A. Complete using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 Stewart said he …………………………… (not / want) any dessert as he was full.
2 Derek said that he and Belinda …………………………… (see) Adam recently.
3 When I called, Susie said she …………………………… (give) the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back in half an hour.
4 Marcus said he …………………………… (try) to find a flat for ages before he finally found one he liked.
5 Debbie says she …………………………… (decide) to quit her job but I don’t believe her.
6 Our English teacher said that Shakespeare …………………………… (be) probably the greatest writer in the English language ever.
7 Richard said he and Patricia …………………………… (be going to) invite her parents for the weekend, but I don’t know if they went or not.
8 Charlotte said last night that she really …………………………… (love) me, even if she doesn’t always show it.
9 Ollie said to Linda that he …………………………… (ask) me to be his best man on Monday but in fact he asked Grant.
10 Pete told Francis he …………………………… (bring up) by his grandparents but in fact he hadn’t at all.
1 didn’t want
2 had seen
3 was giving
4 had been trying/had tried
5 has decided
6 is/was
7 were going to
8 loves/loved/does love
9 had asked/was going to ask/would ask
10 had been brought up
B. If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.
1 On Monday, my boss said I can take Wednesday off, but he changed his mind today for some reason. ………………………
2 The receptionist said that if I wanted to have breakfast, I will have to pay extra. ………………………
3 A lot of people at school have said that Andrew may get the lead in the school play. ………………………
4 Colin said he’d been planning to ask Rich to move in with him for ages. ………………………
5 Lucy says she would let us know as soon as she gets the tickets. ………………………
6 Jordan said that she has to get up at five thirty every morning. ………………………
7 Before he got his results, Philip said that he may have to retake some exams, but now he knows he doesn’t have to. ………………………
8 Did Mrs Morgan say why she’d called? ………………………
9 Paul said he should be here tomorrow night at about nine. ………………………
10 Dan said he must drive to Liverpool that night, but apparently he didn’t go in the end. ………………………
1 could 2 would 3 ✓ 4 ✓ 5 will
6 ✓ 7 might 8 ✓ 9 ✓ 10 had to
C. Write one word in each gap.
1 Tonya said ………………… TV was broken and asked if she could come around to watch the football with us.
2 Your father said that ………………… old newspapers in the garage might be collector’s items.
3 Dana told the kids she had no option but to punish ………………… .
4 Wendy said to thank you for the tomatoes and that ………………… were the tastiest ones she’d ever eaten.
5 Before he left, Carsen told his hosts that ………………… had been a lovely evening.
6 As soon as he saw the jeans, Bob told us that he had to have ………………… .
7 The Pattersons said that ………………… eldest daughter has just got a job working at the White House.
8 Grandpa said that ………………… picture over there was painted by this great-grandfather.
1 her 2 the/those 3 them 4 they
5 it 6 them 7 their 8 the/that
D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1 ‘We’ll be travelling round Europe next month,’ said Jerry. following
Jerry said that ……………………………………………… be travelling round Europe.
2 ‘I had Evan and Christie over for dinner last night,’ said Liz. before
Liz said that ……………………………………………… had Evan and Christie over for dinner.
3 ‘Daz came here two days ago and then suddenly left,’ said Barry. gone
Barry said that Daz had ……………………………………………… and then suddenly left.
4 ‘We’re going on our yearly diet tomorrow,’ said Jessie and Sandy together. starting
Jessie and Sandy said together that ……………………………………………… yearly diet the next day.
5 ‘I can pick you two boys up from school this afternoon,’ said their father to George and Kevin. that
George and Kevin’s father told his sons ……………………………………………… up from school that afternoon.
6 ‘I’ll buy these as they’re so cheap!’ said Toby. going
Toby said he ……………………………………………… as they were so cheap.
7 ‘You must study harder, Dave,’ said Dave’s mum. him
Dave’s mum ……………………………………………… study harder.
8 ‘I think you may be coming down with flu,’ Greg said to me. thought
Greg said that ……………………………………………… be coming down with flu.
9 ‘I don’t know why they haven’t contacted me recently,’ said Tine. been
Tine said she didn’t know why ……………………………………………… recently.
10 ‘Everything was different yesterday,’ said Ben. been
Ben said everything ……………………………………………… before.
1 the following month they would
2 he night before she had
3 gone there two days before/previously
4 they were starting their
5 that he could pick them
6 was going to buy them
7 told him he had to
8 he thought I might
9 she hadn’t/hasn’t been contacted
10 had been different the day
E. Write one word in each gap.
The Excuses
The office was silent. ‘So, let me get this right,’ (1) ………………… Alison calmly. ‘Not one of you is willing to donate some money towards Mr Bartlett’s leaving present.’ There was silence again for a moment, then Deidre (2) ………………… up, saying that she (3) ………………… love to give a donation, but unfortunately her house (4) ………………… being painted that week and she (5) ………………… not have any space cash at all. Alec was next. He was very apologetic and said that he (6) ………………… meant to bring some money to work (7) ………………… morning, but had forgotten. Perhaps tomorrow? Betty said she (8) ………………… completely broke at (9) ………………… moment in time, and said she (10) ………………… not give anything until she (11) ………………… her pay cheque at the end of the week. Alison stared at them all. She (12) ………………… them how disappointed she (13) ………………… with all of them, and that she (14) ………………… remember their excuses when it was time for (15) ………………… to retire. She slammed the door behind her as she left the room.
1 said 2 stood/spoke 3 would 4 was 5 did
6 had 7 that 8 was 9 that 10 could/would
11 got/received 12 told 13 was 14 would 15 them
F. Rewrite as reported questions, beginning with the words given.
1 ‘Have you had your ear pierced?’
My mum asked me if …………………………………………….
2 ‘Can I meet you there at six o’clock tonight, Doug?’
Julian wanted to know whether …………………………………………….
3 ‘Are you still moving to Blackpool next week?’
Fiona asked Rod and Jenny whether …………………………………………….
4 ‘Does Graham have to wear a suit to work?’
I asked Mrs Daley if Graham …………………………………………….
5 ‘Do you want someone to feed your cat while you’re away?’
Jan asked me if …………………………………………….
6 ‘Can you guess what I’ve given Lindsay for her birthday?’
Daisy asked Wendy if …………………………………………….
7 ‘Do you love me or not, Gloria?’
Fred asked Gloria whether …………………………………………….
8 ‘Will Simon be coming to the party tomorrow night’
Adrian wondered whether …………………………………………….
9 ‘Tell me if you were anywhere near 34 Aylesford Street last night!’
The police officer demanded to know whether Sykes …………………………………………….
1 I had had my ear pierced.
2 he could meet Doug there at six o’clock that night.
3 they were still moving to Blackpool the following/next week.
4 has/had to wear a suit to work.
5 I wanted someone to feed my cat while I was/am away.
6 she could guess what she’d/she’s given Lindsay for her birthday.
7 she loves/loved him or not.
8 Simon would be coming to the party the following/next night.
9 had been anywhere near 34 Aylesford Street the previous night/the night before.
G. Rewrite as direct questions.
1 She asked me why I was thinking of quitting the gym.
2 He asked her what the difference was between a refugee and an asylum seeker.
3 They asked us how we had got on with Peter three days before.
4 I asked them when they had last been on holiday.
5 She asked him which of them he preferred.
6 I asked you how you were going to get to Manchester tomorrow.
7 Carl asked Megan who she had been out with the weekend before.
8 Megan asked Carl what gave him the right to ask questions like that.
1 Why are you thinking of quitting the gym?
2 What’s the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker?
3 How did you get on with Peter three days ago?
4 When did you last go on holiday?
5 Which of them/these do you prefer?
6 How are you going to get to Manchester tomorrow?
7 Who did you go out with last weekend?
8 What gives you the right to ask questions like that/this?
H. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
agree • apologise • ask • claim • deny • order • refuse • state • suggest • tell
1 If you want ……………………… me a question, put your hand up.
2 I ……………………… very clearly several times already that this government is not going to be blackmailed by terrorists.
3 The general ……………………… the soldiers to retreat, which they did as quickly as they could!
4 Isabelle, ……………………… that story about the giraffe. I love that story!
5 Glenda still ……………………… to me for losing my CD player.
6 If you ……………………… to cooperate with the police, you would have been in big trouble!
7 I’d like ……………………… waiting a few more days before we make a final decision.
8 The politician ……………………… having done anything wrong, despite the evidence against him.
9 I ……………………… to help you with your homework, not do it all for you!
10 Some thieves ……………………… to be electricity meter readers so they can gain access to people’s houses.
1 to ask 2 have started 3 ordered 4 tell
5 hasn’t apologised 6 had refused 7 to suggest
8 denied/denies 9 agreed 10 claim
I. Circle the extra word.
Getting a mortgage
(1) Someone told to me a few months ago that getting a mortgage would be easy. How (2) wrong they were! When I first went into the bank, I asked if them how much I could (3) borrow. They refused that to answer even such a simple question, saying that I had to (4) actually find a house before they could tell me whether they would have lend me the (5) money or not. I thought this was ridiculous and so told it a white lie, saying that (6) I had been already found a house. They finally said they would lend me the money, so (7) that was great. Then the problems started. A few weeks later a friend told me that about (8) a wonderful flat that was for sale. He suggested to our buying it together because it was (9) so large and I agreed. When I went back to the bank and said so I was planning to (10) buy a flat with a friend, the bank manager denied doing that he had ever said the bank (11) would give me a mortgage and claimed that he has had looked at my finances and knew (12) I wasn’t earning enough to borrow money. I begged with him to have another look at my (13) records as I knew he was wrong. Finally, he agreed me to reconsider my case and (14) eventually sent me a letter which stated that the bank would was quite happy to give me (15) a mortgage. By then, though, it was said too late as someone else had bought the flat!
1 to 2 if 3 that 4 have 5 it
6 been 7 that 8 to 9 so 10 doing
11 has 12 with 13 me 14 would 15 said