Exercise 1
A. Jake and Matt are students. Listen their conversation.
– Who is the fussy eater?
– Which foods didn’t Jake like when he was a kid? What did he like?
– Where do they go to eat?
B. Listen again and complete the lines.
1 Oh, good, we have _____ tomatoes.
2 _____ tomatoes for me. I hate _____.
3 I didn’t like _____ _____ of things when I was a kid.
4 I didn’t like _____ vegetables.
5 ‘I hated _____ green vegetables.’ ‘Do you like _____ now?’
6 I still can’t eat broccoli. I hate _____.
7 Did you like _____ fruit?
8 I liked _____ fruit but not _____.
9 I drank _____ _____ of orange juice.
10 I liked pasta, too, with tomato sauce and _____ cheese on top.
Answers & Audioscripts
Jake is the fussy eater.
He didn’t like: tomatoes, any vegetables (except potatoes)/green vegetables/broccoli, strawberries, coffee and tea.
He liked: chips, bananas, apples, fruit juice (especially orange juice), ice cream, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, sausages, pasta with tomato sauce and some cheese.
They go to Matt’s favourite Italian restaurant to eat. It’s called Mimmo’s.
1 some 2 No, them 3 a lot 4 any 5 all, them 6 it
7 any 8 some, all 9 a lot 10 some
Were you a fussy eater?
M = Matt J = Jake
M Oh, good, we have some tomatoes.
J Sorry, Matt. No tomatoes for me. I hate them.
M Come on Jake! Tomatoes are really good for you. I didn’t like them much when I was a kid, but I love them now.
J Hmm – I didn’t like a lot of things when I was a kid.
M Ah – you were a fussy eater! What didn’t you like?
J I didn’t like any vegetables. Well, I liked potatoes, but only chips – and I hated all green vegetables.
M Do you like them now?
J Mmm! Not really. I quite like peas, but I still can’t eat broccoli. I hate it.
M What about fruit? Did you like any fruit?
J I liked some fruit, but not all. I quite liked bananas and apples, but not strawberries. And I liked fruit juice. I drank a lot of orange juice.
M Yeah, and now you drink a lot of beer!
J Yeah – and coffee. But I didn’t like coffee or tea when I was a kid.
M A lot of kids don’t like coffee. I didn’t like it until I was 16. So what did you like? What were your favourite foods?
J I liked all the usual things kids like – ice cream, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, and oh and sausages – I loved sausages.
M All the unhealthy things!
J Sausages aren’t unhealthy! And I liked pasta, too … with tomato sauce and some cheese on top – that’s healthy.
M Tomato sauce!? But you hate tomatoes.
J Tomato sauce is different. Hey, let’s not cook tonight. Let’s go out to Mimmo’s.
M Great idea! It’s my favourite Italian restaurant and it isn’t too expensive.
Exercise 2
A. Listen. Read the sentences. Which are true (✓)? Which are false (✗). Correct the false ones.
1 Jake and Matt would both like the same meal.
2 Jake doesn’t like spaghetti very much.
3 They’d like two glasses of red wine.
4 They don’t want any water.
5 Matt would like to cook a special meal for their housemates.
6 Jake really likes eating ‘Toad in the Hole’.
Answers & Audioscripts
1 ✓
2 ✗ He really likes spaghetti.
3 ✗ They’d like a bottle of red wine.
4 ✗ They ask for some tap water.
5 ✓
6 ✗ He doesn’t know about ‘Toad in the Hole’.
In an Italian restaurant
W = waitress M = Matt J = Jake
W Good evening, guys. What would you like?
M I’d like the Spaghetti Bolognese, please.
J Same for me, please. I really like spaghetti.
W Fine! And would you like the wine list?
J No, thanks. Just a glass of wine for me. Do you like red wine, Matt?
M Yeah. Let’s get a bottle of house red.
J Fine! And some water too, please.
W Of course. Would you like sparkling or still?
M Just some tap water, please.
W No problem. Thanks guys.
J Hey, it’s our turn to cook for the others tomorrow. What would you like to cook?
M I’d like to cook my very favourite meal.
J And what’s that?
M ‘Toad in the Hole’. My mum makes the best ‘Toad in the Hole’ – I can get her recipe.
J ‘Toad in the Hole’! Ugh! What’s it made of? Toads?
M Of course not! It’s made with sausages … and you like sausages.
J I love them. Everyone likes sausages.
Exercise 3
A. Choose Would/ Do you like…? or I/I’d like … . Listen and check. Practise with a partner.
1 A Excuse me, are you ready to order?
B Yes. I like / Yes. I’d like a steak, please.
2 A Would you like / Do you like a sandwich?
B No, thanks. I’m not hungry.
3 A Do you like / Would you like Ella?
B Yes. She’s very nice.
4 A Do you like / Would you like a cold drink?
B Yes, please. I’d love one.
5 A Can I help you?
B Yes. We like / We’d like a table for two, please.
6 A What do you do in your free time?
B Well, I like / I’d like going to the gym.
B. Listen to the questions and tick (✓) the correct answers.
1 ◻ I like French wine, especially red.
◻ We’d like a bottle of French red wine.
2 ◻ Just cheese, please. I don’t like ham.
◻ I’d like a cheese and ham sandwich.
3 ◻ I’d like a book by Jodi Picoult.
◻ I like books by Jodi Picoult.
4 ◻ I’d like a new computer.
◻ I like Apple Macs more than PCs.
5 ◻ I’d like a dog, but Dad says no.
◻ I like dogs, but I don’t like cats much.
6 ◻ No, thanks. I don’t like ice cream.
◻ I’d like some ice cream, please.
C. Listen and check. Practise with your partner.
Answers & Audioscripts
Would you like?/ Do you like?
1 A Excuse me, are you ready to order?
B Yes. I’d like a steak, please.
2 A Would you like a sandwich?
B No, thanks. I’m not hungry.
3 A Do you like Ella?
B Yes. She’s very nice.
4 A Would you like a cold drink?
B Yes, please. I’d love one.
5 A Can I help you?
B Yes. We’d like a table for two, please.
6 A What do you do in your free time?
B Well, I like going to the gym.
1 What kind of wine do you like?
2 Would you like a cheese and ham sandwich?
3 Who’s your favourite author?
4 What do you want for your birthday?
5 Do you have any pets?
6 Would you like some ice cream for dessert?
1 A What kind of wine do you like?
B I like French wine, especially red.
2 A Would you like a cheese and ham sandwich?
B Just cheese, please. I don’t like ham.
3 A Who’s your favourite author?
B I like books by Jodi Picoult.
4 A What do you want for your birthday?
B I’d like a new computer.
5 A Do you have any pets?
B I’d like a dog, but Dad says no.
6 A Do you want some ice cream for dessert?
B No, thanks. I don’t like ice cream.
Exercise 4
A. Listen to Jake and Matt’s conversation and write their shopping list. What do they want at the supermarket?
B. Complete their conversation with some/any/a lot and much/many. Listen again and check. Practise the conversation.
Making a shopping list
M Mum’s recipe for ‘Toad in the Hole’ looks easy.
J Good! Would you like me to help?
M It’s OK. I like cooking. You can help make the shopping list.
M Now, do we have 1_____ eggs? And how 2_____ milk and flour is there?
J Well, we have 3_____ eggs, but not 4_____, just two. How 5_____ do we need?
M Three.
J OK, put eggs on the list.
M And milk? We need 6_____ of milk.
J No problem. We have 7_____. And we have 8_____ of flour, too.
M Great! And vegetable oil? How 9_____ oil is there?
J There’s 10_____, but not 11_____. … Look!
M That’ll do! What about herbs? Do we have 12_____ thyme?
J I can’t see 13_____.
M OK, we need thyme. Now, what else?
J Sausages! They’re very important. We have two, but they look really old and sad! How 14_____ do we need?
M Eight! Put sausages on the list. Oh, and a large packet of frozen peas. Is that it?
J Yeah! So first the supermarket, then the cooking. I can’t wait to try this!
Answers & Audioscripts
They want to buy eggs, thyme, sausages, and frozen peas.
1 any 2 much 3 some 4 many 5 many
6 a lot 7 a lot 8 a lot 9 much 10 some
11 a lot 12 any 13 any 14 many
The shopping list
M = Matt J = Jake
M Mum’s recipe for ‘Toad in the Hole’ looks easy.
J Good! Would you like me to help?
M It’s OK. I like cooking. You can help make the shopping list.
M Now, do we have any eggs? And how much milk and flour is there?
J Well, we have some eggs, but not many, just two. How many do we need?
M Three.
J OK, put eggs on the list.
M And milk? We need a lot of milk.
J No problem. We have a lot. And we have a lot of flour, too.
M Great! And vegetable oil? How much oil is there?
J There’s some, but not a lot. … Look!
M That’ll do! What about herbs? Do we have any thyme?
J I can’t see any.
M OK, we need thyme. Now, what else?
J Sausages! They’re very important. We have two, but they look really old and sad! How many do we need?
M Eight! Put sausages on the list. Oh, and a large packet of frozen peas. Is that it?
J Yeah! So first the supermarket, then the cooking. I can’t wait to try this!
Exercise 5
A. Complete the questions using much or many.
1 How ______ toast would you like?
2 How ______ ice cream do we have left?
3 How ______ people were at the wedding?
4 How ______ money do you have in your pocket?
5 How ______ petrol is there in the car?
6 How ______ children does your brother have?
7 How ______ days is it until your birthday?
8 How ______ time did you need this exercise?
B. Choose an answer for each question in A. Listen and check. Practise with a partner.
a Just fifty p.
b It’s tomorrow!
c Just one piece, please.
d Not a lot. Just more vanilla.
e Just three minutes.
f Two. A boy and a girl.
g About 150.
h It’s full.
Answers & Audioscripts
1 much 2 much 3 many 4 much 5 much 6 many
7 many 8 much
a 4 b 7 c 1 d 2 e 8 f 6 g 3 h 5
1 A How much toast would you like?
B Just one piece, please.
2 A How much ice cream do we have left?
B Not a lot. Just some vanilla.
3 A How many people were at the wedding?
B About 150.
4 A How much money do you have in your pocket?
B Just fifty p.
5 A How much petrol is there in the car?
B It’s full.
6 A How many children does your brother have?
B Two. A boy and a girl.
7 A How many days is it until your birthday?
B It’s tomorrow!
8 A How much time did you need for this exercise?
B Just three minutes.
Exercise 6
A. Listen to two people who have a special memory of a special meal. Which photo goes with John’s meal? Which with Alison’s?

B. Listen again. Answer the questions and complete the chart.
John |
Alison |
1 Where were they? |
2 When was it? |
3 What did they eat? |
4 Who did they eat with? |
5 Why was it so memorable? |
Answers & Audioscripts
The main photo of the boat and the sea corresponds to Alison’s story. The smaller photo of a bowl of mussels is about John’s special meal.
John |
Alison |
1 Where were they? |
France, Nîmes. |
Tanga, Tanzania. |
2 When was it? |
When he was a student. |
Many years ago. |
3 What did they eat? |
Steak and chips, mussels with bread and wine. |
Chicken curry. |
4 Who did they eat with? |
The café owner and the man, and his (John’s) girlfriend. |
Arab rug sellers and her husband and baby. |
5 Why was it so memorable? |
Because the man and the café owner were so kind and they all had a good time |
Because she wasn’t allowed to eat with the men, and by the time she got to the bowl, all the chicken had gone, and only sauce was left. |
A meal to remember
1 John
For me it has to be this. I was with my girlfriend in France, in Nîmes in the south. We were students, studying the language, and, of course, we didn’t have any money … well … very little money. We knew a cheap, but good, café near where we lived, but we could still only afford one meal between us. We ordered one small steak and some chips to share – we finished it in minutes. The man at the next table had a mountain of mussels and some bread and wine. He looked at us and smiled, then he said – er – in French, of course, ‘I’m not so hungry this evening – would you like some of these?’ And he gave us a big bowl of his mussels. The café owner saw this and smiled, and then he came over to our table with two bottles of really good white wine and four glasses. And so we all – the café patron, the kind man, my girlfriend and I, sat down together and enjoyed delicious food and drink, excellent conversation and a lot of laughs. It was a great evening and a meal to remember for the rest of my life!
2 Alison
This – er – is a very memorable meal for me, from many years ago. My husband and I were living and working in East Africa, on the coast – er, in a town called Tanga in Tanzania. Er –Tanga’s a port, so lots of boats came there from all over the world – and – some from North Africa – and – er, we often had Arab dhows there, selling rugs. We bought one, a really beautiful one – and we still have it. Anyway, because of this, we were invited to a meal on board one of the dhows. We were really excited. What an experience! We took our ten-month-old daughter with us and sailed out to the dhow. We could smell the most fabulous smell as we got near to it. The men welcomed us warmly and helped us aboard with the baby. And there, in the middle of the deck, was one huge bowl of the most delicious chicken curry, er – it looked and smelt fantastic! Then, … all the men, and my husband, sat down on the deck round the bowl and started eating, just with their hands, taking out large pieces of chicken. Unfortunately, according to custom, because I was a woman, I couldn’t eat with them. I just held the baby and watched. Finally, they finished and it was my turn – the only problem was that there was no chicken left in the curry! Just some sauce! That didn’t please me at all and – er – it’s why I will always remember that meal!
Exercise 7
A. Listen and complete the conversations with the words in the boxes.
sort too many all enough |
A I’d like some batteries, please.
B What ______ do you want?
A Double-A, please.
B Would you like a packet of four or six?
A Six is ______. Four is ______.
B Anything else?
A That’s ______, thanks.
too big large else |
C Have you got any baby shampoo, please?
D Yes, we have. Small or ______?
C The large is ______. The small is fine.
D Anything ______?
C No, thanks. How much is that?
too much better only |
E I’m looking for a nice pen for a present.
F What about this one? It’s £25.
E No, that’s ______. I don’t want to spend that much.
F Well, this one is £12.
E That’s ______. And I need some pencils as well.
F There are ten pencils in this packet.
E But I ______ want two!
F I’m afraid I only have packets of ten. Sorry.
B. Listen. Complete the conversation in a café.
A Hi! What can I get you?
B _______ a latte, please.
A Sure. To have in or take away?
B Have in.
A And what size do you want? Small, medium or large?
B _______, please.
A Would you like anything to eat? A croissant? Some toast?
B _______ some toast, please.
A No problem.
B And _______ have some honey with the toast?
A Of course. Take a seat and I’ll bring it over.
Answers & Audioscripts
Shopping in the High Street
A I’d like some batteries, please.
B What sort do you want?
A Double-A, please.
B Would you like a packet of four or six?
A Six is too many. Four is enough.
B Anything else?
A That’s all, thanks.
C Have you got any baby shampoo, please?
D Yes, we have. Small or large?
C The large is too big. The small is fine.
D Anything else?
C No, thanks. How much is that?
E I’m looking for a nice pen for a present.
F What about this one? It’s £25.
E No, that’s too much. I don’t want to spend that much.
F Well, this one is £12.
E That’s better. And I need some pencils as well.
F There are ten pencils in this packet.
E But I only want two!
F I’m afraid I only have packets of ten. Sorry.
In a café
A Hi! What can I get you?
B I’d like a latte, please.
A Sure. To have in or take away?
B Have in.
A And what size do you want? Small, medium or large?
B Large, please.
A Would you like anything to eat? A croissant? Some toast?
B I’d like some toast, please.
A No problem.
B And can I have some honey with the toast?
A Of course. Take a seat and I’ll bring it over.
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