A. Look at Joe’s family tree and complete the sentences.

1 …Emilio…… is Joe’s great-grandfather.
2 ………………………. is Emilio’s wife.
3 ………………………. is Mario’s brother.
4 Emilio and Rosa have t w o children. The children’s names are ………………………. .
5 ………………………. are Lucio and Anna’s sons.
6 ………………………. is Emilio’s great-grandson.
7 Fabio is ……Stefano and Pietro’s ancle. ……
8 Lucio ………………………. .
9 Catherine ………………………. .
10 Stefano ………………………. .
11 Carla ………………………. .
12 Joe and Carla ………………………. .
2 Rosa 3 Emilio 4 Anna and Fabio
5 Pietro and Stefano 6 Joe
Possible answers
8 is Anna’s husband / Pietro and Stefano’s father
9 is Pietro’s wife / Joe and Carla’s mother
10 is Pietro’s brother / Joe’s (Carla’s) uncle
11 is Joe’s sister / Pietro and Catherine’s daughter / Anna and Lucio’s granddaughter
12 are Pietro and Catherine’s children / Anna and Lucio’s grandchildren / Emilio and Rosa’s great grandchildren
B. Complete the sentences using the correct names.

1 This is ……Rosa’s…… hat.
2 These are …………… boots.
3 This is …………… stick.
4 This is …………… baby.
5 These are …………… shoes.
6 This is …………… house.
2 Emilio’s 3 Emilio’s
4 Rosa and Emilio’s / Emilio and Rosa’s
5 Rosa’s 6 Rosa and Emilio’s / Emilio and Rosa’s
C. Add ‘ or ‘s in the correct places.
1 The president’s son is coming this afternoon .
2 Jack daughter is taking her exams this summer .
3 Could you get this man coat for him, please ?
4 Women football is becoming more popular .
5 There was a managers meeting last week .
6 Young people diets are not always very healthy .
7 What does your country flag look like ?
8 My parents apartment is in San Francisco .
9 A: Is this your card?
B: No, it’s my husband .
2 Jack’s 3 man’s 4 Women’s 5 managers’
6 Young people’s 7 country’s 8 parents’ 9 husband’s
D. Write sentences about your family in your notebook. Use the words in the box.
birthday hobby home job name room school favourite sport |
Example: My grandfather’s name is Emilio.
Possible answers
My dad’s favourite sport is motor racing.
My mum’s birthday is in July.
My sister’s hobby is surfing.
My grandparents’ home is in the country.
My cousin’s job is easy.
My brother’s room is very untidy.
My sister’s school is at the end of the road.
E. Circle the correct option.
1 ………… stayed in Italy.
a Rosa parents
b Rosa’s parents
c Rosa’s parent’s
2 ………… children came to Philadelphia in 1905.
a Emilio’s and Rosa
b Emilio and Rosa’s
c Emilio and Rosa
3 In the 1900s, many ………… hats were very beautiful.
a womans’
b women’s
c womens’
4 ………… lived in Philadelphia all his life. His name’s Pietro.
a Joe’s father’s
b Joes fathers’
c Joe’s fathers
5 We always buy our bread at ………… . He has the best bakery in town.
a Pietro’s b Pietros c Pietros’
1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a
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