1. Match the parts of the sentences and complete them with whatever, whenever, whoever etc.

1   I always find something exciting to do in Berlin, … _______

2   You an bring ______________ … _______

3   The Ministry of Culture will choose … _______

4   Just let me know ______________ … _______

5   ______________ you try and explain it, … _______

6   ______________ the children want to watch is fine, but … _______

7   If you could have a house ______________ you wanted, … _______

a   you like to the party: everybody’s welcome!

b   where would you live?

c   ______________ of the two designs is best for the new museum.

d   they must be in bed by ten.

e   you need assistance – I’m happy to help any time.

f   ______________ often I visit the city.

g   it was still wrong to lie.


1 f, however   2 whoever, a

3 c, whichever   4 whenever, e

5 However, g   6 Whatever, d

7 wherever, b

2. Complete the text with whatever, whenever, whoever etc.

(1) ………………… you are and (2) ………………… your background, you’ve probably dreamt of being rich sometimes. It’s fun to imagine that you could go on holiday (3) ………………… you felt like it, live (4) ………………… you choose, and buy (5) ………………… you want. But there are downsides to being wealthy too.

If you suddenly win a lot of money, you will experience a ‘spike’ of happiness. But (6) ………………… you do with your cash, you will soon get used to having it. For example, (7) ………………… luxury car you buy, it won’t give you the same pleasure after you’ve used it for a while.

Guilt about being wealthy is another common problem. (8) ………………… hard you try to help others, you will probably still feel guilty (9) ………………… you see people who are poor. ‘Help’ is often just expected of you too, and this can mean being harassed by family and friends. (10) ………………… much money you choose to give away, someone will always want more.

Forming new friendships also becomes more difficult – because (11) ………………… way you look at it, there are people out there who will try to use you. (12) ………………… comes along and wants to make friends, they should be regarded with suspicion until you know them better.

Being wealthy can be surprisingly tough, so perhaps we should be more careful what we wish for.


1 Whoever   2 whatever

3 whenever   4 wherever

5 whatever   6 whatever

7 whichever / whatever

8 However   9 whenever

10 However   11 whichever

12 Whoever

3. Write the sentences using suitable tenses and adding whatever, whenever, whoever etc.

1   rich people / be able to / buy / they / want


2   we / visit / grandma / we can


3   believe / that story / not be / very clever


4   you / look great at tomorrow’s event / of these two dresses / you / wear


5   we / see posters for the concert / we / went


6   it / be / a difficult decision / way you / look / at it


7   some people / be / always successful / they / do



1   Rich people are able to buy whatever they want.

2   We visit grandma whenever we can.

3   Whoever believes that story isn’t very clever.

4   You’ll look great at tomorrow’s event, whichever of these two dresses you wear.

5   We saw posters for the concert wherever we went.

6   It’s a difficult decision, whichever way you look at it. / Whichever way you look at it, it’s a difficult decision.

7   Some people are always successful, whatever they do.

4. Rewrite the sentences, using whatever, whenever, whoever etc. Make any other necessary changes.

1   You can find anything you like to eat in Singapore.


2   Phone me any time that you have a problem with your computer.


3   Everyone I speak to is looking forward to the concert.


4   It doesn’t matter how hard I train – I’m still not fit enough to run a marathon.


5   Everywhere you go in central London, cameras could be watching you.


6   You can buy tickets for any of the seats that are free.



1   You can find whatever you like to eat in Singapore.

2   Phone me whenever you have a problem with your computer.

3   Whoever I speak to is looking forward to the concert.

4   However hard I train − I’m still not fit enough to run a marathon.

5   Wherever you go in central London, cameras could be watching you.

6   You can buy tickets for whichever seats are free.

5. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words below and whatever, whenever, whoever etc.

buy / you / prefer

come / you / want

eat / you / like

go / you / want in the city

I / go / shopping

record / the criminal / say

you do / not touch it

1   The exhibition is open all day – …………………………… .

2   Toby’s always at the shopping mall on Saturdays. I see him …………………………… .

3   Beijing has got a fantastic metro system, so it’s easy …………………………… .

4   They both look nice. Just …………………………… .

5   That electric cable is dangerous. …………………………… .

6   This is a police interview. We …………………………… .

7   The food is free – …………………………… .


 come whenever you want.

2   whenever I go shopping

3   to go wherever you want in the city

4   buy whichever you prefer

 whatever you do, don’t touch it

 record whatever the criminal says

7   eat whatever you like

6. Complete the sentences with whatever, whoever, whichever, however, whenever or wherever.

1   You must be very busy. …………………… I see you – day or night – you’re always in a hurry.

2   …………………… we decide to do for my birthday, I’m sure we’ll have a great time.

3   …………………… has the winning ticket will get an all-expenses-paid holiday for two to Cancún.

4   …………………… I saved that file on my computer, I just can’t find it.

5   Both boxers are looking very tired, so …………………… fighter has more stamina will probably win.

6   We have to finish this work, …………………… boring it is to be inside when it’s such a nice day.


1 Whenever   2 Whatever

3 Whoever   4 Wherever

5 whichever   6 however

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