A. Put the words in the box next to the correct headings in the table, then check in a dictionary.

bungalow (Bengali)

serenade (Italian)

budgerigar (Australian Aboriginal languages)

slalom (from Scandinavian languages)

chalet (French)

taekwondo (Korean)

gazelle (Arabic)

tango (Spanish)

propaganda (Italian)

tapas (Spanish)

samosa (Indian languages)

veto (Latin)


food and cooking


sports and pastimes


music and dance


houses and living spaces


politics and law


animals and birds


Without looking back at the unit, can you think of any more words for each topic?


food and cooking: samosa, tapas

sports and pastimes: slalom, taekwondo

music and dance: serenade, tango

houses and living spaces: bungalow, chalet

politics and law: propaganda, veto

animals and birds: budgerigar, gazelle

B. Combine each pair of words to form a new word that matches each definition. Try to make at least six words. Use a dictionary if necessary.

 breakfast / lunch

      A meal you eat in the middle of the morning.   ………………

 camera / recorder

      A portable machine for making video films.   ………………

 motor / hotel

      A place where drivers can stop to spend the night in the middle of a long journey.   ………………

 helicopter / port

      A place to land a helicopter.   ………………

 Internet / etiquette

      A set of rules for how to communicate with people online.   ………………

 smoke / fog

      A form of air pollution which makes it difficult for people to breathe.   ………………

 cybernetic / organism

      A kind of machine which has some natural parts as well as artificial ones.   ………………

 fans / magazine

      An unofficial newsletter for people who like a famous person or sports team.   ………………

 travel / monologue

      A documentary or journal in which someone describes a journey.   ………………

10   television / marathon

      A television programme lasting several hours which tries to raise money for good causes.   ………………


1 brunch   2 camcorder   3 motel   4 heliport

5 netiquette   6 smog   7 cyborg

8 fanzine   9 travelogue   10 telethon

C. Complete each sentence, using an adjective formed from the name in brackets. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1   The shop lights and the snow on the ground gave the street an almost …………………. appearance. (Charles Dickens)

2   The President was a …………………. leader, who used every possible trick in order to try to hold on to power. (Niccolò Machiavelli)

3   My family history contains so much greed and dishonesty it’s like a …………………. tragedy. (William Shakespeare)

4   I was so embarrassed at school today – I called my teacher ‘Dad’ by mistake! It was a real …………………. slip! (Sigmund Freud)

5   To complete the building in only eight months has been a …………………. task, but all our hard work has been worth the effort. (Hercules)

6   Gary’s not a very practical person. In fact his behaviour is almost …………………. sometimes. (Don Quixote de la Mancha)

7   Her new novel is a …………………. nightmare in which the main character loses control of his life. (Franz Kafka)

8   The government’s latest plan represents a return to the …………………. economic policies of the 1950s. (John Maynard Keynes)


1 Dickensian   2 Machiavellian   3 Shakespearean

4 Freudian   5 herculean   6 quixotic

7 Kafkaesque   8 Keynesian

D. Complete each sentence, using an abbreviated form of one of the words or phrases in the box.

decaffeinated coffee





mobile phone



science fiction

typographical error

 I’d like a ………………… with milk to take away, please.

 There was a really interesting article in the ………………… this morning.

 I’m terrible at subjects like ………………… or Science – I prefer History.

 I like all kinds of films, but I particularly enjoy fantasy and ………………… .

 Before you print your assignment, use the spell check to look for ………………… .

 I’ve decided to get fit by going to the ………………… twice a week.

 To confirm your reservation, please send a ………………… to 0207 374885.

 Sorry, Kelly’s not here, but call her on her ………………… .

 Poor Tom – he spent all weekend in bed with the ………………… .

10   Is there any milk in the …………………?


1 decaf   2 paper   3 Maths / Math   4 sci-fi

5 typos   6 gym   7 fax   8 mobile / cell

9 flu   10 fridge

E. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate plural form of the word in brackets. Use a dictionary if necessary.

 A crowd of …………………. were waiting to photograph the actress as she left her hotel. (paparazzi)

 My parents are planning to go to France to visit the …………………. of the Loire. (chateau)

 This new coffee machine of yours makes amazing ………………….! (cappuccino)

 The …………………. on the building made it look really ugly. (graffiti)

 There have been four attempted …………………. in this country in the last ten years. (coup)

 La Traviata and Tosca are two of my favourite …………………. . (opera)

 We’d like two …………………. with salad, please. (lasagna)

 The …………………. clearly proved that our theory was correct. (data)

 Climate change may cause unusual weather …………………. . (phenomenon)

10   She is a talented director in a wide range of film …………………. . (genre)


1 paparazzi   2 chateaux / chateaus   3 cappuccinos

4 graffiti   5 coups   6 operas   7 lasagnas

8 data   9 phenomena / phenomenons   10 genres

F. Write a list of 20 words borrowed from English that are used in your own language.







your own answers

G. Circle the correct option.

1   I’ve decided to buy a ………. instead of a bed, because I can also use it to sit on.

      a sauna     b anorak     c futon

2   It’s considered ………. to write an email in CAPITAL LETTERS.

      a bad netiquette

      b bad propaganda

      c a bad typo

3   We didn’t need our old car any more, so we put an ………. in the paper to try to sell it.

      a advertising

      b advert

      c advertise

4   I couldn’t sleep on the plane because the man next to me was ………. .

      a sizzling     b thudding     c snoring

 I’m going to stay at university and study for an ………. .

      a MBA     b PhD     c BA


1 c   2 a   3 b   4 c   5 a

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