A. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both are correct, circle both.

1   Sonia looks like she’s falling / going to fall asleep any minute!

2   When I leave school, I’m being/ going to be a journalist.

3   When Jake’s got his degree, he’s going / going to go to drama school for a year.

4   Watch out or you’re getting / going to get into trouble!

5   When are they realising / going to realise that they have to improve their customer service?

6   When are you opening / going to open a branch in Littlehampton?

7   It sounds like we’re not having / going to have a sales conference this year.

8   I think house prices are falling/ going to fall in about six months.

9   Why is Tony applying / going to apply for that position? He’s not qualified at all.

10   We’re discussing / going to discuss this in detail in the next meeting.

11   I’m pretty sure that building’s being / going to be knocked down next week.

12   There’s no doubt the events of the last few days are being / going to be written about by future historians.

13   You’re not handing / going to hand in your resignation tomorrow, are you?

14   Fiona and Jerry aren’t becoming / going to become arrogant when they release their CD, are they?

15   The airline industry’s having / going to have to cut costs in the near future.


1 going to fall   2 going to be

3 going/going to go   4 going to get

5 going to realise   6 opening/going to open

7 having/going to have   8 going to fall

9 applying/going to apply

10 discussing/going to discuss

11 being/going to be   12 going to be

13 handing/going to hand

14 going to become

15 going to have

B. Circle the correct word or phrase. If both are correct, circle both.

 I can’t come to the beach this weekend, I’m afraid, as we’ll visit / we’re visiting my grandparents.

 The Prime Minister will answer / is answering all of your questions in due course.

 What time does your plane arrive / is your plane arriving?

 I’ll look / I’m looking after the neighbours’ kids tomorrow evening so I can’t come bowling.

 Shall / Will we move on to the next item on the agenda now?

 ‘I don’t feel well at all.’

     ‘Are you going to / Will you be sick?’

 The last bus leaves / is leaving at midnight.

 Karen, shall / will I give you a hand with that report?

 I’m afraid I’m not having / I won’t have time to finish all this work today.

10   When does she / is she going to get round to having new business cards printed?


1 we’re visiting   2 will answer

3 does your plane arrive/is your plane arriving?

4 I’m looking   5 Shall

6 Are you going to

7 leaves/is leaving

8 shall   9 I won’t have

10 is she going to

C. Write a short phrase using will, be going to, present simple or present continuous on the line to complete each sentence. If more than one form is correct, write all possibilities.

1   (I / come) into the office on Saturday morning if you like, Pete. ……………………………….

2   Carol, (you / show) Harry how to use the photocopier, please? ……………………………….

3   From the look of things, (it / snow) later today. ……………………………….

4   Hurry up! (We/ miss) the ferry! ……………………………….

5   (The winner / announce) on 14th January. ……………………………….

6   I can’t come in to work this morning because (I / go) to the doctor’s. ……………………………….

7   Don’t worry! (They / sack) anyone for at least six months. ……………………………….

8   (Jenny / find) a job easily when she graduates? ……………………………….

9   No, I’m afraid (I / be) at the meeting tomorrow. ……………………………….

10   (The new version / launch) in the spring. ……………………………….

11   (I / order) a pizza, shall I? ……………………………….

12   It looks like (some people / make) redundant quite soon. ……………………………….

13   What time (the train / leave) on Saturday? ……………………………….


 I’ll come

 will you show

 it’s going to snow/ it’ll snow

 We’re going to/ We’ll miss

 The winner will be/ is going to be/ is being/ is announced

 I’m going (to go)

 They won’t sack/ They’re not going to sack/ They aren’t sacking/ won’t be sacking

 Is Jenny going to find/ Isn’t Jenny going to find/ Will Jenny find/ Won’t Jenny find

 I won’t be/ I’m not going to be

10   The new version will be/ is going to be/ is (being) launched

11   I’ll order

12   some people will be made/ some people are going to be made/ some people are being

13   does the train leave/ will the train leave/ is the train leaving/ is the train going to leave

D. If the phrase in bold is correct, put a tick. If it is incorrect, write the correct form on the line so that the sentence is in the future perfect.

1   I think we’ll have sold out of these by the end of the day. …………………………..

2   On Tuesday, Toby will have been being with the company for exactly 35 years. …………………………..

3   We’ll have been becoming the market leader by the end of the summer. …………………………..

4   At the end of the summer, I’ll have taking the same train to work every morning for 15 years. …………………………..

5   When we meet tomorrow afternoon, will you already have a chance to look at the sales figures? …………………………..

6   You’ll have driven for hours without a break when we get there, so you’ll need a rest before we go out. …………………………..

7   A Managing Director will have appointed by the end of the month. …………………………..

8   Sandra won’t have been finished the reports by then, but she should at least have started. …………………………..

9   Ron’s going to be very surprised when he hears the news. He definitely will have been expecting it. …………………………..

10   Will you have managed to put something down in writing by the end of the day? …………………………..

11   Why will they have been waiting for hours? I thought you’d told them we were going to leave later. …………………………..

12   It sounds like the invitations won’t all have delivering by next Friday. …………………………..



2 will have been

3 We’ll have become

4 I’ll have been taking/ I’ll have been taken

5 will you already have had

6 You’ll have been driving

7 will have been appointed

8 won’t have finished

9 won’t have been expecting/ won’t have been expected



12 won’t all have been delivered

E. Write the verb in brackets in the correct form (future perfect simple, future perfect continuous or future continuous) in each gap. If more than one form is correct, write all the possibilities.

1   By the end of today ……………………………. (Ed / apply) for over 1 7 jobs!

2   This time next year ……………………………. (I / hopefully / run) my own business.

3   In three days’ time ……………………………. (we / live) here for exactly two years.

4   ……………………………. (Gemma / already/ arrive) by the time we get there?

5   ……………………………. (you / travel) all day, will you? Surely ……………………………. (you / have) several stops on the way, won’t you?

6   ……………………………. (we / wait) for you at reception when you arrive.

7   At the end of this sponsored jumpathon, ……………………………. (1,000 people / jump) up and down on the spot non-stop for 48 hours!

8   ……………………………. (the boys / sign) autographs all morning, so they’ll need a couple of hours’ break before the recording session.

9   How many people ……………………………. (you / interview) for the position tomorrow?

10   ……………………………. (Terry / see) the e-mail as he’s only just got here so we’d better discuss that first.

11   What ……………………………. (you / do) this time next week?

12   ……………………………. (we / see) Ken and Tricia when we go to the States as they’ll be away at the time, unfortunately.


1   Ed will have applied

2   I’ll hopefully be running

3   we’ll have lived/we’ll have been

4   Will Gemma already have arrived

5   you won’t have been travelling/ be travelling

     you’ll have had/ be having

6   We’ll be waiting

7   1,000 people will have been jumping/ 1,000 people will have jumped

8   The boys will be signing/ The boys will have been signing

9   will you be interviewing

10   Terry won’t have seen

11   will you be doing

12   We won’t be seeing

F. Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1   The bell will ring and then you can all go home.

     You can all go home when ………………………………. .

2   Ahmed will ask the questions and I’ll take notes.

     I’ll take notes while ………………………………. .

3   You’re a trainee for three months and then you become a junior employee.

     You become a junior employee once ………………………………. .

4   Miss Jones will be interviewing the candidates and Mr Dawkins will be recording the interviews.

     Miss Jones will be interviewing the candidates while ………………………………. .

5   The sales figures will come in and then we’ll assess the situation again.

     We’ll assess the situation again as ………………………………. .

6   Work for us for over a year and we’ll consider promoting you.

     We’ll only consider promoting you once ………………………………. .

7   They’ll start selling in much larger quantities and then they’ll make a profit.

     They won’t make a profit until ………………………………. .

8   The publishing company will offer me a contract and then I’ll know for sure that they’re going to publish the book.

     I’ll know for sure that the book is going to be published when I ………………………………. .


1   the bell rings/ has rung

2   Ahmed asks the questions/ is asking the questions

3   you’ve been a trainee for three months

4   Mr Dawkins is recording/ records the interviews

5   (soon as) the sales figures come in

6   you’ve worked for us for over a year/ been working for us for over a year

7   they start selling in much larger quantities

8   am offered a contract (by the publishing company)/ have been offered a contract (by the publishing company)

G. Write a verb from the box in the correct form in each gap.

arrive • be • call • destroy • draw up • give • last • notify • record • show • take • wait

Information for job applicants

•   When you (1) ……………….. at the main gates, hand over the attached invitation letter to the security guard. You (2) ……………….. where to park, and how to get to reception.

•   As soon as you (3) ……………….. your name to the receptionist, you (4) ……………….. to Meeting Room 7.

•   While you (5) ……………….. in Meeting Room 7, please fill in one of the Personal Information forms which will be in the room.

•   When you (6) ……………….. for interview, please bring this form with you.

•   Your interview (7) ……………….. for approximately 45 minutes. Please note that all interviews (8) ……………….. . This is to help us with the selection process. Once the selection process (9) ……………….. over, all recordings (10) ……………….. .

•   You (11) ……………….. as soon as a shortlist of candidates (12) ……………….. .


1 arrive   2 will be shown

3 have given/give

4 will be taken/ will be shown

5 are waiting/wait

6 are called   7 will last

8 will be recorded/are recorded

9 is

10 will be destroyed/are destroyed

11 will be notified

12 is drawn up/ has been drawn up

H. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

1   Shona will find out if she has been promoted very soon. just

     Shona ………………………….. find out if she has been promoted.

2   They will decide very soon whether to close the Paris office. point

     They ………………………….. whether to close the Paris office.

3   The plan is that I will give a presentation to the board on Friday morning. due

     I ………………………….. a presentation to the board on Friday morning.

4   Are you going home in a minute? about

    Are you ………………………….. home?

5   Actually, there won’t be a general election for a while. verge

     Actually, we ………………………….. a general election.

6   What time do the inspectors arrive tomorrow? due

     What time ………………………….. tomorrow?

7   Keep this a secret. to

     You are ………………………….. anyone about this.


 is just about to

 are (just) on the point of deciding

3   am due to give

 (just) about to go

5   aren’t on the verge of (having)

6   are the inspectors due (to arrive)

 not to tell

I. Write one word in each gap.

 The company ………………… going to expand, but the economic downturn has put a stop to that.

 No one had any idea that Dave ………………… resign the next day.

 We were all standing around in front of the TV, knowing that the Minister ………………… to make a statement on the emergency in the next few minutes.

 Ann ………………… to find the documents soon, or her boss would find out she’d mislaid them.

 ………………… you going to apply for the post before you heard it had already been filled?

 ………………… Bill ………………… on a business trip the next day anyway, or did he have to pack a suitcase and get a plane ticket at the last minute?

 You’re lucky you caught me. I ………………… just on the point of leaving.

 We ………………… due to arrive at six, so I left a message saying we ………………… be there at nine.

 I think they ………………… about to fire me when I quit!

10   Thompson understood the cryptic message. He was ………………… get to Berlin on the first flight.


1 was   2 would   3 was

4 had   5 Were   6 was

7 were    would/should/might

8 were   9 to

J. Write one word in each gap.

The office of the future

What (1) ……………… the office of 2020 be like? By then, it’s highly likely that most of the western world will (2) ……………… been connected to a WiFi network. As (3) ……………… as that (4) ………………, the physical restriction of phone lines (5) ……………… disappear. Some people will (6) ……………… have to commute to the office each day, but for many others their office will (7) ……………… wherever they are. More and more people will be (8) ……………… from home several days a week. It’s no exaggeration to say that many businessmen and women will (9) ……………… sending e-mails and (10) ……………… business with clients (11) ……………… they (12) ……………… lying on a beach or flying across the Atlantic. In terms of technology, mobile phones and laptops will have (13) ……………… even more lightweight and portable than they are now, and many new pieces of communication technology will have (14) ……………… introduced to make our working lives easier. Indeed, (15) ……………… 2020, it’s quite possible that your mobile, camera, laptop and MP3 player will have been combined into one very small, but extremely powerful, business communications unit.


1 will   2 have   3 soon/long

4 happens   5 will   6 still

7 be   8 working   9 be

10 doing   11 while   12 are

13 become   14 been   15 by

K. Choose the correct answer.

1   We are pleased to announce that Keith Danish ……………… replace Susan Williams as Operations Manager from 24th September.

      A does     B is about to

      C is to     D is due

2   I ……………… Penny for her advice, but I’m not so sure that’s such a good idea now.

      A am going to ask

      B was going to ask

      C was asking

      D will ask

3   Once ……………… broadband, you won’t want to go back to a dial-up connection.

      A you’ll be using

      B you’ll have used

      C you’ve been used

      D you’ve used

4   ……………… find out more about the costs before we make a final decision?

      A Do I     B Will I

      C Shall I     D Am I due to

5   ……………… to the Finance Manager or the Accounts Manager?

      A Will you be reporting

      B Will you have been reporting

      C Shall you be reporting

      D Are you on the verge of reporting

6   This time tomorrow, Barry will ……………… across the Pacific for exactly three months.

      A be rowing

      B have rowed

      C be rowing

      D have been rowing

7   When ……………………. treating me with some respect at work?

      A will they have started

      B are they going to start

      C are they starting

      D will they be starting

8   Were you really just on the point ………………?

      A of resigning

      B to resign

      C with resignation

      D of having resigned


1 C   2 B   3 D   4 C   5 A   6 D   7 B   8 A

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