A. Read each sentence a, then complete sentence b with a suitable adverb.
1 a They have a healthy diet.
b They eat ……healthily…… .
2 a I had a bad diet when I was a student.
b I ate ………………. when I was a student.
3 a I like eating fish because it is quick to cook.
b I like eating fish because you can cook it ………………. .
4 a My little sister is noisy when she eats.
b My little sister eats ………………. .
5 a It was easy to find the restaurant.
b We found the restaurant ………………. .
6 a My friend prepared the meal but he was very slow.
b My friend prepared the meal ………………. .
7 a When he put the food on the plates, he was very careful.
b He put the food on the plates very ………………. .
2 badly 3 quickly 4 noisily 5 easily
6 slowly 7 carefully
B. Complete the sentences using adverbs made from the adjectives in the box.
careful early far fast good happy hard immediate late sudden |
1 My class has studied very ……hard…… for our exam.
2 Where is the hotel? Do we have to go …………………?
3 My dog loves water, he will swim ………………… for hours.
4 I never go on motorways – I don’t like driving ………………… .
5 My aunt lives in Japan. She speaks Japanese ………………… now.
6 Please drive ………………… through the village.
7 It’s only six o’clock. Why did you get up so ……………………………………?
8 My friend invited me to stay and I said ‘yes’ …………………………………… .
9 We were walking in the park when a man ………………… shouted at us.
10 He left home ………………… and had to run to work.
2 far 3 happily 4 fast 5 well 6 carefully
7 early 8 immediately 9 suddenly 10 late
C. Complete the sentences about the famous people using the words in the table. Choose a verb and make an adverb from an appropriate adjective.
could |
dance hit paint play football play chess run sing |
beautiful brilliant very good hard quick |
1 Rudolf Nureyev ……could dance beautifully…… .
2 Leonardo da Vinci ………………………………… .
3 Rocky Marciano ………………………………… .
4 Carl Lewis ………………………………… .
5 The Beatles ………………………………… .
6 Pele ………………………………… .
7 Garry Kasparov ………………………………… .
Make sentences about famous people today and write them in your notebook.
Example: Cristiano Ronaldo can play football brilliantly.
Possible answers
2 Leonardo da Vinci could paint very well.
3 Rocky Marciano could hit hard.
4 Carl Lewis could run very quickly.
5 The Beatles could sing very well.
6 Pele could play football beautifully.
7 Garry Kasparov could play chess brilliantly.
D. In your notebook, write sentences about what the people are doing and how.

1 She is running quickly / fast.
Possible answers
2 She is (‘s) smiling happily.
3 They are (‘re) talking angrily.
4 He is (‘s) walking slowly.
5 He is (‘s) eating unhealthily / badly.
6 She is (‘s) leaving the house quietly.
E. Circle the correct option.
1 She always eats …………. .
a her food quick
b her food quickly
c quickly her food
2 Wash your hands …………. before cooking.
a carefuly b careful c carefully
3 She cooks really …………. .
a good b goodly c well
4 They worked very …………. in the kitchen.
a hard b harder c hardly
5 He speaks …………. when he’s excited.
a sillily b sillyly c in a silly way
1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 c
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