A. Charlie is now a millionaire but he used to be poor. In your notebook, write sentences about Charlie’s life with used to and didn’t use to.


10 years ago

1 He gets up at 11.00.

2 He doesn’t work.

3 He has a very big house.

4 He plays golf.

5 He wears expensive clothes.

6 He is unhappy.



✗ big house

✗ golf

cheap clothes


1   He used to get up at 7.00.


 He used to work in a supermarket.

 He didn’t use to have a big house.

 He didn’t use to play golf.

 He used to wear cheap clothes.

 He used to be happy.

B. Underline the correct option. Sometimes both options are possible.

 I had / used to have a shower last night.

 Kurt was / used to be a very good friend.

 It snowed / used to snow a lot in winter.

 I met / used to meet Janice yesterday.

 Children didn’t watch / use to watch so much TV.

 It wasn’t / never used to be very expensive.

 My sister went / used to go to Mexico in 2007.

 My sister went / used to go to Mexico every summer.


3 snowed / used to snow   4 met

5 watch / use to watch

6 wasn’t / never used to be

7 went   8 went / used to go

C. Read these sentences about life 2,000 years ago. (Four are true, four are false.) If the sentence is true, rewrite it with used to. If the sentence is false, rewrite it with didn’t use to.

1   Latin was an international language.

      Latin used to be an international language.

2   People used to think that the world was round.

      People didn’t use to think that the world was round.

3   There were bears in England.


4   People ate a lot of meat.


5   Builders made houses out of wood.


6   Most people lived in towns.


7   Travelling by sea was dangerous.


8   Children learned English.



3   There used to be bears in England.

4   People didn’t use to eat a lot of meat.

5   Builders used to make houses out of wood.

6   Most people didn’t use to live in towns.

7   Travelling by sea used to be dangerous.

8   Children didn’t use to learn English.

D. Complete this advertisement with used to or the past simple of the verbs in the box.

not answer     be     change     criticise     do

get     lose     not listen     sit     not worry

1 ……Did you get…… out of bed this morning and feel terrible?

2 …………………… much filter and healthier once?

If your answer is ‘yes’, you need Powerflakes!

Eva Clark (England): ‘I 3 ……………………  about my health but I never 4 ……………………  exercise and my health got worse and worse. Then I tried Powerflakes! Now I feel like a new woman.’

Andrei Wojdylo (Poland): ‘My friends 5 …………………… me all the time because I was so lazy and unfit but I 6 …………………… to them. I 7 …………………… in front of the TV all night and eat chocolates. If the phone rang, I 8 ……………………  it! Last year everything 9 ……………………  because I 10 ……………………  my job and I needed to change my life. Now, I have Powerflakes and life is perfect!’


2   Were you / Did you use to be

3   didn’t worry / didn’t use to worry

4   did/used to do  

5   criticised / used to criticise

6   didn’t listen / didn’t use to listen

7   sat / used to sit

8   didn’t answer / didn’t use to answer

9 changed    10 lost

E. In your notebook, write sentences about changes in your life with used to, didn’t use to or never used to.

Example: I used to do judo but now I do karate.




Possible answers

2   I didn’t use to have a cat.

3   I used to want to be an astronaut.

4   I never used to go to discos.

5   I didn’t use to like swimming.

6   I used to be afraid of the dark.

F. Circle the correct option.

1   She wants to be a vet now, but she ………………… want to be a doctor

      a use to     b used     c used to

2   He ………………… eat healthy food, but now he only eats vegetables.

      a didn’t used

      b didn’t use to

      c doesn’t used to

3   ………………… go to the doctor very often when you were young?

      a Did you use to

      b You used to

      c Did you used

4   My dad used to smoke, but he ………………… when I was born

      a used to stop

      b stopped

      c used to stopped

5   My parents ………………… give us medicine when we were sick.

      a never didn’t use to

      b didn’t never use to

      c never used to


1 c   2 b   3 a   4 b   5 c

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