A. Underline the correct option.

 They play /are playing rugby twice a week.

 Are you having / Do you have breakfast every morning?

 It snows / is snowing so we can’t go skiing.

 Your guide speaks / is speaking three languages.

 We don’t know / aren’t knowing the way.

 The DJ plays / is playing my favourite song.

 Do you like / Are you liking the food?

 I’m not laughing / don’t laugh, I’m crying / cry.


2 Do you have   3 is snowing

4 speaks   5 don’t know   6 is playing

7 Do you like   8 ‘m not laughing; ‘m crying

B. Match the pairs.

1   She speaks French well

2   She is speaking French

a   because the tourist doesn’t know Italian.

b   because her mother is from Paris.

3   It rains a lot

4   It’s raining a lot

a   in Mozambique.

b   and I’m wet.

5   She always has lunch

6   She’s having lunch

a   – please phone later.

b   at school.

 A: Do you buy computer games?

 A: Are you buying a computer games?

 B: Yes, I’m in the shop.

 B: No, I download them from the Internet.

 I don’t work.

10   I’m not working.

 It’s Sunday.

 I’m a student.

11   A: What is she doing?

12   A: What does she do?

 B: She’s reading.

 B: She’s a student.


1 a   2 b   3 a   4 b   5 b   6 a   7 b   8 a   9 b   10 a   11 a   12 b

C. Complete the dialogues using the verbs in the box in the present simple or present continuous. Some are negatives or questions.

agree     carry     know     need     rain     understand     wait     wear

 A: I ……don’t understand……... these instructions.

      B: Why not? They look clear to me.

 A: London is a very expensive city.

      B: Yes, I ……………………… with you.

 A: ……………………… you ……………………… any help?

      B: No, I’m OK, thanks.

 A: She ……………………… a coat.

      B: That’s strange – it’s very cold today.

 A: They ……………………… a piano up the stairs.

      B: Help them – it’s very heavy.

 A: Where is the History Museum?

      B: Sorry, I ……………………… .

 A: ……………………… Terry ……………………… for me?

      B: Yes – you’re late.

 A: It’s a lovely day for a picnic.

      B: We’re lucky that it ……………………… .


2 agree   3 Do… need

4 is not (isn’t /’s not) wearing   5 are f re) carrying

6 do not (don’t) know   7 Is …waiting

8 is not (isn’t) raining

D. Complete this postcard with the present simple or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Hi, Rita,

I 1……’m having…… (have) a lovely time in Manchester. The weather is nice and warm today, the sun 2………………… (shine) and everyone 3………………… (wear) T-shirts. Our teacher is great. He 4………………… (come) from Manchester too but he 5………………… (not speak) English with an accent. We 6………………… (study) three hours in the morning and 7………………… (go) on excursions in the afternoon. Now I 8………………… (sit) in a café on King Street. I 9………………… (not think) a king really 10………………… (live) here! How are you? 11………………… (work) this summer? Write soon.

Love, Julio


2 is shining   3 is (‘s) wearing   4 comes

5 does not (doesn’t) speak   6 study

7 (we) go   8 am (‘m) sitting

9 do not (don’t) think   10 lives

11 Are you working

E. You are on holiday. In your notebook, write a text message to your friend. Describe what you are doing and what you are wearing. Tell your friend what you do every day and what you like / don’t like.

Example: I’m lying by the pool. I swim every day.





Possible answers

I’m sitting on a ski lift. I’m wearing skis. I ski every day.

I don’t like the cold weather!

F. Circle the correct option.

1   The tourist …………… for the Eiffel Tower.

      a is looking    b look

      c are looking

2   He has a map, but he …………… it.

      a isn’t understanding

      b doesn’t understand

      c isn’t understand

3   A: …………… a car?   B: Yes, but I never drive in Paris.

      a Are you have

      b Do you have

      c Are you having

4   When we are in Paris, we always …………… by metro.

      a are go         b are going         c go

5   It is often sunny in Paris, but today it …………… .

      a are rain       b is raining

      c rains


1 a   2 b   3 b   4 c   5 b

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