer and it’s really awesome…

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