A. Choose the correct answer.

1   Bob joined the …………………. about six years ago.

      A ambition       B fame

      C pension          D company

2   We lost £10 million last year because of the workers’ …………………. over money.

      A strike              B department

      C colleague       D tax

3   I’m sure it’s good to be well known, but …………………. isn’t everything.

      A boss                B interview

      C fame               D poverty

4   Don’t sign the …………………. until you’ve read every word of it!

      A industry         B contract

      C staff                D profession

5   My grandfather stopped working two years ago and now he gets a …………………. .

      A pressure        B leader

      C pension          D department

6   Charles worked in the same job for almost the whole of his …………………. .

      A colleague      B manager

      C industry         D career

7   You should be able to save a little money with a/an …………………. of €30,000 per year.

      A application    B income

      C leader             D goal

8   Can I introduce you to Isaac, a …………………. of mine from work?

      A profession     B department

      C colleague       D salary


1 D   2 A   3 C   4 B   5 C   6 D   7 B   8 C

B. Complete using a word formed from the letters given.

1   I had a lot more responsibility in my ……………………. job. I O R V U E P S

2   Why not open one of our new Supersaver bank …………………….? C S N O A U C T

3   It’s always been my ……………………. to work in advertising. B T M O I I A N

4   Frank left university and got a job in the computer ……………………. . DY T U R S I N

5   The family lived in ……………………. after Mr Bucket lost his job. T O Y V E P R

6   His parents left him a lot of money and now Neil is extremely ……………………. . A E H Y L T W

7   You usually need a degree and some training to join the teaching ……………………. . O R I O F S P N S E

8   All members of ……………………. here get three weeks holiday a year. A T F S F


1 previous   2 accounts   3 ambition   4 industry

5 poverty   6 wealthy   7 profession   8 staff

C. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

deserve • earn • impress • interview • retire • tax

 Isabelle really ……………………. her manager and soon she was given a better job.

 My dad said that he wants to ……………………. when he’s sixty.

 We ……………………. everyone who applies for a job before making our decision.

 The government ……………………. everyone who works and then spends the money on roads, hospitals and things like that.

5   Wendy works hard for the company and I think she ……………………. a more challenging job.

6   I read recently that women still ……………………. less than men for the same job and I don’t think it’s fair.


1 impressed   2 retire   3 interview   4 taxes

5 deserves   6 earn

D. Write one word in each gap.

 A Japanese company has ……………………. over the place where I work and I might lose my job.

 The boss came into the office when we were laughing and wanted to know what was ……………………. on.

3   Do you think we could ……………………. the meeting off until next Thursday?

4   The computer in my office broke down so they ……………………. it away to fix it.

5   Many of the staff were ill with flu that week, so the director decided to ……………………. off the meeting.

 I’m tired because I had to ……………………. up last night to finish some work.

 My car belonged to the company, so when I lost my job I had to ……………………. it back.

 Janice is thinking of ……………………. up her own restaurant.


1 taken   2 going   3 put   4 took

5 call   6 stay   7 give   8 setting

E. Match to make sentences.

1   I’m afraid we’re not looking for new workers at

2   They said on the news that bus drivers are on

3   In his new job, Paul is away travelling on

4   I was quite nervous the first time I was in

5   Anne works as a security guard and she’s on

6   My boss said that if I wasn’t on

A   business a lot of the time so he’s never at home for long.

B   strike, so you might need to take a taxi to work.

C   duty for about eight hours every night.

D   charge of the whole department.

E   the moment, but you could try again next month.

F   time for work more often I would lose my job.


1 E   2 B   3 A   4 D   5 C   6 F

F. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals.

He’s a ……………………. . BEG

He’s an ……………………. . ASSIST

It’s ……………………. . SAFE

They’re ……………………. . EMPLOY

He’s ……………………. . RETIRE

She’s a police ……………………. . OFFICE


1 beggar   2 assistant   3 unsafe   4 employees

5 retired   6 officer

G. Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.

1   The manager told me I was too boss and that I should discuss things with my colleagues rather than telling them what to do all the time. …………………

2   Being a firefighter is a very stressful occupy. …………………

3   It takes a lot of hard work to be succeed in this business. …………………

4   I wouldn’t like to become so fame that I couldn’t go out in public! …………………

5   Kate is 60 next week and she’s leaving, so remember to wish her ‘Happy Retire’. …………………

6   It took Ralph a long time to find a new job – he was employ for nearly two years. …………………


1 bossy   2 occupation   3 successful   4 famous

5 Retirement   6 unemployed

H. Circle the correct word.

1   I don’t know why but I’ve always wanted to work as / of a farmer.

2   They want a computer programmer at the office down the road and Fiona has applied about / for the job.

3   I’ll look after the office while you’re away – you can depend on / with me.

4   My mum is a neurologist, which is a kind from / of doctor.

5   I think it’s time for a change. I’m fed up on / with working here.

6   Tessa is responsible for / with answering the phone and taking messages.


1 as   2 for   3 on   4 of   5 with   6 for

I. Write one word in each gap.

1   I wanted to become a vet, but the course was too difficult …………………. me.

2   Roberto got up late and only had ten minutes to get ready …………………. work.

3   When they informed me …………………. the hours I had to work, I couldn’t believe it.

4   Please be careful …………………. my laptop. I need it for work.

5   Is it a good idea in the interview to refer …………………. your previous job?

6   I like working …………………. a large company because there are lots of opportunities.


1 for   2 for   3 about   4 with   5 to   6 for

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